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[Personality Contest] Love Grows! [Open until 7/10 1pm EST]


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Teacup and Nymria had babies recently! To their surprise, the baskets are corrupted make strange sounds whenever either parent approaches. Regardless, they adore their recent and only (for now) bundles of joys! As the two of them eagerly plan their future as parents it seems the baskets might be ready to pop soon!
Ends: 7/10 at 1pm EST
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signed an NDA
Staff member
Teacup and Nymria were dropped on the day Nym and Tea married, making them extra special in our eyes. Two baskets have homes with us, but one is seeking a home with someone we feel would add nicely to the family! To win this kiddo you must fill the form below and develop a personality for them! Tea and I will pick an entry to win at the end date.
A few notes on the family and kids themselves can be found below, but a quick note for rules of the contest are:
  • There is no naming theme.
  • Each basket is corrupted and will have random edits/colors/mutations here and there.
  • They grow straight to adults.
  • Ghastly was the artist!
  • We aren't looking for drama within the family, honestly. With other ponies? Sure! But the parents are very important to us and the babies were an anniversary present and are incredibly dear to us. You don't need to RP or fulfill any special requirements other then win the game itself, just please avoid having the child hate their family. We really want this basket to go to someone who will avoid that type of plot (within the family) and will cherish them!
[b]Pronouns[/b]: (Nymria and Tallulah are she/her, Teacup is he/him + they/them, and Neptune is he/him)

[b]Personality[/b]: (Tell us who they are! This can be as long or short as you'd like, but we will pick based on our favorite entry.)
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signed an NDA
Staff member

Teacup is a good dad and husband. They're caring and protective, but also can have a fun time with their kids. He might be on the quiet side but his kids and wife never will have to doubt his affection for them. Teacup has a fierce temper when it comes to the mistreatment of his family, often startling others when it reveals itself.

Nymria is a playful and loving mother. She can often be found acting like a child herself with her kids, but can immediately snap to attention the moment her kids or husband need her. Nymria prefers to take things at a slow pace, although has been noted to abruptly switch gears when she's lost in a project. While typically she enjoys being a bubbly character, Nymria also has a temper when it comes to her family, pairing with Teacup to create a force to be reckoned with.

Neptune (owned by Tea) is a kind and caring brother, often looking out for their siblings. They're more playful than their sister Tallulah, although can easily adjust their behavior for the situation. Neptune likes to make music, often playing around with instruments and beats on their free time.

Tallulah (owned by Nym) is a quiet artist who often is lost in thought. She doesn't talk much, expressing her feelings through art and gifts. Tallulah, also called Talli, stays out of trouble for the most part, but is prone to drifting into it simply by being unaware of her surroundings.


Grizzled Veteran
Name: Hooligan
Pronouns: He/They

Personality: Hooligan or Hooli for short, is very chaotic in nature. They love to play rather playful and harmless pranks. While some of these pranks may be pulled on their siblings he does love his family dearly. Even if he pretends as if he isn't so affected. His attention span is very short and he can go from one topic to something completely different in a matter of minutes. Hooligan likes being different. Though one thing he doesn't like is being touched too much. Too much physical affection just isn't his thing. He shows his appreciation and love in different ways. Secretly loves to give gifts that reminds him of the recipients and oftentime will leave these gifts for them to find out of the blue. Never takes credit for the good things he does. Has a hard time admitting when he is wrong and when he is scared of something. Wants to be brave for his siblings. He is very aware of his flaws.


Name: Lolanthe (Lola for short)
Pronouns: She/her

Personality: Lolanthe is not shy in the slightest. Often she's outgoing and fearless (or so she says) and tends to do whatever she feels like doing the most. She lives life day by day and tends to like being surrounded by people, for the most part. Lolanthe is a singer/songwriter and loves expressing her feelings through song. However, the rest of the time, her pursuits and dreams are constantly rearranged and changing. She never sticks to one thing for too long aside from her singing career. For instance, at this particular moment, she has a keen interest in beaches and oceans and keeping them clean for the sea life.

