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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[PRP] Kit and the Beast [Sailor Scout & Beast]


Grizzled Veteran

Beast rose to his paws and with a relaxed yawn he enjoyed a good stretch before pulling himself out of the hollow beneath the tree he had bee nesting in lately. He paused outside to sniff the air and sensing no threats he swished his tail and padded off towards the two leg place to hunt. He hated the two legs, but he had to admit that the abundant, fat prey he could find there was rather tasty. Besides, it wasn't like they scared him and it was always fun to scare some kitty pets when he got the chance too.

He strode more than slunk through the tall reedy grass that separated the forest edge from an odd solid fence that blocked the view into the two leg patch. He smirked as he paused to look up the smooth surface. As if such a thin would challenge him. He bunched his muscles and eyed the top to lock in his intended target and launched his large frame upwards and easily hauled himself onto the walk. Where the scruffy tom flicked his tail and he opened his mouth to pick up all the scents as his sharp red eyes took in the oddly flat and lifeless two leg garden. He huffed in disgust there would be little decent prey to be found here. The tiny plants nest seemed far from fit to offer shelter to even a mouse. Though, he could still scent traces of prey nearby he was sure he would have better luck in one of the neighboring two legs nests.

However, a different scent, a cat scent, made him curious. Beast began to slowly but confidently stride along the top of the walk looking down into the space for the fresh smell's source not even slightly trying to hide himself from view.



Stew Aficionado

Sailor Scout, or more commonly, Scout as her house folk often called to her, was a rambunctious kit much like any other. Her person had intended to get a ragdoll or a scottish fold originally, cats who would flop around and take being dressed up with no fuss. Instead, Scout came into the picture - because who could resist a face like hers? Why, she looked like a baby raccoon!

Thus, it was this feral creature who had been picked up from a shelter rather than a purebred groomer, who found her way into a Twoleg den, given a name and from a very young age, began to get all manner of poked and prodded - with weird objects stuck on her. Thus, began her career as an expert escape artist.

Despite the walls in the outside patio that no normal cat should be able to scale, Scout had been able to come up with, through trial and error, a likely plot to get her up onto the top of the wall.

First, she climbed up onto the kitchen counter, then she used her tiny claws to rip a small hole in the screen blocking the window from the great outdoors; her person didn't let her outside usually, but the wire screen allowed for a nice breeze to come through. Finally, she managed to squeeze through the hole and tumble out from the kitchen to the garden table outside. She narrowly avoided landing on a cactus that was sitting on the table and she moved to the edge of the table that meant the wall! Ha! She was an escape artist extraordinaire!

Getting ready to scale the smooth surface and defy the laws of physics, she took pause when the breeze changed and she scented another cat. Fluffing her fur up so that she looked even more like a raccoon than a kitten, she looked up to see a large white tom! Her mouth dropped open and she stared with wide eyes, before she reached her tiny front paws up the side of the wall.

"Quick, quick! Pull me up!" She asked, ever the opportunist and never one to consider the possibility of stranger danger. @I--LiveWire--I


Grizzled Veteran
Beast's gaze was drawn to motion as a grey puff of fur tumbled onto the table among the tiny plants. He sat and watched them right themselves and prepare to scale the oddly flat, smooth surface that stood in their way. A twitch of a smile flicked across his fierce features as they poofed their fur to look bigger as they scented him and looked about.

He remained seated and looked down at the kit meeting hers with his crimson ones. He was much larger than her and the angle only made him more intimidating as he practically loomed over the kit. Though, the tiny raccoon looking furball only gaped at him for a moment before stretching their paws up the wall and ask for, or rather practically demand assistance.

Beast chuckled, deep with a bit of a rough sound. Then unhesitatingly reached down to pluck the kit up onto the walk beside him. He'd be more than happy to assist anyone escaping two legs and this spirited kit was pretty amusing.

"Where you off to?" He inquired curiously in his deep voice as he looked back at the two leg nest briefly before focusing on the kit. They weren't fresh kill, but he liked kits, especially spunky ones. He may be able to find some enjoyment to make it worthwhile.



Stew Aficionado
Scout took a moment to balance herself on the walkway, checking the way that the new ground felt under her paws. When she got her bearings, the cat who'd helped her was asking her a question.

"I have NO idea!" She said and wiggled with glee. "Isn't that so exciting? I've never been out of the house before! My person," She rolled her eyes. "Keeps poking me and trying to attach extra stuff to me." She pointed at the monstrosity that was tied so firmly to her tail, that she was worried her whole tail might fall off. "Like, what the heck is this for?" She rolled her eyes. "But anyway, I'm out now! That's what matters! I've got the whole world in front of me." She turned her gaze back up at the cat, craning her head back to try and see his eyes, but she could only see up his nose. Well, that was pretty much the same, right?

