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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[PRP] Baby's First Trauma (See Inside)


Stew Aficionado
This is a group RP for the following cats and users. If you don't see your cat or yourself on this list, please don't post here!

Flickerfly, Leafpaw (belloblossom) + Goldenfreckle, Twilightpaw (NatiStorm) + Rushpaw (Nym) + Mousepaw (PeterPan_da144)​


Stew Aficionado

Leafpaw had just gone through the worst day of her life. She'd always been scared of eagles, thanks tothe stories that her parents told her about the eagles they'd encountered on patrols, especially the one they fought off together. She saw the scars on them and she had always hoped that she would never get scars herself.

Yet, here she was, sitting outside of the medicine cat's den while her fellow patrol members were getting checked out. She suspected that Fawndance, who had gotten the worst of it, would be staying with Fernfire for a long while, after all the injuries the cream colored she-cat had sustained. By comparison, Leafpaw had gotten out fine, but looking down at her fur... shredded by talons as big as her paw.

She wasn't sure how she was going to handle seeing her parents like this - she could already see the bright pelt of her father, Flickerfly ducking out of a ravine and calling for her mother. Of course they would've heard the news that two of their kits, for Mousepaw had been on the patrol too, had been beaten by an eagle. She tucked her head to her chest. She couldn't lick her chest - for cobwebs had been plastered all around her fur to cover her wounds, but she didn't want to look at either of her parents right now. She was too ashamed to meet anyone's gaze at this moment.


Stew Aficionado

Flickerfly had been dozing in his nest in the Warriors Den when Stonebelly crashed in, calling for him and for Goldenfreckle. Getting to his paws hurriedly, he explained he wasn't sure of Goldenfreckle's location; he'd assumed she'd gone out on patrols or were spending time with their kits while he napped, but his explanation fell short when Stonebelly interrupted him to tell him that Mousepaw and Leafpaw had been injured by an eagle attack while out on patrol.

He didn't stop to hear anything beyond that, shoving past Stonebelly - he'd apologize to the grey tomcat later.
"Goldenfreckle!?" He called, eyes searching, but maybe she already knew. Maybe she was already on her way. If she was in the camp, she'd surely come running at his frantic yowl and if she wasn't, well, the medicine cat den was not too far away from the camp entrance.

Hurrying towards the medicine cat's den, his silver gaze focused in on his daughter, Leafpaw. He came to a stop in front of her, anguish in his gaze.
"Leafpaw, you're - how are you? Where's your brother?" He raised his gaze, searching past her. "Mousepaw?" He asked. Actually, where were all of his kits. He turned his head back the way he came. "Twilightpaw? Rushpaw?" He called.

"Dad, don't..." He heard Leafpaw mewing, but he didn't heed her words. He needed to know where all of his family members were, now. Leafpaw was sitting in front of him, looking disheveled, but alive. She smelled of herbs and had cobwebs sticking out of his fur. He didn't move to embrace her; he didn't want to shift any poultices or webbing away from where it was needed. His mind was racing - once his mate arrived, she could do the comforting for Leafpaw and for anyone else who needed it for that matter, but right now, he looked down with sharp, focused eyes at Leafpaw and demanded. "What happened?" @NatiStorm @PeterPan_da144 @Nym


Grizzled Veteran

Goldenfreckle was just entering camp, with Twilightpaw on her heels, when Sparrowfeather called to her. The expecting queen seemed visibly upset and Goldenfreckle felt a stone fall in her stomach. Did something happen? Her clanmate had barely gotten the words out when she heard Flickerfly's distressed call for her and their children. Goldenfreckle had to resist the urge to scruff Twilightpaw and run across camp as she knew her son would resent her for it. It took all her might to calmly say "To Fernfire's den, quickly."

Together the made their way to the medicine cat's den, rushing up beside Flickerfly. The sight of her sweet little Leafpaw wrapped in cobwebs and herbs made Goldenfreckle dizzy and nauseous. She turned to Flickerfly to see how he was fairing. He seemed fine, so he wasn't with Leafpaw. How did this happen? Looking around she noticed two of their children were still missing and panic flooded her. As calmly as she could, Goldenfreckle took a few steps into the medicine cat's den. She could smell that two of her children had visited this den recently.

Hoping for answers she turned back to look at Leafpaw, echoing the question Flickerfly had just asked. "Leafpaw, please, what happened?"


