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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[PATROL-FIN] Rematch Madness (Sparrowfeather/Stagleap)


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d10 4 4
MountainClan, Opponent: Eagle
1. Battle
2. Battle
3. Scent Identification (all apprentices roll 1d10, if they land on an even number, they're able to correctly identify the scent as (insert prey type here, ex: a mouse). If they roll an odd number, they cannot identify any specific prey nearby.)
4. Battle
5. Oops! Encounter (While scouring the not-so-dry woods, thanks to the recent rainfall of the warmer months, your patrol stumbles upon a large mud pit! Your cats struggle a while before they manage to escape the heavy murk, but their pelts are too clotted and heavy to do any productive patrolling. Time to find a stream to rinse off in and head back to camp for the day.)
6. Battle
7. Battle
8. Stealth Training (all apprentices roll 1d10, if they land on an odd number, they're able to sneak up on their mentors successfully. If they land on an even number, they make too much noise and alert anything nearby to the patrol's location.
9. Hunting Training (apprentices roll 1d20 to determine if they are able to catch the prey or not, any numbers 13+ indicate a successful catch!)
10. Loner


Stew Aficionado
HP: 10
# to Hit: 10+
Damage Per Hit: 5

HP: 10
# to Hit: 10+
Damage Per Hit: 5

HP: 40
# to Hit: 10+
Damage Per Hit: 3


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 2 2

(Stagleap misses his attack on the eagle!)
HP: 10

Stagleap had been horrified when Echosong and Sparrowfeather had returned from their patrol as badly injured as they were. He'd been courting the she-cat for some moons before then, but now he showed his protectiveness for her in accompanying her on every patrol. She could find it as tedious as she cared to - but he wasn't going to stay at camp and be useless when such threats were lurking around every corner. He tried to hold his head up high - he was the son of MountainClan's leader, he couldn't give in to the fear of loss before it even happened. But... Sparrowfeather already had a scar marring her pretty fur. If he had his way, she would never sustain such injuries again.

Yet, when they went out that afternoon and an eagle came into their sights, Stagleap had frozen up. His fears froze his paws and while he growled at the bird, his pelt bushing up near three times his normal size, he could not move towards it. Those talons... how in SunClan's name had Sparrowfeather and Echosong beaten the eagle they'd faced before?! @NatiStorm
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Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 6 6

HP 10

(Sparrowfeather misses!)

Although she was still healing from her encounter with the eagle, Sparrowfeather refused to let her injuries keep her secluded in the camp. She wasn't one to sit idly by and let the other warriors hunt for her. No, she was going to pull her weight, even if it hurt a little to do so. Thankfully, Stagleap had offered to take her out on a hunting patrol, promising that the two would stay close enough to camp that they could run back if trouble appeared. As the two went out however, they strayed a little farther than promised.

When Sparrowfeather first laid eyes on the eagle, her body went into her well practiced bird hunting pose. It wasn't until she heard the screech of the eagle that her muscles seized up and went ridged. Her eyes widened and ears flattened as fear coursed through her.

"No... No, no, no, NO!" The scream bubbled up in her as she took a cowardly step back away from the bird. Not again, this couldn't be happening. She had barely survived her last encounter with an eagle and was still healing from it. This time there was no Echosong to save her, only... Stagleap!

"Stagleap! Run!" Sparrowfeather screamed as the reality set in. Though she didn't want to lose any clan memeber, she didn't want to lose Stagleap the most.

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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 20 20
(it would help if the eagle got its roll oops)

(The eagle hits Sparrowfeather for 3 damage!)

The eagle turns it head to Sparrowfeather, who was making the most noise between the two creatures. It had been searching for supper and now, fancy that, it seemed supper had come to it. Hopping from its perched branch, it dove towards the loud one, its talons gripping into the back of its prey - ugh it was heavy! It would need to make some effort to regain its usual height.


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 17 17

(Stagleap hits the eagle for 5 damage!)
HP: 10

Stagleap had pinned his ears and his legs seemed to stiffen and freeze solid - he couldn't move. When his mate, Sparrowfeather, called for him to run, his head swiveled to her direction, only to see the eagle move and come down upon her. The flapping of its wings was no match for the sound of blood rushing in his ears as his muscles relaxed and he jumped into action. Not Sparrowfeather, not his Sparrowfeather. He would protect her, he had to protect her!

With a yowl of desperation, he launched himself at the large feathered fiend, taking no heed of the talons, and bit directly down upon the leg and talons that held his mate. Let go! He thought. Or I'll tear off your stupid bird legs! @NatiStorm


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 20 20

HP: 7

(Sparrowfeather hits for 5 damage!)

Once again, her life flashed before her eyes as the eagle's sharp talons pierced her flesh. The yowl that filled the air was full of pain and dismay. Wounds that were still healing were ripped anew. Was this her fate? To be bird food?

Well if it was, this bird was going to work hard for it's meal because she wasn't going down without a fight! No, she would not panic like last time. Sparrowfeather was going to make this eagle work for every bit of flesh it tore. Though it hurt to do so, she twisted in the eagles grasp and lashed out at it's body with her claws.
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 20 20
(The eagle hits Stagleap for 3 damage!)

The eagle had been heaving its body and that of the feline's up into the air when the brown cat jumped at it, biting its legs and the one it held twisted and scratched at him. Talons released the fur with a cry of pained frustration and the eagle's sharp beak snapped down at the new attacker, its hunger momentarily forgotten.

