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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[PATROL] Keeping A Lookout (Sparrowfeather x Echosong)


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 6 6
Phew, the Eagle missed him and Sparrowfeather again, Echosong was relieved "WHOOOO" he screeched, as the younger warrior inflicted more damage on the eagle, he darted in to try and land his own blow but the eagle was moving and he missed... again. He swore but kept up his taunting, perhaps Sparrowfeather could finish the fight, if he kept the eagel's focus. "HA, slower than a slug .... Featherbrain, bet you couldn't catch a blind squirrel, HA HA HA" he crowed loudly, right at the eagle, trying to dodge any potential attacks

HP: 4
Damage: 5 per hit
To Hit: 10+
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Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 10 10
Though she knew she could keep her focus, hearing her clanmates taunts, Sparrowfeather couldn't help but smile. It was a small thing but it was all it took for the small she-cat to loose her grip on the eagle's wing. A loud shriek sounded from her as the eagle's sharp beak found her and tossed her aside. The breath was knocked out of her as she landed and the edges of her vision were starting to go black.

"Echosong..." She tried to call but found herself gasping for air. "Don't give up..." Her words were barely a whisper as she started to lose consciousness.

(Sparrowfeather barely hits for 5 damage!)

HP: 1
Damage: 5 per hit
To Hit: 10+
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Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 15 15
"NO!" Echosong screamed as Sparrowfeather was tossed to one side. "Sparrowfeather.. GET UP, GET AWAY" He cried, hoping she was conscious enough to hear him and follow his instruction. "I dont plan on giving up" he snarled, leaping at the bird, this was the final straw, hurts were part of fighting but seeing his fellow warrior so vulnerable, it angered him beyond anything he'd known before "you cursed bird.. you are MINE" he hissed menacingly as he lunged, teeth and claws bared to try and tear out the eagle's throat

HP: 4
Damage: 5 per hit
To Hit: 10+
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Grizzled Veteran
It took a few moments for Sparrowfeather's head to stop swimming. The first thing she noticed was that there wasn't any screeching happening. Was it over then? She glanced around the makeshift battlefield and found Echosong on top of a motionless eagle. On shaking paws, she took a few steps towards her clanmate.

"You.. You did it. You saved me and took down an eagle!" She could hardly believe the words coming out of her mouth. "You actually did it! You bested an eagle!" Though both cats were covered in blood, Sparrowfeather laughed a joyous laugh. "We're alive! But it's probably best if we make haste to Fernfire's den."


Grizzled Veteran
Echosong couldn't move, the ardenaline wearing off quickly, his legs shook as Sparrowfeather approached, his fur fluffed out still, his tail straight up and bushy.

"I...? no.... WE.. did it" he said with a shakey voice, he blinked slowly, properly coming round to the realisation of what they had just done, how close they had come to dying, especially Sparrowfeather. He heaved a few heavy breaths. "Grab a wing, we're taking it back, no point in wasting prey" he said, grabbing one wing himself, normally he would probably drag it back alone but the weakness that was now seeping into his limbs, well he would be better off with Sparrowfeather helping. "Well done Sparrow" he said, a smile on his jaws as he began dragging the bird home. The feathers would make great nesting material for the queens and the elders.