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Pokémon Expeditions

[PRP] Dockside [Lex & Takuto]


Grizzled Veteran
"Wouldn't change you," Lex sang as he walked to the beach, sheltered under a lace parasol and carrying a picnic basket. His pokeballs were clipped on his sash and his voluminous hair had been contained by cute clips to keep it out of his face. He had picked a pair of blue and white stripe linen shorts, and a soft silky pink gold tunic.

The sand was soft and hot under his feet as he walked over the grains. The waves lapped over the shore, the sound sweet to his ears as he thought out a good space near the dock. He wanted to get some good pictures off the pier after the picnic. He set the basket and parasol down, pulling out a blanket to unfold onto the sand.

"That looks good." He set the parasol in the sands, sitting under the shade and started to break out some treat he had grabbed from the commissary.


Grizzled Veteran

Takuto had decided that a scroll on the beach was going to be nice. He had left his signature green jacket at home since it had been so hot and actually changed into shorts and a tank top. With him he had a small bag that held a towel, some food, and a pair of water shoes so he could go into the water without having to be barefoot for long. One of his biggest gripes was going or doing anything barefoot. Just the thought of some bug or something crawling over his feet sent a hard shudder through his body. Hard no.

Unfortunately Takuto had no Pokemon so he was unable to go out and explore like he wanted. Though spending time near the water was very nice. Though he didn't have too many skills, he did have a way with the water types. The ginger haired lad scanned the beachside near the dock and grinned. It seemed he was not the only one looking for a lazy late morning - early afternoon relaxation moment.

"Hey." He called out, giving a wave as he did so. He would have to get to know the other residents at some point as opposed to sitting around in the dorms waiting for something to happen.


Grizzled Veteran
"Care to join me?" Lex called, waving back as he finished setting up how he wanted it. He reached up, carefully removing both the poke balls from his sash. He hummed, rolling both of them in his hands before letting out out Ringo and tucking Fat Kevin back on the sash. Fat Kevin could come out when they actually had a chance to eat.

The lesser fusion gave a little confused mrrpp, looking around ears perked high before sniffing at the poke snack left on a plate for him.

"Yeah, that one is yours." Lex confirmed to the eeevee sentret fusion, turning to his basket to see if he had another plate and setting. There they were. He set them out. "Do you like fruit salad?" He questioned, pulling out the container as the pokemon gleefully chomped down on the snack.


Grizzled Veteran
Takuto pointed to himself. Though he was pretty sure that it was him since he didn't see anyone else around. "Uh sure." He walking over towards the other. He was eyeing Ringo, but not warily, just curious about it. A gorgeous Pokemon really. Gosh he really wanted his own Pokemon here, or at least some sort of Pokemon here.

Another point at himself when asked about fruit salad. "I don't mind it. I am a bit hungry." His stomach growled in reply. He should have packed something but he hadn't really thought he would be out here so long. "Name's Takuto, Takuto Yoshida." A warm smile. He wanted to pet the little Eevee but he decided that he would get to know them first before trying that.


Grizzled Veteran
"Lex Travae," he introduced himself. "And that is Ringo, he's still a little stand offish, but we are working on it." Lex offered the container of fruit salad to Takuto and turned back to the basket to dig out some more food. Cupcakes, double chocolate with chocolate sprinkles and some slices of pizza in little to go cardboard sleeves.

Ringo gleefully chowed down on his treat and side eye Takuto, unsure before giving a little vee and turning his back completely to the new person. This was his. No one else's.


Grizzled Veteran
Takuto smiled wide, "Nice to meet you Lex. Nice to meet you too, Ringo." Though he got the sinking suspicion that Ringo did not like him very much. Hopefully he could change that in the future. "You do have quite the assortment of foods there. A lot of unhealthy things." He chuckled, "No judgement on that of course, I do prefer the snack foods over healthy. Though this fruit salad is pretty good." His stomach growled a little more before he scooped up some more fruits.

"How long have you been here for?" He asked curious. "How did you get your first pokemon?"


Grizzled Veteran
"First pokemon here or first pokemon in general?" Lex questioned, thoughtful. "First actually was Gothia, my sister had captured her and gave her to me. Here, was actually Ringo," Lex nodded to the eevee. "From the Nauwhil enrichment center. I had to answer a questionnaire."

He split the food and took a bite from his slice of pizza, giving a happy noise at the melted cheese and dough creation. "Been here for a few months now?" Lex muttered, trying to think about it. "And well, it one of the easier things to get out of the commissary to go."

"I do have one more, but Fat Kevin is a glutton and we would have no food or peace with him out." He swiped some sauce of his chin with a thumb, popping it in his mouth. "Mmh, he's a pidove and he used to steal peoples unattended food in Nauwhil before his capture."