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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[PATROL] A Little Excitement (Branchtail/Talonfang)


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d6 5 5
Number Rolled: 5. Battle Encounter (Rogue - NPC)

Cat Stats

HP: 10
Damage: 5 per hit
To Hit: 10+

HP: 10
Damage: 5 per hit
To Hit: 10+


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 14 14

(Branchtail could've hit for 5 damage, but is instead stalling to see what Talonfang would prefer to do with this trespasser instead!)

Branchtail had to admit, Talonfang, one of the younger warriors in TreeClan, was starting to grow on him. Enough so that Branchtail was okay with prolonging his move into the Elders Den. He wanted to get to know the younger tom better - he reminded Branchtail a bit about how he had been, before the move down the mountain and the split from StoneClan to TreeClan.

So, he'd invited Talonfang out on a patrol with him.
"Just a border patrol - not by StoneClan's borders, but on the other side." He'd said and brought it up again in the trees. "StoneClan hasn't tried anything in the seasons that TreeClan has been here, I doubt they'd try to make trouble for us now." He paused and then added. "If anything, I bet it would be Skysong's doing. Sunseer's a mouseheart when it comes to doing anything that could cause conflict for anyone, but Skysong... she has the determination and drive enough that if she decided to wage war on TreeClan - for any reason that she found rational - she very well could do it." He glanced up at the sun above, reflecting on the leadership duo that he'd left to follow Sunflight and Riversong instead. "It's been so long since the split now... I wonder if Sunseer is even still alive. I suppose we'll know when cats come prowling into our camp." He added with a dry smile.

Branchtail's life in MountainClan had been solely focused on his own survival - and with Nutpelt, as they traveled down the mountain, so he had only seen Skysong as a she-cat who was willing to do anything, even make the hard choices when no cat else wanted to, to protect her Clanmates. Such devotion to a Clan could make a cat very dangerous, especially someone who was fated to be the next leader.

Following the stretching branches of their territory, he was leading the way to the otherwise of the territory, away from the river, when a breeze from down below brushed its way up the tree and he paused midstep, the branch swaying at his sudden halt. Eugh, maybe he shouldn't be up in the trees at his age, but more importantly.

"Talonfang," He mewed softly. "It seems like we might have some excitement after all. There's a fresh scent of rogue - do you smell it?" He asked and then. "How do you want to go about this? Chasing or..." His eyes glinted.
"Something more permanent?" @Blinded By Silence
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Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 9 9
If you were to ask the fluffed-up, spurs-out young tom, Talonfang, elders needed to sit down and get out of the way. They had their time in the sun, now it was his turn. Why was he hanging around Branchtail, then? Well, nosy reader, he'd tell you to shove off.

He'd accepted the invitation with a groan, "Man, I wish they would. If I caught anycat lookin' at our land sideways, I'd give'm fresh stripes." The young tom is probably a bit too eager to get his claws in something, but he didn't feel a need to bite his tongue around the old man. He was cool. "Ha," The tom gave a toothy grin, and gave Branchtail a playful nudge as he moves ahead, "The old stoneheart'd look good with some stripes, yeah?" Talonfang didn't have the experience to truly comment on his past leaders, he'd been too young to really care about much more than the excitement of adventure. But he was old enough to know a pretty she-cat when he saw one. Even if she was past her prime.

But his comments would have to wait; the wind had shifted. He felt his claws slide out of their sheaths and dig deep into the bark of the branch beneath them. Talonfang's green eyes flashed as he looked back at the old tom, his grin widening.

"Yer speakin' my language, old man. Let's get'm."

Patience wasn't Talon's strong suit. There was no waiting for confirmation. He looked down with eyes that held a vicious hunger, spotted his prey and pushed off the branch, claws out and yowling. Should have kept his mouth shut, though. Maybe then he would have caught the beast.

HP: 10
Damage: 5 per hit
To Hit: 10+

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