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Peter's Pet Shop


Stew Aficionado
Everything is PWYW (Pay What You Want). It can be a large sum, or a small sum. Work will not be taken based on how much is offered ^^ I will pick on a CC basis. Whatever calls to me gets worked on first!

• Follow Basilisk Stew's rules and terms!
• Follow Everchange's rules and terms!
• All customs are PWYW and optional!
• I accept credits and art trades only.
Companion customs only! I am only qualified to color companions. This may change in the future, who knows? Until then, companions only will be found here :)
Unedited customs only! I am an unedited artist. I can only use the templates provided.
• If I accept a form, I will edit the post to say so, and send you a message!
• I will only take one form at a time.
• One post per user, with 5 forms at any given time. Once something has been dropped, feel free to go in and edit something new in its place! Do not edit over it until after the companion has been dropped!
• I am not responsible to check if you posted a form in another artists thread and/or got it accepted. If you do not maintain your duplicate forms you may receive duplicate designs being made by me and another artist. You are still expected to pay for creations made.
• If you are looking for something to be converted, you MUST include proof of ownership! Whether it's a pet from another shop, or an adopt from DA/TH, you must include proof that you own this character in order for me to convert it. This is a standard Basilisk Stew rule, but sometimes people forget, so I wanted to remind you :)
DO NOT POST AI ART HERE. Regardless of if it is to show me "oh I want these markings but in different colors", I do not care. AI Art is not allowed on Basilisk Stew, and I will not tolerate it. You will be reported.
• I may or may not stream these things. If I do, it will likely be on Discord.

Samples are below
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Stew Aficionado
[size=14px][b]Gimme a surprise![/b][/size]

[b]Username:[/b] (Obvious)
[b]Excluding a Breed/Species/Theme?:[/b] (You may list up to three companions you do NOT want)
[size=14px][b]I have a vague idea...[/b][/size]
[b]Stream?:[/b] Y/N (are you ok with this pony being streamed)
[b]Twin?[/b] (Do you want a twin?)

[b]Palette or Image Reference:[/b] (I will not mimic the image entirely. Do not show me an adoptable and hope I exactly convert it)
Full Custom/Conversion
[size=14px][b]I have a specific idea![/b][/size]
[b]Username:[/b] (obvious)
[b]Stream?:[/b] Y/N (are you ok with this pony being streamed)
[b]Left or Right?:[/b] (Which way is the nose pointing.)
[b]Twin?[/b] (Do you want a twin?)

[b]Description:[/b] (you can delete this selection if using pictures)
[*][i]Horn:[/i] -delete if not applicable-
[*][i]Wings:[/i] -delete if not applicable-
[*][i]Teeth:[/i] -delete if not applicable-
[*][i]Claws:[/i] -delete if not applicable-
[*][i]Spikes:[/i] -delete if not applicable-
[*][i]Antenna:[/i] -delete if not applicable-
[*][i]Hooves:[/i] -delete if not applicable, this is for if you have fetlocks on your character-
[*][i]Misc:[/i] -feel free to add categories as you see fit-  [/list]

[b]References:[/b] (Images)
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Stew Aficionado
Wurm for Bluedemonwolf
Gooser for Cheyriddle4
Serapent for spazzedoutmew
Dormouse for Zakiax
Layered Drake for bitsie spider
Draxocoeti for Bluedemonwolf
Wurm for Bouquet of Diamonds
Wotter for Zakiax
Scarab for Nym
Nibblebits for Bouquet of Diamonds
Babal for spazzedoutmew
Misp for Cheyriddle4
Yellow, Pink, Purple and Blue Scarabs for Joshuality
Pard for Reoakee
Green, Orange, Purple and Blue Hare for Zakiax
Nipix for Bouquet of Diamonds
Owlgriff for Zakiax
Salamander for Cheyriddle4
Frolic for Bluedemonwolf
Nanny for bitsie spider
Wurm for Bouquet of Diamonds
Nanny for Reoakee
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Grizzled Veteran
I have a vague idea...Username: Bluedemonwolf
Stream?: Y
Species: Falnix

Twin? No

Palette or Image Reference:

I have a vague idea...
Username: Bluedemonwolf
Stream?: Y
Species: Dormouse
Twin? No

Palette or Image Reference:

Toyhouse link

I have a vague idea...
Username: Bluedemonwolf
Stream?: Y
Species: Fae
Twin? No

Palette or Image Reference:

I have a vague idea...
Username: Bluedemonwolf
Stream?: Y
Species: Gooser
Twin? No

Palette or Image Reference:

Gimme a surprise!

Username: Bluedemonwolf
Excluding a Breed/Species/Theme?: Serapent, no snake or spider themes please (spider webs are okay)
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Grizzled Veteran

I have a vague idea...
Stream?: Y
Twin? No

Palette or Image Reference:

Gimme a surprise!

Username: Cheyriddle4
Excluding a Breed/Species/Theme?: Babel , Clowns, Fae
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Stew Aficionado
I have a vague idea...
Username: Zakiax
Stream?: Y
Twin? N

Palette or Image Reference:

I have a vague idea...
Username: Zakiax
Stream?: Y
Twin? N

Palette or Image Reference:

I have a vague idea...
Username: Zakiax
Stream?: Y
Twin? N

Palette or Image Reference:
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Bouquet of Diamonds

Grizzled Veteran
I have a vague idea...
Username: Bouquet of Diamonds
Stream?: Y
Species: Possestry; Nibble bit (cupcake)
Twin? N

Palette or Image Reference:

I have a vague idea...
Username: Bouquet of Diamonds
Stream?: Y
Species: Wurm
Twin? N

Palette or Image Reference:
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Grizzled Veteran
I have a vague idea...
Username: Reoakee
Stream?: Y
Species: Nanny
Twin? Yes.

Palette or Image Reference:

I have a vague idea...
Username: Reoakee
Stream?: Y
Species: Nanny
Twin? Yes.

Palette or Image Reference:
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