Lolanthe loves to rely on her siblings when it comes to her artistic abilities. Often, she likes to spend time with Neptune when he drops beats and freestyles lyrics with him when she can. On the other hand, it calms her to watch Tallulah when she's doing, well, pretty much anything artistic.
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Stew Aficionado
Name: Persephone
Pronouns: They/Them

Personality: Persephone, aka Perse or Seph, is the smallest of the trio. They adore their family with all their might, and revel in the artistic freedom and movement in the household. The only problem is... They don't know what they want to do with their life. While their parents and even siblings are respectful of this, often times, they feel a little... Out. No one pushes them out, in fact, they all make Persephone feel quite included. It's just that... Everyone else seems to know what they love doing, and what they might want to do later in life. Persephone just can't quite find that.

This has molded them into a rather adventurous pony, often asking their parents to take them all sorts of places. Museums, exhibits, monuments. Anywhere historical or cultural that might help them learn more about the world and what it offers. Persephone even tries to tag along with their siblings to art shows or music festivals. Classes that they may attend. They've started to gather all sorts of books on all sorts of topics to help them learn, hoping to find a passion in life.

Never once do they feel put out by their family, nor resent them all for having found their passions. Persephone is simply looking for their own. Perhaps they've even found it already and just don't realize it yet.


Grizzled Veteran
Name: Leviathan
Pronouns: She/Her

Personality: Levi is hot-headed and usually the sister to call on when someone is picking on you or won't take no for an answer. She's boisterous, loud, and every bit an extrovert, and enjoys cooking snacks for the others. She's tone deaf and sings like nails on a chalkboard, but telling her that will do you no good since she's as musically dependent as a disney princess.


Grizzled Veteran
Name: Aalto
Pronouns: They/Them

Personality: Aalto is loud and reckless, definitely the clumsiest of the bunch. They spend a lot of their time goofing around and trying to find new ways to experience life. For example, that one time they spent an entire week wearing dizzy goggles! Yeah, not their finest hour... Aalto loves their family and would do anything for them, although they often wind up causing some sort of ruckus. Aalto loves to move, and has taken quite an interest in dancing. Whether they are good at it or not is up for debate...


Grizzled Veteran
Name: Choral
Pronouns: They/them

Personality: Those sounds Nymeria and Teacup hear coming from this little basket sound like chirps and squeaks. If one listens carefully the humming is almost constant, but quiet. Everything is music to this pony, hence the name. They love life and often sing about their day. They love songbirds and the sounds of creeks in the woods. Sometimes they will join Talli in an art project, claiming the paint and the music are symbiotic with each other. Or they will accompany Neptune while he plays an instrument; together their music is very colorful to Choral.

Thank you for this chance!


Name: Lafayette [Lala or Faye]
Pronouns: He/Him + They/Them

Personality: Oooooh boy. There are three things to keep in mind with Lala. One: They will ask you EVERYTHING they can about you. Two: They may forget to breath while their talking. Three: Zoomies. All the Zoomies. Lala is a hyper, highly intelligent foal. Who is more than a little willing to keep asking questions until their parents tell them its enough. While they are hyper...they can calm down to the point of being utterly still. That is when you really should be careful.

Stillness means that their plotting. If their plotting you might get pounced and asked a dozen questions. Cuddles and snuggles seem to be the only way to keep them still for more than 30 seconds.


Long-Term Resident
Name: Alice
Pronouns: she/her

Personality: Like her namesake, she is often lost in her own world. She daydreams a LOT, and has been known to wander off if not kept a close eye on. Alice relies heavily on her parents and siblings to keep watch over her. She is almost constantly in a sleepy state; yawning, and seemingly drowsy. But even though dreaming is nice, there is one thing she CAN stay awake for, and that’s reading books. She adores stories, especially the fantastical whimsical kind. Honestly though, she’ll read just about anything she can get her hands on. Libraries are probably her favorite location. She’s very quiet and rather introverted unless she’s with her family. She admires Tallulah’s artistic abilities and Neptune’s love of music, and wishes she had a cool talent too. Maybe one day she’ll write her own story! Also, she wants to grow up and find someone extra special to love, just like her parents found each other.

