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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[PRP] Looking For Adventure [Wind Chaser x Jersey]


Grizzled Veteran

It wasn't often that Wind Chaser explored this territory. The many twoleg nests clustered together invited many dangers to the area. Still, the land was worth searching. His main mission was to recruited lone cats for his clan but Wind Chaser also hoped to learn a bit more about hunting near twolegs. How to escape a twolegs if caught would be very useful knowledge as the golden tom had never actually encountered a twoleg before. While in the Homeland, he always hunted in the barn at night after the twolegs had gone to sleep so he didn't have to deal with them. Out here, alone, with so many twoleg nests around, Wind Chaser was much more cautious and kept to the field a little ways from the strange trees that lined twoleg territories.

As he stared, trying to figure out the best way around the strange uniformed trees, a cat suddenly appeared on top of them. The cat was obviously a kittypet since it wore a twoleg blanket around it's neck. Wind Chaser rarely got the opportunity to talk to kittypets and excitedly trotted across the field to stand at the base of the weird uniformed trees. What a different world the kittypets must live in, what knowledge they must have, and Wind Chaser wanted to know all about it.

"Well-met, friend." He called as he approached, not wanting to startle his potential friend. Wasting no time, he called out to the tan tabby, "Is this your home? Could you spare a few breaths to tell me about your story? About your life here that is." Sitting down, he kept his posture relaxed and blinked happily up at the cat above him.


Stew Aficionado

Wide-eyed, Jersey would arch her back at first. However, even with the tom approaching, everything about him read rather docile. Or at least, he wasn't going to just attack her. Slowly, she sat atop her fence, looking down at him. Ears twitching. Seeing how long he would just sit and wait for her to answer.

When it was evident he wasn't going to leave, Jersey would pick herself up and nimbly jump down from the fence. Her smooth rump was evident, no sign of ever having a tail. Slowly, she came within a few tail lengths of him, eyeballing him. "Why would a wild cat like you want to know?" she sniffed, not angry, more curious. "No wild cats come here without some sort of ill intention. Even strays on the streets are rough and mean."



Grizzled Veteran
Over the course of his travels, Wind Chaser had made contact with many cats who took a moment to evaluate others before deciding to stay or flee and this cat seemed to be one of them. It was easy to stay relaxed, even while a stranger was looming above him, while he had the hope of learning something new inside of him. Seeing the she-cat jump down near him, the golden tom smiled and twitched his tail tip in thanks.

Answering a question with a question, this she-cat was defensive and smart. Wind Chaser's smile softened some as he adjusted his seated position to face the kittypet now that she was on his level. This was her territory so it was only fair that he explain himself first before expecting any answers.

"To be honest with you, this is the first chance I've had to swap stories with a cat of your status. I am a lover of travel and learning and I would be honored to learn about your life here." A loner had once told him that some kittypets don't actually like being called kittypets so Wind Chaser tended to avoid using the word aloud if he could avoid it. He let out a small huff of a chuckle at being called a wild cat himself. "My name is Wind Chaser and though I am as wild as the wind I was named after, I assure you I bare no ill intent." He dipped his head slightly and shook his tail in a friendly manner as he introduced himself.


Stew Aficionado
Head slowly tilted as the tom spoke, and even introduced himself. Wind Chaser. A little purr at the thought.

"Your name is very natural," she would continue to purr, before blinking slowly. Friendly. "I'm Jersey. I think my Twolegs said it has something to do with where we came from. We only moved here recently." She did not know the place she was born in was called another state, nor that it was called New Jersey. She only knew the insides of the home there, the inside of the big monster they called a car, full to the brim with things from home, and the inside of her new house. Oh, and the garden, of course. She had been too scared to journey farther than it just yet, and her Twolegs often seemed distraught at her spending too much time in the garden.

Which, she probably didn't have much time out here on the other side of the fence, out of their view.

"Living with Twolegs is boring," she would sigh, rolling her eyes. "It's... safe, sure, but there's not much life to it. They feed me hard little pellets of food that look like squirrel scat... And the water they give me to drink is flat. They give me lots of toys to play with, but those can only entertain me for so long..." Her voice began to grow wistful at the end.

"Tell me, what is it like, out in the wilds?"