HP: 30
# to Hit: 10+
Damage Per Hit: 3


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 3 3

(Stagleap misses his attack!)
HP: 7

Stagleap saw the talons of the great bird open and he breathed a sigh of relief.
"Sparrowfeather, get to cover!" Her wounds were re-opening and he felt nausea roll through him at the sight of blood on her beautiful pelt - and then he felt a sharp, pointed beak stabbing into his shoulder and he forgot all sense of Sparrowfeather's pain, his only focus being his own. He watched bits of him fly from his body to the ground and he stumbled, collapsing into the dirt. "!" He rasped out at her. He couldn't protect her like this, she had to leave. @NatiStorm
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Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 6 6

Hp: 7
(Sparrowfeather misses!)

For a brief moment Sparrowfeather felt her confidence swell. Although the blood on her flank was hers, the blood on her claws was not. Yes, for that brief moment where she had been released from the talons of death, Sparrowfeather thought that maybe she and Stagleap stood a chance.

That moment shattered when she saw Stagleap fall. The words he called out to her didn't quite register. "Stagleap!" She called taking a step towards him and momentarily taking her attention off the eagle.
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 11 11
(The eagle hits Sparrowfeather for 3 damage!)

The fierce bird had tasted blood, briefly and its hunger re-flamed. Its wings beat against the ground, landing just in front of the brown menace, but while the prey at its talons lay prone and movement of a possible threat nearby attracted its attention and it swung its mighty wings back and forth to slam against the offending tan predator.

HP: 30
# to Hit: 10+
Damage Per Hit: 3


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 7 7

(Stagleap misses his attack on the eagle!)
HP: 7

Stagleap thought for certain that the eagle was descending upon him to finish him off. The pain in his shoulder was unbearable and he trembled in the dirt before the powerful bird, only to watch in horror as its attention drifted to Sparrowfeather.
"No!" He rasped, trying to claw at the bird that stood above him, only for his paws to tremble and fall with the effort. "Sparrowfeather... get out of here!" He pleaded. @NatiStorm


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 17 17

Hp 4

(Sparrowfeather hits for 5 damage!)

As the eagle opened it's mighty wings, Sparrowfeather braced herself. She had seen this move before so she knew what was coming and she was ready for it... Well, as ready as she could be.

The impact was harder that she had anticipated and she felt one of her neck paws buckle and twist under the force. However, her plan was successful and the small she cat managed to latch into one of the eagles wings.

"I won't!" She shouted at her bleeding mate. "I won't leave you. I won't run. And I won't give up!" Sparrowfeather struggled to stay attached to the wing with her claws as the bird thrashed about.
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 13 13
(The eagle hits Stagleap for 3 damage!)

The eagle had taken a step forward to try and peck at the tedious tan she-cat, but its talons sunk into unexpected soft fur - it had forgotten about the dark brown prey that it had been looming over. It tightened its grip on the prey beneath, only to release it again when its wing was attacked! It released an angry cry into the air. It would need to become airborne, lest this end badly for it.

HP: 25
# to Hit: 10+
Damage Per Hit: 3
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 18 18

(Stagleap hits the eagle for 5 damage!)
HP: 4

Stagleap wheezed as talons dug into his flanks and scraped against his fur. He twisted, fur coming away in the eagle's large claws, protecting his belly. Pushing off with only his hind legs, he managed to gain some small distance from their enemy's reach. As adrenaline began to course through him, as blood coursed out of him, he turned right around and charged at the eagle, claws slashing at its chest.

"If we ground it," He gasped out, "It's over!"


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 18 18

Hp 4

(Sparrowfeather hits for 5 damage! )

Holding onto the massive wing was proving more difficult than Sparrowfeather had anticipated. Still, she refused to let go. Hearing Stagleap call out to her, she doubled her efforts trying to shred the eagle's feathers. There was hope, with both of them fighting, maybe they could survive. She had survived one eagle attack and perhaps she was lucky enough to survive a second.

As she continued to bite and close at the wing Sparrowfeather knew one thing for certain. She was going to fight to her last breath to make sure Stagleap survived this encounter.
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Stew Aficionado
The enemy is weak. Choose now, do your cats commit to the kill or chase it off?

If you choose to continue fighting, you are consenting to have your participating cat entered into a death raffle should their hp hit 0. If you survive the fight and kill your opponent, you have earned a free battle scar edit to add to your cat!

If you choose to chase off your opponent instead, all cats will live and the battle ends here. There are no rewards for this except for the safety of your cats.

If the vote is not unanimous, the enemy will be chased away by default.
Please vote now by simply replying to this post with your decision. Afterwards, the roleplay can continue.​
@NatiStorm @belloblossom


Stew Aficionado
The enemy is weak. Choose now, do your cats commit to the kill or chase it off?

If you choose to continue fighting, you are consenting to have your participating cat entered into a death raffle should their hp hit 0. If you survive the fight and kill your opponent, you have earned a free battle scar edit to add to your cat!

If you choose to chase off your opponent instead, all cats will live and the battle ends here. There are no rewards for this except for the safety of your cats.

If the vote is not unanimous, the enemy will be chased away by default.
Please vote now by simply replying to this post with your decision. Afterwards, the roleplay can continue.​
@NatiStorm @belloblossom
I consent to continue the fight, at the risk of my cat's life.


Grizzled Veteran
The enemy is weak. Choose now, do your cats commit to the kill or chase it off?

If you choose to continue fighting, you are consenting to have your participating cat entered into a death raffle should their hp hit 0. If you survive the fight and kill your opponent, you have earned a free battle scar edit to add to your cat!

If you choose to chase off your opponent instead, all cats will live and the battle ends here. There are no rewards for this except for the safety of your cats.

If the vote is not unanimous, the enemy will be chased away by default.
Please vote now by simply replying to this post with your decision. Afterwards, the roleplay can continue.​
@NatiStorm @belloblossom
I consent to keep fighting knowing the risk to my cat.