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Warriors: Cats of the Sun



Stew Aficionado

Oddpaw lived up to their name from day one. As Oddkit, they always seemed off. They tilted one way, were often caught staring into the distance or very intently at something just beneath their paws. It took a while before they were labeled as partially deaf and blind - they could not see from their left eye, nor hear from their left ear. It didn't seem to bother them one bit, even if they did often get bowled over by siblings while playing. In fact, they were even more odd in the fact that they were so quiet and studious. Intent and ever watchful. Often times the red kit could be found trailing after Bone, the medicine cat, as if drinking in their every action. So when they became Oddpaw, and were given a mentor... They declined that, and instead sought out Bone.

Here they were, standing in front of Bone, blinking up at the she-cat slowly.
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Stew Aficionado

Bone stared down at the odd apprentice, her tail flicking idly side to side. She had always felt a kinship with the half deaf and half blind cat, a delight bubbling in her chest when they chose her instead of whatever mentor had been originally assigned. She didn’t need any dreams from SunClan or whispered prophecies; she knew they were meant to be a medicine cat.

”We will start with pressure on open wounds,” she signed with her entire body, her tail flipping over the shape of her towards the end. ”There are a few methods to stopping bleeding….”

The lesson continued, covering the basics of both attempting to stop bleeding or, if unable to, how to slow bleeding while transporting an injured cat. She’d watch Oddpaw carefully for the first lesson, pausing to ensure they understood a sign or could ask questions.


Stew Aficionado
Oddpaw would watch with wide eyes, drinking in every subtle movement in the others body. They had been watching Bone for a while, so they had already grown an understanding of the way they spoke. Oddpaw's tail would twitch in affirmation as they turned to the lesson. Ever so often, their left side whiskers would quiver, or the ear would flick. Otherwise, Oddpaw was intent on the lesson, and would either very softly ask a question - if they felt they couldn't sign it properly - or give soft little signs back to the older she-cat.


Stew Aficionado
Luckily for the both of them, Bone understood a small amount of mouth reading, having picked it up slowly since her first day in LostClan. Their questions were easily answered, and the lesson was a smooth one. Or, so she assumed.

”Do you understand?” She signed, pushing off the makeshift bundle of moss shaped like a rudimentary cat. ”Can you show me what to do if I,” she exposed her front right leg. ”had a wound here you needed to stabilize until we could get me back home?”


Stew Aficionado
Blinking slowly, Oddpaw tilted their head to the left. Reading Bone's movements, flicking their left ear. They would nod, before moving over the cat shaped moss. Oddpaw pulled together all the necessary bindings. Starting with some thick cobwebs and moss, they would pack it against the wound, stoppering the bleeding. Then large sticks were pulled, placed alongside the leg, then a tilt of the head....

Instead of asking Bone, Oddpaw chose to presume the worst of the not-patient. The sticks were pulled closer, positioned properly to keep the injured section of the leg sturdy. They hopped away to grab some thick vines off of a nearby stump, nearly slipping on them as they padded back, and began to wrap them around the splint. A paw holding one end, they would take the other in their mouth and pull it over, then drop it, duck back the other way, and pull the vine underneath the leg. Repeating this allowed them to wrap the vine up and around. At the end, the top and bottom ends were tucked between the sticks and the leg, keeping them in place.

Oddpaw stepped back but couldn't take their eyes off the splint and poultice. Tail twitched lightly behind them before they would nod, turning to look owlishly back up at Bone.


Stew Aficionado
She watched owlishly, her head tilting as they worked. Her mouth twitched as Oddpaw clearly decided to assume the worst condition, pleased. Good. Injuries weren’t always more severe than their bearer believed, but it was common for a cat not to fully realize the damage done. Many cats didn’t even feel the pain until later, once the adrenaline wore off. She had always over prepared her patients, just in case.

Oddpaw stepped back and returned her owlish gaze, her own blinking back slowly before she examined her leg. Yes. Good. Tight, still, and the “wound” was packed. They were a good listener.

”Good job,” she signed. A soft, almost inaudible purr whispered from her as she tilted what she could of her leg. ”I wanted to teach this to you first, before we went over medicine and plants. Having an extra paw could save the life of a cat.” She thought of the attack between StoneClan and TreeClan and shuddered, her tail snapping behind her.

”Let’s undo this and move to identifying herbs and tools.”


Stew Aficionado
With the praise from Bone, Oddpaw's eyes lit up. They smiled and stood tall, tail tip twitching excitedly. There was plenty of enthusiastic nodding from Oddpaw as they started to undo the splint, and cleaned everything up to ready for further lessons.