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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[PRP] A New Leader Steps Forth... [Deadeye x SunClan]

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Dovetail held a particular interest in Deadeye. She had been an apprentice when the she-cat had taken her new name and had watched her forge a new life in the wake of her injury. So when the pale ginger awoke in the glow of the Sun Pool, Dovetail was determined to be the first one to visit her.

"Welcome to the Sun Pool, Deadeye. Are you ready for your leader ceremony?" She waved her tail in a broad motion that almost seemed to summon the cats that stepped up behind her. She cleared her throat and sank into her role, her voice ringing with an official and ancient tone, "It has been known that a leader's duty is to be the first into battle and the last one to eat so that their clan may have the strength to flourish. It has been decided that those willing to give their lives for their clan should be able to do so freely. No longer will a clan be left so quickly. Today, Deadeye, you will be given nine lives, so that you may serve your clan to your fullest capabilities."

Once again, she stepped aside, letting the first cat move forward to offer up a life to the new leader.

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
The first cat to step forward stood tall and proud. Despite his large build, his face was gentle. Even his steps were soft, as though he wished not to harm the ground beneath them. His image was faded, his memory almost entirely lost by this point in time. But it mattered not to him. To see a new leader stand before him, why, he shone faintly with hope.

"Deadeye," He began, "Like you, it wasn't until later in my life that I earned my true name. I am sure you understand the power of becoming your truest self." Moonflower smiled, pressing his nose to her forehead, "With this life, I give you the gift of Perception. May you look upon your clan and see them for who they are. Don't let them wait for it as we did."


Stew Aficionado
Blazekit had come to every leader ceremony, but he'd been hanging in the background, waiting his turn to give the best life he could to the cat he felt the closest with. It hadn't been Tigersun, who lead over his old home's territory, or Sunseer, his dad (who was definitely the coolest, because obviously, but... Blazekit didn't know him very well personally) nor Robinflight, who was the youngest leader among the newly emerging Clans.

No, of all the leaders who had emerged, Deadeye of LostClan had called to the little kit and Blazekit could hardly stop himself from waddling forward, soft pap, pap, pap's as his small paws shuffled over to the she-cat.

"Hullo!" He announced with a mighty purr. "My name's Blazekit! Sunseer and Morningsky are my parents - I think you knew them! I don't think you really got to know me, though, but don't worry! We can fix that later, when you come back to rest later. Right now though, you've got a Clan to lead!" He gave an excited wiggle. "That's really exciting, but I think it's probably gonna be a lot of hard work too. Which is, uh, fine, but it's gotta be boring after a while, too, right? So, so so! My life to you is gonna be FUN! Take time out of your day to wrestle with your family, or play moss ball, or - or - or tell your Clanmates about how I'm the coolest kit in all of SunClan!" He grinned up at her. "It's important to let yourself have time for fun and playing, amidst all the hard work, ya know?" He stretched his nose out and closed his eyes, but after a moment, he opened one again and whispered loudly. "Uh, can you lean down? I'm not tall enough to reach you yet." He closed his eyes and felt a nose press lightly against his.

From Blazekit to Deadeye would pass a rush of delight - a warm thrill pulsing through her pelt and leaving her paws tingling, even after the kit had stood back again. Waving his tiny tail at her in farewell, he gave a final farewell before regaining his spot amongst the crowd.
"It was nice meeting you, Deadeye! Let's play again sometime, okay?" @Tigeria


signed an NDA
Staff member
Pebblekit didn't know Deadeye, nor had he followed her journey, but he still was eager to bestow a life to her. Life was something he both lacked and coveted, and now he could say he gave it to two future leaders. He grinned wide once it was his turn and padded towards the larger cat with an air of importance, taking extra big steps. His nose crinkled faintly at Blazekit's life, but it wasn't very adult of him to judge, was it?
"Hello," he mewled, settling in front of Deadeye with a wide smile. "I give you the life of love."
His tail flicked softly and he tilted his head, reaching to touch her nose. "Because love is something very powerful, and will keep you going a lot longer and further than your legs can!"
The life he gave was warm and gentle, enveloping Deadeye while he padded off.


