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[PRP] Not Boarding a Boat Tonight [Lan x Wynmond]


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He breathed the word out heavy, drawing it through his teeth with a hiss and groan. It was almost laughable -- almost, if the panic in his chest could settle and alleviate the acidic sour taste rising in the back of his throat. Almost. He had come to Nauwill to start over; to be someone he couldn't have been back home, where the rules of how to be and what could be done had been long laid out centuries ago. Here, on this developing island, Wynmond had the chance to help mold the definition of the every day on Nauwill. He was neither arrogant nor had an ego that made him believe he'd have too much say in the matter realistically, but it felt sure of a hell more like a possible home than the one he had grown up in. He had felt safer facing the unknown than trying to fit into the mold of what he had been raised in, and now...
Well, now it was fucking ruined, wasn't it?
Jun was here. Jun Ito was in fucking Nauwill. The torn sigh from his throat couldn't express the frustration and grief unraveling in his brain, but it was a start. His breakup with Jun wasn't the catalyst for his escape from Johto, but it had certainly added to the pile of reasons. Wynmond had felt a great relief in the belief he'd never have to see his first love (and, subsequently, first heartbreak) ever again, and yet- Jun had a way of taking over a space, didn't he? And now he could be around any corner, ransacking the spaces Wynmond had begun to feel he had a place in and taking-
No- no, that was unreasonable. 'I'm doing it again,' Wynmond thought with another groan and tug of his hair. It was unfortunate, and uncomfortable, and... a plethora of other things he had names for, but it wouldn't be the end of the world. It'd be okay, maybe. And if not... well, he could leave Nauwill, too. He could pack his bags and run away somewhere else if he had to. It wasn't like he had done much here, anyway. No one would miss him if he boarded the next ship. No one except....
Ah- actually...
His hands plunged into his coat, fumbling for the often abandoned and undercharged phone that miraculously hadn't died from its neglect. He could leave, but what had his therapist said before? Something something, hippie shit-- ah, yeah, reach out to your friends. He hadn't had them then, but now...
Are you busy?
He fired the text before he could regret it.


Grizzled Veteran
Lan hummed, leaning close to the mirror as he examined his smoothly drawled lines in sparkling red eyeliner. He tapped the thin pen, considering if he wanted to do a smooth thin line classic black or perhaps a brilliant orange with a soft pastel yellow to give a sunset look. He tapped it against his lower lip, considering and just reached for the orange pen when his phone vibrated.

"Hmmh?" He reached over, sliding his fingers over the pattern to open it up and tapped the messenger. Well that was different. Wynnie didn't usually text him first. He pursed his lips, considering it over before texting a quick 'Np, you good. I'll call you' in the messages and hit the contact button, listening to it ring.


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If Lan had given him a moment he would have insisted on sticking to texts, but either Lan had known that'd be the answer or he was just good at reading the room; either was likely. Regardless, his phone began the merry default ringer tone, startling the writer despite being warned beforehand. He fumbled unnecessarily, still rattled from the previous meltdown and left with trembling hands, and answered the phone before he could make an excuse not to.
"Lan!" His voice cracked an octave. "I'm sorry, is this a bad time? I didn't check the ti- shit, it's 10. Were you going to bed?" While Wynmond was a nocturnal insomniac, he hadn't quite yet figured out Lan's own sleep schedule, or if he even had one. He dragged a hand over his face silently, pulling down against his skin as he withheld the urge to sigh. Arceus, he sounded like a dweeb.



Grizzled Veteran
"Wynnie, I'm fine. I was just testing out some makeup possibilities," Lan replied, putting Wynmond on speaker phone as he added a thin line of bright orange on his upper lid. "But what is going on? You sound a bit like shit. Do you want to come over? Or should I come over? It sounds like you shouldn't be alone... we could make it a sleep over." He tapped the pen over his lip, sort of liking that idea and then finished up the thin lines of orange over both upper eye lids before looking for the little pot of pastel yellow.

"Some hot chocolate, or tea. Pile up a bunch of blankets and pillows, could do your nails for you. Or you could help me name my newest pokemon. I recently got an eevee," he suggested, gently pushing Wynmond into saying yes.


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Staff member
'You sound a bit like shit'.
Yeah, yeah that was Lan. Wynmond huffed a low laugh and tossed his head to scan his room. Books, more books, thrown clothes... while he found it perfectly suitable and clean-- just not "tidy --, Wynmond didn't find the usual sense of comfort when he looked upon the room. His room had been a private and dark oasis from the constant activity breeding in Nauwil. Being alone had always been his way of recovering from the stimulus of other people and the noises they brought with them, but now, as he looked upon the familiar sight of his greys and beiges, Wynmond wanted nothing more than to escape his own personal confinement and go anywhere else.
Somewhere that didn't have his name written on a public roster that anyone could find.
"I feel like shit," Wynmond confirmed as he swept from his crumpled position against the door and glided to his desk, grabbing for his bag. "Do you have coffee? I'll bring a blanket and Barker." He scooped an arm under the sleeping totodile on his bed, who yawned lazily and rolled to curl themselves against his chest once properly adjusted.
"You got an eevee?" His voice audibly rose a pitch, excitement teetering through the clenched anxiety behind his teeth. He haphazardly shouldered a soft fleece blanket before tucking his fingers under the nest of pillows in the center of his bed with a soft hum, gesturing for the small eevee tucked within to come closer. Belle stretched, offered her own tiny yawn, and greeted her trainer with a gentle headbutt.
"Can I bring my eevee?"


Grizzled Veteran
"Ahhh, Wynnieee that isn't good," Lan stated, unscrewing the lid from the pot and carefully dabbing on the yellow. "Mmh? Coffee? I probably can get some. Bring all the blankets, and of course bring Barker. Christmas will love to hang out with him."

"Ooh, yes. She is a recent inquisition?" He paused at the word. He was rather sure that was what he wanted to say. Ehh. "You should see her next to Christmas, it is adorable." He finished with the eyeshadow, closing up the lid. "I don't see why you can't? Bring your eevee, bring all your pokemon. More the merrier." Lan stood, tapping his mouth as he looked over the room. A vanity and a dresser was pressed against a wall with an ottoman as seating. Various pokemon beds were on the floor along with a mix of rugs and blankets.

"I think we have a camp mattress around here somewhere," he muttered and started looking over the closet. "And we can steal some chairs..."


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Staff member
Bring all your pokemon was a dangerous thing to say to Wynmond Collins, who would, in fact, bring all his pokemon. Luckily for both of them, he didn't have many, and the ones he did have were either hiding somewhere in his room in a place he didn't know of, or weren't suitable for company yet and had kept themselves sequestered instead. He made a pointed look at Grudge, who cackled ominously from under his bed.
Yeah, no, he wasn't doing that to Lan.
"Okay," Wynmond murmured between helping Belle into his messenger bag and adjusting Barker. "I'll be there in five." He hesitated, debated thanking Lan, and fumbled, his mouth opening and closing as he grappled with the internal debate of whether it was weird to acknowledge the kindness of a friend or just normal "friend things" (whatever the fuck that was). He landed finally on the reality that he couldn't be trusted for anything in the friend department and, in true curt Wynmond fashion, hung up.
By five minutes he really meant fifteen-- why the hell were the hallways like a liminal maze? --before he found himself at Lan's door, knocking by tapping the edge of his boot as he struggled to keep a hold on a very awake Barker, who had begun to notice their surroundings had changed and wanted to investigate.


Grizzled Veteran
"See you then," Lan called to the phone, half in the closet trying to figure out where they had stashed that mattress ooh there it was. He wrestled it free, letting it flop on the floor startling Flapjack as the Mimikyu squeaked in surprise, hunkered under the vanity. "Sorry," Lan called, dragging it into place and then went back to find sheets! They were important and the camp mattress was a bit strain. He hummed, wrestling the sheets on the mattress and gently stopping Christmas from trying to help.

"Barker going to be here. You are going to be excited about that aren't you?" Lan said, rubbing Christmas's head and looked up. "Flapjack, people are here. The closet is open if you want to hide in it," He called, walking to the door and opened it up.

"Hi, Wynnie!" He said, opening the door in his magikarp boxers and motioned him in. "How are you Barker? Are you excited to meet with Christmas?"


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Staff member
"Hey." Wynmond would have been surprised to see Lan in just his boxers if that wasn't part of the norm for the fellow trainer. He did linger his gaze on them, recognizing the set immediately; Wynmond had almost bought their treecko set, after all. There was supposed to be a shiny magikarp or two hidden within the pattern....
Ah, he was staring. Wynmond jolted into flustered movement, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose and bending to let Belle daintily jump into Lan's room. Barker was most definitely excited, tearing himself free from Wynmond's arms and waddling after Belle with a growled croon in search of his friend.
Wynmond trailed after his pokemon and set his bag and blanket beside the door as Belle and Barket explored the mattress left for him. "Ah, you didn't have to set this all up for me, Lan! Do you need help with anything?"


Grizzled Veteran
"Actually get ready to commit petty theft," Lan exclaimed clasping his hands. "We are going to raid the community room for chairs so we can make a fort." He smiled at the pair of pokemon. "What a darling little eevee!"

Christmas barreled over towards Barker, almost tackling the other in excitement. "Bulba!" She yelled, gleefully booping him with his vines.

A soft pink eevee yawned from her perch on a pokemon bed, stretching before jumping down and approaching them, giving a soft "Vee?" Of curiosity as she took in the new poke'mon in the room.


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Staff member
Theft, cool, cool. That was certainly something else to do instead of brooding in his dark room. "Alright."
Barker let out a strangled squeal when Christmas came into sight, arms raised as they tried to meet the barreling bulbasaur in the middle. They failed, but it was met with a delighted chortle as they flopped right onto Christmas and sprawled, hands slapping playfully back at explorative vines. "Diiiiiiile!"
Belle was far more poised, waiting patiently (and perhaps a bit nervously) on the mattress, an ear twitching towards the loud cries of friends reunited. Her attention flicked towards the approaching eevee, her bell jingling while she rose and broke the distance, tentatively stretching forward to offer a nose touch. "Vee?"
"Aaaaah, she's cute," Wynmond cooed, slowly crouching to observe the newest member of Lan's crew, his weight fully on the balls of his feet, hand extended in greeting. "You need help naming her?"