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Prominent Ponies of Twilight Town : accepting Apps!


Grizzled Veteran
I'm the type of pony everypony should know
Pony cert:

Pony uncert: uncert
Name: Neon "Star" Dandy
What brought them to the city: He wanted a place to settle down and build up his fan-base as he has a very small and limited amount.
What role/job can they fulfill: Upcoming Musician/ Budding Rockstar
About the pony: He doesn't have huge fan base so I suppose you could classify him as still early in is rock star career; He tends to get a little loud and is also super social so he likes to talk and make friends.


Grizzled Veteran
I'm the type of pony everypony should know
Pony cert:

Pony uncert: Uncert
Name: Silver Majesty
What brought them to the city: He wanted a place to settle down with his mate and join a welcoming community.
What role/job can they fulfill: Petshop Owner
About the pony: He is a super sweet and supportive pony. He is gentle and soft spoken and does not like any sort of confrontation. He enjoys getting advice how to properly maintain and control is long mane and tail. He also owns a high maintainance mau named Majestic Lady.
I'm the type of pony everypony should know
Pony cert:

Pony uncert: uncert
Name: Neon "Star" Dandy
What brought them to the city: He wanted a place to settle down and build up his fan-base as he has a very small and limited amount.
What role/job can they fulfill: Upcoming Musician/ Budding Rockstar
About the pony: He doesn't have huge fan base so I suppose you could classify him as still early in is rock star career; He tends to get a little loud and is also super social so he likes to talk and make friends.
Welcome Home to both of you!

⭐ Please join us on discord ⭐


bitsie spider

Grizzled Veteran
I'm the type of pony everypony should know
Pony cert:

Pony uncert: Link please
Name: Aededain
What brought them to the city: The idea of a quiet life of his own has drawn him
What role/job can they fulfill: Stock Clerk at the grocery store
About the pony: (part of his contest entry)

Aedie is a soff, shy babby who is a bit of a homebody and loves to be with his family. He's a little intimidated by the outside world, so he's a smidge clingy, but his family gives him the strength to do just about anything through their encouragement! Their parents are his biggest cheer leaders, and help him through everything.

He's fantastic at keeping things clean and organized! It's mostly due to his OCD, but he takes great pride in being able to help with such things... and the fact that their parents never have to tell him to clean his room. Using his need to organize, he works a simple job as a stock worker at the local grocery store. He thrives when he sees the isles stocked and organized properly. When they become disheveled, it stresses him out some, but he just uses it as motivation to get his job done, and done right! When Aedie isn't at work, he enjoys curling up with a book and a cup of tea in his favorite bean bag. His life is simple, but he's content.


Grizzled Veteran
I'm the type of pony everypony should know
Pony cert:

Pony uncert: Link please
Name: Aededain
What brought them to the city: The idea of a quiet life of his own has drawn him
What role/job can they fulfill: Stock Clerk at the grocery store
About the pony: (part of his contest entry)

Aedie is a soff, shy babby who is a bit of a homebody and loves to be with his family. He's a little intimidated by the outside world, so he's a smidge clingy, but his family gives him the strength to do just about anything through their encouragement! Their parents are his biggest cheer leaders, and help him through everything.

He's fantastic at keeping things clean and organized! It's mostly due to his OCD, but he takes great pride in being able to help with such things... and the fact that their parents never have to tell him to clean his room. Using his need to organize, he works a simple job as a stock worker at the local grocery store. He thrives when he sees the isles stocked and organized properly. When they become disheveled, it stresses him out some, but he just uses it as motivation to get his job done, and done right! When Aedie isn't at work, he enjoys curling up with a book and a cup of tea in his favorite bean bag. His life is simple, but he's content.
Welcome home Aededain!