signed an NDA
Staff member
Morningsky nodded softly towards Pebblekit when he took his place once more and headed directly toward Deadeye, almost gliding into a neat bundle before the future leader. She regarded the molly fondly, tail twitching faintly behind her. Deadeye had been a strong mate, and a stronger mother -- Morningsky felt as if she could relate with the other.
"It is hard to understand why the world chooses its way, and sometimes, especially during great strife, it is hard to forgive it for its ways." She paused, savoring the silence as she mulled over her life. Yes, this would do nicely.
"But, to move on, we often must forgive. Never forget, but offering forgiveness is the beginning of accepting what has come and moving forward into what may be. Deadeye, I give you the life of forgiveness, in hopes you will find the ability to forgive the past and offer it to others."
She touched her nose to Deadeye's, her life a quick and twisting rush of pain that faded into a soft warmth. She took her spot graciously back with the others, nodding faintly to Deadeye.


Grizzled Veteran

Stonepaw stepped towards the peachy she cat. He had known of her as only a little kit when he'd been alive. Seeing her shattered and put back together twice had been heart breaking. He knew this she cat felt as though Sunclan was leaving her and even now didn't believe they were here. The medicine cats had dragged the new leaders to the pool after all.

"Deadeye, It's nice to finally meet you as a proper warrior, with this life I give you Determination. The insight to keep moving forward no matter how hard or disheartening it seems. You've survived this far, now it is time to help a clan survive further" He smiled softly at her, and touched noses. She felt a wave of warmth that became hotter, enough it felt like a burn searing into her heart. He nods to her and pads back towards is spot among the pool.


Stew Aficionado

Thistlefur was not the first to go this time. She'd been too eager to give Tigersun his new lives, and had not been prepared for these new leaders to blossom forth. So for now, she sat back and listened to the others, gauging the gifts they bestowed.

Perception. Fun - which she snorted quietly at Blazekit for. Love. Forgiveness. Determination.

All really great gifts, to which she dipped her head in thought. However, there was one she thought Deadeye really needed.

The elder approached Deadeye with a look of knowing.

"Deadeye, you have seen so, so much in this short life of yours. Short compared to mine, that is," she chuckled. "That makes you more than suitable to be a leader, but there is one thing you still lack. Faith."

Thistlefur dipped her head towards the other, touching foreheads together.

"With this life, I give you faith. Faith not in us, no. That is not what you need. But faith in yourself. Faith in those who you are building a home, a clan, with. Faith in those you surround yourself in the coming moons. Their strength is yours, and your strength is theirs. Do not forget this."

The life would flood into Deadeye with such assurance that she would likely be swayed on her paws. She would feel the strength of the cats she would call clan, and she would feel safe in knowing they were there for her. The surge of life would slowly fade, leaving Thistlefur to retreat to her previous spot.


Grizzled Veteran

Deadeye was a cat that unfortunately, Floodkit did not know much about, other than following the drama of Deadye's family when they were leaving the mountain. He was, still invited to give a life to the new leader, however!

"Hello! I'm Floodkit!" he said, approaching Deadeye. "I'll like to give you the gift of life. You will experience hardships and challenges with a new clan, but with the gift of life, there will be the foundation for a strong clan." He wanted to mention that her kits were alright, but it was not the time and place for it. Floodkit wanted to tell her, like how he wanted to comfort his own family, but he knew he would just have to wait a few more moons to reunite with them. Someday.

He followed Thistlefur's exit to sit next to her.


Grizzled Veteran

Russetsong sat listening. He had a tendency of waiting to be one of the last to bless a new leader. "Hello, Deadeye." The tom mewed. "I am here to bless you with the gift of hope. Lostclan is built on the virtues of hope, and I hope you are able to pass it along to the rest of your clanmates."

With this, Russetsong dipped his head in respect before retreating.

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Dovetail stepped forward as Russetsong faded back, "Deadeye," She says the name firmly in her soft voice, "I give you the gift of justice. May you treat not only your clan but your enemies, too, with fairness and equality. Always try to understand the many sides of every story and stand by your convictions." Her dainty nose pressed gently into the she-cat's as the final life filled her body. When she stepped back, she smiled proudly.

"I hail you by your new name, Lostsun. Your old life is no more. You have been given the nine lives of a leader, and SunClan grants you the guardianship of LostClan. Defend it well; care for young and old; honor your ancestors and the traditions of the warrior code; live each life with pride and dignity. Such is the way of the Clans."

She raised her voice, welcoming the leader and her new clan.