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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[PRP] We All Have Quirks [Sunstone x Tremble]


Grizzled Veteran

By all accounts, it was a lovely day. The sun was high in the sky and the trees were full of green leaves that swayed in the gentle breeze. Yet something was missing. Today had the potential to be a perfect day once the missing something was found but.. what was it that was missing?

Sunstone trotted slowly through the tall grasses and weeds that had grown up around the abandoned twoleg nest. He had already searched the surrounding woods for his missing something but had no success in finding whatever it was so he pressed on. Maybe what he was searching for was in this strange place. Being unfamiliar with twolegs and their nests, Sunstone wandered around the dilapidated building a few times before finding the way in. While he could see how it would be a benefit in bad weather, the whole closed space made him feel strangely uncomfortable on the whole so the brown and tan male decided to search elsewhere.

So focused on the strange nest and getting out of it, Sunstone wasn't exactly watching where he was going and ran into something. Or someone.
@Lunar Fea

Lunar Fea

Grizzled Veteran
Tremble was a cat who rather loved the two leg nests. Not with two legs in them, mind you, but the ability to be covered, sheltered from seemingly everything? Well it just felt comforting.

At this moment, however, she was not in her usual spot of an abandoned two leg shed. She was out hunting, foraging around and enjoying a bit of the sun when something bumbled into her.

With a startled yowl, Tremble was about six feet in the air, fur on end as she landed on her paws, tail puffed out like a pinecone, ears flat against her head, eyes wide, trembling. She spun around, ready to flee back to her home (not to see what ran into her) and came almost nose to chest (because she was so low to the ground trembling) with a big , fluffy and tough looking tomcat.

Gulping, she opened her mouth but words came out. Just fear in her big round orbs for eyes.



Grizzled Veteran
With a blink and a half step back, Sunstone watched the cat he'd accidently run into give a startled jump before turning to him. Oh, it was a she-cat. A tiny scared she-cat. Why was she scared? Was there danger nearby? Looking around, he quickly scanned the area for danger but saw nothing out of the ordinary. Strange. He was just about to ask her what she was afraid of when a thought occurred to him.

"Oh. How perfect, it's you." Sunstone said with a kind smile. This was exactly the something he'd been looking for to make his day perfect - a cat to keep him company. "I've been looking for you all day." His smile broadened as he lowered himself to the ground to be eye level with the she-cat so that he could ask his questions. "Where have you been? Were you hiding? You look scared, is there something to fear nearby?" Growing up without many interactions with other cats, Sunstone tended to forget that giving ones name was part of common introductions.
@Lunar Fea

Lunar Fea

Grizzled Veteran
It was her?

Blinking, Tremble moved her head slowly, glancing around, her tail curled and pressed tight to her sides. Was he really talking to her---oh ohoh yeahhe was down at her level now, yup, he was talking to her. Okkkayy okay okay,,, okaay don't panic... aahh breath..breath Tremble BREATH!

Not realizing she had been holding her breath she gasped and took in a huge amount of air, trying her best to steady her beating heart and pounding chest, blinking at him slowly. " I... w-wahhs hunting... is this your terr--- Do you li-- I've never se-s-s-e------- WHO?!" she finally managed to spit out, her toebeans going wide from the exertion before she settled down into a tiny smoll loaf on the ground in front of him, still shaking, albeit not as bad.

Her fur had now fallen flat and while she still looked like she was trying to scoot away without actually physically moving.....she was



Grizzled Veteran
Sunstone lazily blinked as the scared new she-cat tried to articulate where she'd been all day. Oh, so she had been out hunting. What a smart cat she was. More often than not, Sunstone forgot to hunt until he was almost to hungry to move and even then, sometimes he'd get distracted and forget he was hunting. It was a miracle that he had survived so long on his own.