⭐Don't forget to join the Discord ⭐



Grizzled Veteran
I'm the type of pony everypony should know
Pony cert:

Pony uncert: Uncert
Name: Sapphire Song
What brought them to the city: She wants a place to call home and a place where she can set down roots down and start a family of her own.
What role/job can they fulfill: Cafe Owner
About the pony: She is the sweet and gentle type and tries to give the best Customer service to her patrons that walk into her cafe. She tries to be there for her customers, and believes in the belief "Customer is always right" depends on the situation. She is always there when a pony needs to talk or needs a pony to just listen. She is passionate and generous and is friendly and likes making new friends.
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Grizzled Veteran
I'm the type of pony everypony should know
Pony cert:

Pony uncert: uwu
Name: All Eyes On Me (Aeom for short!)
What brought them to the city: Aeom came to the city with their partner, Smile Creeps, seeking a happy little home and a life together
What role/job can they fulfill: Chimney Sweep
About the pony: Aeom is a paranoid and very deliberate pony. They spend a lot of time indoors or at work, keeping mostly to themselves and Smile. During work, they often keep chatter to a minimum, especially around strangers. While at first they may seem secluded, with time and effort, ponies in town can begin to see just how sweet, kind, and generous Aeom is.


Stew Aficionado
I'm the type of pony everypony should know
Pony cert:

Pony uncert: Here
Name: Starlight Strut
What brought them to the city: Starlight has been looking for a town with a friendly community, but isn't exactly a bustling city. He'd overheard that Twilight Town was known for it's welcoming community and moved in to set up shop straight away.
What role/job can they fulfill: Mane/Fur Stylist
About the pony: Starlight Strut started his life as a popular mane/fur model, but after branching out from modeling (he was starting to find all the attention a little exhausting as he grew older) he settled down as a mane stylist and runs his own shampoo/conditioner line that's better for extremely thick fur/hair. It's ideal for kitsunes or a particularly fluffy mutant. Good-hearted, full of laughter and a desire for local gossip, you're sure to hear all about the talk of Twilight Town if you book an appointment with Starlight. He's a pony in the know!

I'm the type of pony everypony should know
Pony cert:

Pony uncert: Here
Name: Palette Prince
What brought them to the city: Pal lives a partially nomadic lifestyle, but his mate Sidewalk Memorial doesn't! They've been house-hunting for a while, and came upon Twilight Town as a potential living spot and after learning that it was a newly founded town, Pal is taking it upon himself to be the local historian of the town - if they'll have him.
What role/job can they fulfill: Town Historian (or generalized historian, if that's preferable.)
About the pony: Pal is among the most relaxed ponies you'll find. He's got a passion for travel and has spent plenty of time on the road. Prior to meeting his mate, he was a wandering historian, collecting pony's stories and publishing them - he thinks it's important to document the lives of the living. "We'll all become history one day" is something he often remarks. He tends to write down the truth of things, rather than embellishing a story to fuel somepony's pride, which has gotten him into a fair bit of arguments in the past, but he hardly stops to let it bother him. Initially when he first began to travel, it was hard to keep him tied to one spot, but now that he's been around the continent a few loops, he takes time to stay in any one place for a while longer before he moves on. He's able to collect more stories particular to one town or region that way. However, since meeting Sidewalk Memorial, who had a tendency to become anxious whenever Pal went on his way, they've been looking for someplace to move in together, which lead them to Twilight Town.

I'm the type of pony everypony should know
Pony cert:

Pony uncert: Here
Name: Scaramel Apple
What brought them to the city: Scaramel Apple and Oil Slick were looking for a change of pace in their living arrangements. They ended up finding Twilight Town and it (no pun intended) stuck.
What role/job can they fulfill: Dentist
About the pony:
Scaramel is a charming pony with a sugary sweet disposition. Having been raised in customer service with parents who owned a candy shoppe, she's seen the good and the bad of giving others sweets. With a sense of irony about her, her interest in dental school was a joke initially... until she actually got in and then realized that it made so much money that she decided to stick around. Nowadays she primarily works as a family dentist, helping both foals and adults and teasing them that if they eat too much candy, they'll end up looking like her tail. She hands out scented stickers of candy pieces along with their take-home toothbrush goodie bags.