"Thanks for helping me, mister!" She squeaked at him. "You're really cool! And big. You're really big. You're the biggest, coolest cat I've ever met!" Never mind the fact that she'd never met another cat, up until that point. "What's your name? I'm Sailor Scout, but you can call me Scout, if you want. I don't know what it means - it sounds made up. Do you have a made up name?" She asked, prattling on and then as a breeze grazed over her pelt, she puffed out against the gentle elements. "Hey, you wanna go somewhere together? I bet you know ALL the best adventure spots. I'll keep you good company, I promise! Whaddya say? I'll follow you anywhere!" She mewed hopefully, her eyes practically glowing as she stared up the tomcat's nostrils. @I--LiveWire--I


Grizzled Veteran
Beast chuckled at her declaration and the smile crept onto his face. Kits where so full of energy it was refreshing. Though his mirth died down slightly as he looked down at the two leg item as she drew his gaze to it. The smile swapping to his typical impassive expression was likely missed by the bubbly kit, if for no other reason than her perspective lookin up at him. "Two legs like to mark things with such items." His tone full of distaste, in his experience such object only marked one a target.

He however did not get further chance to got on or rant about his dislike of two legs as the kit moved from topics like a hummingbird from flower to flower. And he found his mood lifting again as the coon coon colored kit ogled his size and introduced herself. His grin returned as he lay down to get a slightly more level view with Scout. "I just go by Beast, though two legs have called me may nonsense names in the past." He answered casually flicking his tail to drape on the other side of the walk.

The he let out a laugh, deep and gruff despite his mirth. He looked down at her with squinty eyes filled with delight. "Know what, you may be right little Scout. I do know some fun places." He paused to leaned closer and whisper conspiratorially to her. "And I do believe you may be correct about good company. Around here most cats don't seem to like fun."

Giving another smile he rose to his paws and looked out towards the trees than the base of the walk then back to Scout. Then his red eyes gleamed mischievously as he asked. "Ready to go?"



Stew Aficionado
Scout was practically vibrating with excitement.

"Okay, so, first of all, that's the coolest name ever. Like EVER ever." She told the large tomcat. "Beast. Beeeeeeast. You know what it sounds like? Best. Beast the Best... or Best the Beast? Beast the Bestest! Mm... I'll work on it. But it's cool, that's what I'm saying."

When he went on to say that she was totally and completely right (that's what he'd said, wasn't it? Something like that anyway) she grinned toothily. "I'm glad that I've met one of the cats that likes to have fun then!" And then. "Oh, I am so ready! I was born ready! Let's go!" She said and scrambled up to a stance that she hoped looked like a ferocious adventurer, ready to take on the world! @I--LiveWire--I


Grizzled Veteran
Beast looked down an quirked a brow at the kit's declaration that his name was the best. He smiled slightly as she rambled and he gave a rumbling amused purr as if laughing at her adorable ramble. Oh he would defiantly enjoy showing this spunky kit some fun adventure.

"Well then little Scout. It sounds like it's past time to get you out of here." He said in his deep voice before suddenly dipping his head down swiftly to gently pluck the kit off the walk and in the same smooth motion launch himself right off the wall. Leaping a far as his powerful muscles could towards the weedy shrubs and the green forest beyond them.

He landed with a thump and had to take several rapid steps forward to kill the momentum before he set Scout down again. He lifted his head and looked down at them with playful mischief in his red eyes to gauge their response to his sudden action.



Stew Aficionado
Scout's eyes went round the moment that she was scooped up by Beast. She squeaked her surprise, but rather than wriggling to escape, she went perfectly still and let him do as he so desired. He was so much bigger than her, first of all and secondly, she didn't want to get hurt. Surely he knew what he was doing. If she wiggled, maybe she would break his concentration and something would go wrong! She didn't want that to happen!

When at last Beast landed on the ground and put her down, she rolled her head back so that she could look back at him. He was upside down from this angle, but whoops, she was already leaning too far back! She couldn't right herself in time - she fell backwards onto his large paws. She squeaked again and rolled over, feeling wild grass under her paws for the first time. She blinked out at every tree she saw and took a few cautious steps forward, before she took off at a run.

"I'm loose, I'm loose!" She mewed her delight and then glanced over at Beast. "Betcha can't catch me! I'm gonna run so fast!" She taunted him, wiggling in her glee, before she took off at a fast dash again. @I--LiveWire--I