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[PMRP] everyone's a little bit curious [ wei ying + persifly


He could totally do it alone but what was the point? There was always a need for somepony else to be there to take the fall to lend a hand, and so Wei Ying looked around to see if he could seemingly find another pony who was just as interested as he was in getting back and rooting around. Breaking and entering totally wasn't beyond the things he was willing to do - maybe in the past he would have stopped and thought about it. Now though, without somepony there to stop him? He didn't even bother batting an eye at the stuff he did.

But who looked like an easy accomplice? Somepony that would follow his commands without question or, if they were a different sort, a pony who could easily be manipulated into thinking it was their own idea in the first place. Wei Ying considered himself the type with a bit of a silver tongue so either option would work, and he settled on moving through the crowds until he spotted a Pixie in the distance. His opinions of Pixies set aside, like...way way aside, he approached with a friendly enough smile.

Why this specific Pixie? Call it a gut feeling and move on from there. "Pretty amazing what happened inside there, right?"




Persephone, who had been deep, deep in thought about her clues written in her pad, turned and didn't miss a beat to converse with a stranger. "I know, right?" she all but squealed, pleased as a jack-o-lantern. "It's actually a little spooky to think they're covering something up here. Even if it's just part of the act, I love it! It needs investigating!"

Which apparently meant bothering everypony she vaguely recognized from the tour. This one had caught her first instead of the other way around.

"Didja get scared at all?"



"Scared of what? I've nothing to fear in this life anymore." Maybe that sounded arrogant or maybe it sounded sad, but either way Wei Wing grinned over at the infectious energy that seemed to be radiating off the Pixie mare. He rather liked these high spirit types, they never grew jaded, and so somewhere along the line the Suli stallion had more or less instantly decided to follow her around.

In a much less creepy way than that sounded. "Did you get scared? You seem the brave sort though so I don't see you getting scared of anything."



Persephone thought about lying for the span of a mischievous glint in her eye, and then it was gone and replaced by something more sheepish. "Just a little that time the child came swooping," she admitted, quickly adding, "but I had Mama there with me, so it wasn't bad or anything." She couldn't feel too embarrassed about that, right? She wasn't the only one who had flinched!

Rather than arrogance, Persephone sensed mystery about the suli, nobility even. And just a hint of sadness, maybe, though she suppressed the urge to hug (just this once). So maybe he was old? He probably had a lot of stories, then, though she had to focus on the circus's before bugging someone else for theirs.

"I'm gonna investigate about the ghosty goo if I can. Persephone Pyrefly is on the case!" Much like she had with Ghostly Whispers, the pixie struck a pose. "There's definitely a story here, and I'm gonna find out what it is and make sure it has a happy ending for once!"


"Hello Persephone Pyrefly, my name is Wei Ying. You may call me A-Ying if you'd like." It was a childish nickname for a childish pony to use but somehow, he didn't think he'd mind if the posing little Pixie used it. "I liked it when the child came running too, it was pretty interesting watching grown ponies scatter like moths. Did you think the ghost at the end was scary? I wonder how they did those special effects."

This was a bit of a fish, considering the mare had mentioned she felt there was a story and goo and some other things that Wei Ying dismissed as not being overly important right now. She certainly seemed sure that something was there and the Suli quite agreed. "It's not really kind of the circus folk to keep their secrets."



"But Mister A-Ying," she told him quite seriously, "didn't you see that pony go straight through them when they tried to touch the ghost? I don't think that was a special effect..." Could magic do that? Persephone had been pushed out before she could try herself. She certainly hoped it was real and an undead pony was about - that was way more exciting!

"Nobody wants to talk about it though. I tried interviewing some employees, and they all just said everything was fine." The pixie huffed a little. "Veeeeeery mysterious. If they want so bad to hide it, then we just have to work harder to discover it! The Ultimate Circus Game will be won!"


She thought it all a game, did she? That was pretty cute in its own way, even if everything wasn't a game and it was almost too annoying how hard this place clamped down on its secrets. Refusing to admit the truth was the fastest way to ensure that everyone involved got irritated and investigated which.....Wei Ying wondered if that was part of the plan too. He didn't think the pony here smart enough for such an elaborate long haul, but then again....

...yeah no, too much credit to them. "Maybe you just have to ask the right questions? If it is all a game, maybe there is a specific phrase you have to say in order to trigger the correct response." Or really they should all just kick down the door and go in, the same feeling he had before.



Persephone nodded energetically. "Exactly! Ask like a detective would, or when you have a spirit board. So this was just the first hint of the game that is ahoof..."

Secret phrase meant secret places which meant secret treasures!! She could hardly wait! And of course, the ghost that had emplored their help would be, well, helped too!

"Mr. A-Ying, d'you want to be part of my mystery group?" she asked hopefully. Surely an older pony would have knowledge and experience to draw from that would help.