Stew Aficionado
I'm the type of pony everypony should know
Pony cert:

Pony uncert: Here
Name: Ladybuggle
What brought them to the city: Ladybuggle wanted a fresh start. Twilight Town was as good a spot as any.
What role/job can they fulfill: Toy Store Owner
About the pony: Ladybuggle hasn't had an easy life. After being outsmarted by a changeling and losing her foals in the process, she's been far from the whimsical, innocent mare she'd been prior to her encounter. She's been searching for a fresh start and has begun to find herself in giving joy to foals. She's always had a knack for crafting toys, so maybe she can begin again in this new town, should they accept her.

I'm the type of pony everypony should know
Pony cert:

Pony uncert: Here
Name: Oil Slick
What brought them to the city: He moved to Twilight Town with his mate, Scaramel Apple.
What role/job can they fulfill: Doom Trainer/Breeder
About the pony: Slick is a shy guy, preferring to keep to himself than going out and meeting with others. Not particularly social, the only soft spot he holds is for his pet Doom, Hexus. It's through Hexus that he's able to open up more to others. It was also Hexus that helped him run into (literally) his now mate, Scaramel Apple.

I'm the type of pony everypony should know
Pony cert:

Pony uncert: Here
Name: Smile Creeps
What brought them to the city: Smile Creeps was looking for a place to settle down with their mate, All Eyes On Me. She was thrilled when she found the perfect place within Twilight Town!
What role/job can they fulfill: Real Estate Agent
About the pony: Smile has had a tricky time coming to terms with her unusual mutations, but with the aide of her supportive partner, Aeom, she was able to feel more comfortable in her own fur. She's been searching for a happy home life for quite some time, and being a realtor, was more than a little picky. When they found the charming two story cottage in Twilight Town, she decided it was the perfect place to settle! And now, maybe she'll be able to connect other ponies with the town, should they wish to move in themselves!


Stew Aficionado
I'm the type of pony everypony should know
Pony cert:

Pony uncert: Here
Name: Velma Doo
What brought them to the city: Velma was suffering from some heavy writers block when she finally decided that the only thing to be done was a total change of scenery. She chose Twilight Town based on its resident - maybe the alicorn of sweet dreams could give her an inspirational dream that would jog her creative flow... or at least help to provide her a restful sleep in exchange for making a character cameo in her next book.
What role/job can they fulfill: Author
About the pony: Velma is a hardworking writer. When she's on a deadline, she lives off of microwave ramen noodles and coffee. Specializing in mysteries, she's never been considered a romantic. Even when one of her filly friends set her up on a blind date - all she got from it was a new friend, Nienna. Only then... Nienna started to hang out more often. Then she started sleeping over and... Well, now the two are mates - not that Velma minds! Hm... Maybe she was a romantic this whole time. What a mysterious plot twist.

I'm the type of pony everypony should know
Pony cert:

Pony uncert: Here
Name: Rose Hip
What brought them to the city: (In an ideal world, but let me know if this doesn't work out for you and I'll change it) Rose Hip was one of the first members to join the newly founded Twilight Town. It's been thrilling for him to be apart of the rapidly growing community and he can hardly wait to see it continue to flourish.
What role/job can they fulfill: Boarding House Owner
About the pony: Rose Hip is very maternal - he runs a boarding house and take care of their patrons very well. He often refer to himself as the “Mama” of the household despite using he/him pronouns. Alternatively he’s been referred to by his patrons as a mother hen - one who will protect his brood by all means. Usually his borders tend to be youth who don’t feel safe at home/on the run or ponies who are trying to figure themselves out away from judging eyes.

I'm the type of pony everypony should know
Pony cert:

Pony uncert: Here
Name: Cherry Zest
What brought them to the city: Cherry Zest is looking for a place to retire with his mate, Astral Breeze.
What role/job can they fulfill: Music Producer/Celebrity
About the pony: A popular singer on the continent, Zest let a good deal of his success go to his head as a youth, leading him to become a bit of a casanova type. With a habit of seducing his fans and groupies, he didn't expect to end up being one of the fans seduced by his favorite pop star, Astral Breeze. Through their relationship, they eventually found they were able to open up to one another about their lives outside of their gained stardom. They're considered one of the "it couples" when it comes to celebrities of Everchange. Now, they're looking for a place to settle down and retire and it looks like Twilight Town is it.
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Grizzled Veteran
I'm the type of pony everypony should know
Pony cert:

Pony uncert: uwu
Name: All Eyes On Me (Aeom for short!)
What brought them to the city: Aeom came to the city with their partner, Smile Creeps, seeking a happy little home and a life together
What role/job can they fulfill: Chimney Sweep
About the pony: Aeom is a paranoid and very deliberate pony. They spend a lot of time indoors or at work, keeping mostly to themselves and Smile. During work, they often keep chatter to a minimum, especially around strangers. While at first they may seem secluded, with time and effort, ponies in town can begin to see just how sweet, kind, and generous Aeom is.
Welcome home Aeom!

⭐Don't forget to join the Discord ⭐

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Stew Aficionado
I'm the type of pony everypony should know
Pony cert:

Pony uncert: Link
Name: Boba
What brought them to the city: He came to Twilight Town as a small getaway... but it ended up becoming a permanent home instead.
What role/job can they fulfill: Construction
About the pony: Boba is a cozy sort, preferring to stay inside and out of trouble. He enjoys making his own smoothies and gardens as a side hobby - growing his own fruits for his creamy concoctions. He enjoys his "me time", usually running himself a bath and listening to relaxing music. He would like to work in a spa, some day, but for the time being he works in construction. There's more bits to be made there, as far as he can tell.


Grizzled Veteran
I'm the type of pony everypony should know
Pony cert:

Pony uncert: Uncert
Name: Dustin Lost Dreams
What brought them to the city: It looked like an amazing place to start a homestead with his new lifemate Thalia Veraldi.
What role/job can they fulfill: They'll have some fruit trees and small-ish vegetable plots. (Haven't figured out which kinds yet) Also breeds, trains, and sells Inus.
About the pony: The epitome of a considerate gentleman with a brilliant mind and tender heart. Many will overlook him because of his smaller build and soft-spoken nature. He's not shy though, just doesn't feel the need to throw himself at others. Dustin also has a very subtle, biting humor that's hard to catch at first.


Long-Term Resident
I'm the type of pony everypony should know
Pony cert:

Pony uncert: uncert
Name: Velvet Heart
What brought them to the city: Twilight Town appears to be a growing, popular town and where best to open up her gallery than a place that only seems to continue growing!
What role/job can they fulfill: Art Gallery and Studio Owner
About the pony: Velvet takes a lot of pride in her appearance and surrounding herself by beauty. Which is why she wanted to open an art gallery! She wants others to enjoy and buy art that they can also enjoy! And of course, what's an art gallery without a place for others to create their art? Which is why she added a studio in it! Ponies can now and either make their own beautiful pieces or get their own!


Grizzled Veteran
I'm the type of pony everypony should know
Pony cert:

Pony uncert: Link please
Name: Minas Sakros
What brought them to the city: Their mate Veri Berri
What role/job can they fulfill: She will run a food van version of the Sea Dragon's fangs food
About the pony: She is a sassy and sharp witted pony who loves her mates dearly and is enthralled with twilight town and is glad she found her mates there.


Grizzled Veteran
I'm the type of pony everypony should know
Pony cert:

Pony uncert: uncert
Name: Alhena
What brought them to the city: Studying the stars, learning about astronomy and then the beautiful lady she fell inlove with kept her here.
What role/job can they fulfill: Astronomy curator? If there is or could be a Planetarium that she could run shows in.
About the pony: Shes very bookish and she's very sweet. Shes a little shy around loud or mean ponies. She started coming into town to learn about stars and the sky and constellations but as she kept coming to the museum to do this stuff she kept running into nice ponies who wanted to learn the same things she did and so she kept coming and making friends with some of them here. And then she eventually fell in love with one, and never wanted to be any place else except here and as close to them as she could be. Working in the museum would be great for her as shes here all the time anyway.