Rinial SD

Grizzled Veteran
Name: Absinthe
Pronouns: They/Them

Personality: Absinthe takes a little getting used to. Mainly because they're never without a pen and paper, or their trusty laptop. They love to write, weaving stories over days, and years. Inspired by the stories of their family, the words of their siblings, and the general ideas that pop into their head. Their muse is the world, and the world is a shining place filled with stories yet untold. While they are not as active as their elder brother, They're never quite as silent nor contemplative as their sister. And they find a lovely middle road to truly express themselves within a medium that both their siblings can understand. The only thing that perhaps Absinthe would need, is an editor to real in their fantastical stories to something a bit more....mundane.


Name: Labyrinth
Pronouns: He/They

Personality: Yanno those types of people you can get to believe almost anything? The 'natural born sucker' type, as it were? Yeah, that's Labyrinth. You could tell him that there's a spot in summer that snows all the time and he'd believe you - and likely make someone feel bad for the sheer honesty of his acceptance. He has a hard time believing people would lie to him on purpose, even more so if it has a negative intent, and so his feelings tend to be hurt whenever he discovers the deceptions of others. Still, he's honest, and a hard worker, and does his best not to cause problems, if only because he's incapable of lying to get himself out of them. He does enjoy the finer things in life like sweets and sparklies, but only because they're pretty.


Grizzled Veteran
Name: Malicya
Pronouns: She/her/they

Personality: Mali is a wild child, and probably the one who gets in trouble the most! She enjoys playing little pranks, causing The Glitter Incident when she decided one of Neptune's instruments needed more sparkle, or hiding Talli's art supplies around the house (with candy, though, she's a little sweeter to her sister cuz ya'know, girl power and such~)... But she's a little honey badger when it comes to anyone else pranking her siblings. Those are HER siblings, not anyone else's. She pranks them because she loves them~ And! She also loves contemporary dance! Mali has a soft spot for musicals and the spotlight, with dreams of one day making Broadway. Pick on her for this, though, and she might trip you next time you walk by... She's a whole lot of sass and spunk in a little pony package~

bitsie spider

Grizzled Veteran
Name: Aededain aka Aedie
Pronouns: he/him

Personality: Aedie is a soff, shy babby who is a bit of a homebody and loves to be with his family. He's a little intimidated by the outside world, so he's a smidge clingy, but his family gives him the strength to do just about anything through their encouragement! Their parents are his biggest cheer leaders, and help him through everything.

With Neptune, he likes to help keep his instruments clean and loves to listen to him practice! He hopes, that one day, his brother might help him to learn how to play something fun!... maybe the xylophone! Aedie admires him very much.

When it comes to Tallulah, he simply enjoys keeping her company. Whether it be the stroke of a brush, or a swipe of oil pastels, he loves every creative movement she makes. To see how she expresses herself through her art is truly awe inspiring.

As for himself, he's fantastic at keeping things clean and organized! It's mostly due to his OCD, but he takes great pride in being able to help with such things... and the fact that their parents never have to tell him to clean his room. Using his need to organize, he works a simple job as a stock worker at the local grocery store. He thrives when he sees the isles stocked and organized properly. When they become disheveled, it stresses him out some, but he just uses it as motivation to get his job done, and done right! When Aedie isn't at work, he enjoys curling up with a book and a cup of tea in his favorite bean bag. His life is simple, but he's content.


Grizzled Veteran
Name: Taaveti (means 'dearly loved')
Pronouns: he/him or they/them

Personality: Loud, outgoing and in your face with his wide grin and kitten like affection, Taaveti is not afraid to be himself. He doesn't always feel like a boy and on those days, his smile is usually not as big. He sometime struggles with his identity, but his family is his rock. Their love and support keep him going, happy and adored.

When he grows, he's going to dabble in one thing after another. He plans to travel and experiment to find out exactly who he is. He's not in a hurry to do it, either. He knows partly who he is and embraces it to his best ability. He also knows he'll find himself completely when the time is right.


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Staff member
@bitsie spider

Congrats! Aedie won our heart. We'll quote you once we have the basket claiming post ready! Welcome to the family c: