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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[PRP] Homeward Bound (Riversurge/Poppyheart)


Stew Aficionado

Riversurge never thought that he'd be making the journey back to MountainClan. When they'd come down - what felt like ages ago, but how long ago was it really? - it had been life or death, or so Sunseer and Littleflower had believed. And Riversurge had followed them, coming down with the majority of his Clanmates and observing the tearful goodbyes of those who chose to remain behind. Riversurge was so certain that they were leaving these cats to their deaths.

Only it hadn't happened that way. MountainClan had survived! Even after settling back at the river, some cats chose to go back up the mountain and return to their ancestral home. Palestorm, the close companion to Riversurge's mate, Poppyheart, had returned nearly as soon as StoneClan began to form. Then, some moons later, Gravelpaw, Riversurge and Poppyheart's own son, went to go up the mountain too. He'd been so hurt that his family would wish to break away from one another, but he'd come in time to accept Gravelpaw's decision.

He'd spent his time with Poppyheart and their remaining kittens in a peaceful way - the prey was substantial and while StoneClan never felt as familiar as their home in the mountain (especially with all the loners and kittypets they were accepting into their ranks) he was ready to make StoneClan his new home.

That was, until the attack from TreeClan. He had no idea that the apprentices and warriors of their ranks were sneaking around, stealing prey and Sunflight and hre cats were upon them without warning or notice. He witnessed so much carnage that day and some of his own kin were injured in the battle. He would've stayed to ensure that Siltwater and his family were alive and treated. He'd wanted to check in to see how his other offspring Boulderpaw and Rocksteady were managing, for Rocksteady had gotten injured too - but Poppyheart was his number one, she always had been. So, when she moved to leave, he left with her.

Poppyheart's pace was intense and by the time they reached the pond with few words exchanged between them, Riversurge's tail was drooping.
"Poppy, please." He mewed as he pushed himself to move past her and stop in front of her. "Let's stop to hunt and to rest here, there may not be another sensible place to take a break for a while." He was looking worse for wear himself. "Let me fish us up something from the pond and you can find a place for us to rest, outside of the view of the sky." He missed the security of the rocky cliffside, or of the pine trees. "Then, while we're resting, maybe you can tell me what your plan is?" He prompted her. @PeterPan_da144