Grizzled Veteran

Twilightpaw followed his mother into camp a few steps ahead of his mentor Softstep. It was nice to be on boarder duty, he couldn't mess up and embarrass himself with this chore. He was just about to ask his mentor a question when he felt the change in his mothers stance. Her voice was calm when she spoke but for some reason it unsettled him. Why did he need to go to the medicine cat's den? He was perfectly fine. Twilightpaw got his answer as they moved across camp. His fathers pelt was easy to find, just like his sister's who was sitting in front of Firefern's den with her fur sticking at weird angles.

Oh no, his siblings were hurt. The young tabby almost tripped over himself as the thought occurred to him that one of them might not be okay. Once he was close enough, Twilightpaw started to inspect every inch of Leafpaw without touching the cobwebs.

"What did this?" he whispered, wide eyed, as he sniffed over her.
@belloblossom @PeterPan_da144 @Nym


Stew Aficionado

The normally quiet and stoic young tom pushed his way out of the medicine den in a huffy limp. "Quiet," he growled, flicking his ears and tail angrily. They were all so loud and noisy! With a huff, he would flump onto his rump and twist to sniff at the cobwebs on his shoulder. He'd been bitten by the eagle pretty hard, some muscle had even been torn. He was told he would be lucky to regain full mobility of the limb with little pain.

Eyes rolled as his family continued to fuss. "Mousebrain Leafpaw decided to fight the eagle instead of hiding like she'd originally done," he stated crossly and softly, looking over at his sister angrily. "You're such a scaredy cat, you hid, and you could have kept hiding! You brought that on yourself." Perhaps the most words that came out of the otherwise quiet young tom in a few moments.

He barely even talked to his parents all that much, instead choosing concise words and terms as opposed to holding a full conversation.

"We were on a patrol. An eagle attacked." The only further explanation he provided to his family, huffing as he leaned onto his good leg, glancing back into the medicine cat den. He hoped Fawndance was okay....


Stew Aficionado

Leafpaw would've been more than content to let her parents fuss over her. She looked pitifully up at Goldenfreckle and was flinching away from her brother, Twilightpaw, when Mousepaw's words cut into her as nastily as the eagle's talons had. Her head swiveled and her expression was hurt, before she narrowed her eyes and stood, her tail bushing out in indignant anger.

"You bet I was scared! But you charged off first, mouse-brain! It's your fault as much as mine that I'm hurt! You could've died trying to fight that eagle and I could've died trying to save you!" She spat with as much venom as she could muster. Her eyes welled up with tears, regret prickling at her fur. "Why're you being so mean?" She mewed, shuffling over to Goldenfreckle and sending accusing looks at her brother, before turning her gaze away and burying her face into Goldenfreckle's soft chest fur, weeping. She wanted to be comforted, not scolded!


Stew Aficionado

Flickerfly was comforted by the fact that Goldenfreckle had appeared and that she'd brought Twilightpaw with her. Rushpaw wouldn't be far behind, he suspected - they were a family that stuck together, generally. When Mousepaw came creeping out of the medicine cat's den, he flicked his ears towards his son, casting a gaze of concern over him. With the words that he'd directed to his sister, Leafpaw - words that certainly were not helping the situation any, Flickerfly turned to his mate.
"I think it's best if you stay here with Leafpaw." He mewed to her and then to Twilightpaw, he instructed. "Twilightpaw, can you fetch Rushpaw and grab some moss and any extra fur or feathers from the fresh kill pile to adorn your siblings' nests? I think they'd both appreciate some fresh bedding after all they endured. Report back to your mother when you're done."

Turning his gaze back to Mousepaw, he mewed.
"Alright young tom, you're coming with me. You've had a big, awful day - let's get some food in you and get you off to the apprentices den." He turned. "Come along, son." He mewed and began to pad away in the direction of the fresh kill, glancing only once behind him to ensure that Mousepaw was following along. @NatiStorm @PeterPan_da144 @Nym


Stew Aficionado

"That's exactly it!" His tail lashed angrily.

"You immediately ran off to hide. I chose to follow the adults and attack the eagle. YOU could have stayed hidden. YOU chose to chase after me and it. YOU DID THAT. I did not ask you to come help me. That is on you." There was lots of huffing from him as he stood on all fours, chest fluffed out angrily.

When his father directed his attention to him, it did nothing to soothe the young tom. "She is acting like I made her come after me. I can't just run and hide whenever something threatens the clan, or fellow clan members. If I were to have died, then that is my choice! She cannot blame me for getting herself hurt!"

His tail continued to lash, chest still fluffed, as he angrily followed his father. At such a brisk pace that he even surpassed Flickerfly, wanting to get far away from his cry baby, cowardly sister.