"Ah, hunting. You're so smart for hunting before you get to hungry to hunt. Meanwhile I've just been searching, for you, to make a perfect day. Did you have a successful hunt? Because I had a successful search." He closed his eyes and did a small happy wiggle with his body, his tail twitching excitedly in the air. Though he had run into this new cat by accident, he was proud of himself for accomplishing his goal of finding what was missing in his day. Looking back at the she-cat, realization registered on his face and he looked the she-cat over. "Oh, you're so right. I completely forgot. I'm supposed to ask 'Who are you' when meeting a new cat. Thank you for reminding me! Now.. uh... Who are you?" Sunstone stared wide eyed at the she-cat before him. He was, in fact, terrible with names. But maybe if he really focused on her, he'd remember her name when she gave it.

@Lunar Fea

Lunar Fea

Grizzled Veteran
Any fear Tremble had of this cat trying to rip her to shreds was slowly dispersing the more he talked. Something about him struck her as.....familiar? But odd and she couldn't quite place it at first. "I.... you don't hunt?" she blinked as she eyed him.

And then he got closer and wider eyes and he was all wiggly and then mentioned the thought of not introducing himself. "uUh Sunstone...." she began before the idea hit her of what he reminded her of.

He was like a big kitten who couldn't take care of himself. Or if he did it was very.... specially done.

Tilting her head, she blinked, glancing around a moment before replying. "My name is... Tremble..." she said softly before settling down into a much less shaking pose. "... Why were you looking for me? Have we met before?" she searched her brain, trying to recall if she had ever met him before but her mind was coming up blank.

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Grizzled Veteran
"Sure I do... At least, when I remember to." The fluffy tom gave a small chuckle. Some small part of him knew he should feel more embarrassed about forgetting to hunt so often but he generally ignored that part. "I have trouble remembering things sometimes, like hunting or finding shelter or finding clean water. My parents used to nag me about it constantly. Sunstone, remember this, Sunstone remember that, all the time... Until I lost them. That was a long time ago - they are very good at hiding. It's okay though, things usually seem to work out in the end. Like today! I found you!"

Sunstone settled himself into a nice loose loafing position. Hearing his name come from the trembling she-cat brought fourth another smile and a small purr. "Yeah, that's me. Wait, did I tell you my name is Sunstone? I guess I did, didn't I? But I bet you're smart enough to figure it out even if I hadn't said it. Yeah, that's me, Sunstone!" Turning his attention back to the cat before him, his features lit up with happiness as the scared cat gave her name. Tremble! What a perfect name! He could absolutely remember that! ... Right?

"Oh, how perfect! Tremble! That name fits you well! Oh, and no, we've not met before, I'd definitely remember a cat as cute as you! I was looking for you because.... well... because I was missing something, and you were the something, and now things are better." Sunstone beamed at Tremble, believing that his lack of explanation actually explained why he was looking for another cat to spend a lovely day with.

@Lunar Fea

Lunar Fea

Grizzled Veteran
Tremble nodded softly at him giving his name. "You... said it...before hand.." she said as she continued to feel more at ease. He seemed more silly than threatening and she didn't pick up on any malicious scent at al. Which meant he was either he was genuinely just a friendly silly tom, or he was good at hiding it and she'd be dead tomorrow.

She was gonna hope it was the former.

At him calling her name perfect however, it brought mixed emotions to her. She had begun to smile but then her ears fell flat again and she stared at her paws a moment. "No ones ever said that before..." she meowed softly, shifting in her loaf position as if to shift her paws to be more comfortable. "My mother named me that....because I was always so scared...." she frowned again. Most other cats took advantage of her for that. She hoped he wouldn't do the same.

As for him wanting to find her.... she was still very confused. But him calling her cute sort of threw all her brain processing out the window and if a cat could blush, her cheeks would be bright red right now. "I... I didn't know... I was missing... I'm sorry? S-s-should I be....nnnnot.. missing?" she blinked.

How did she do that?



Grizzled Veteran
"Oh?" Sunstone paused to listen to Tremble explain her name. Strange, she seemed sad. Such a smart and cute she-cat shouldn't look so sad in such a lovely day. She was always scared? That wouldn't do. No, he'd have to do something to fix that. Maybe he could scare away whatever was scaring her all the time. "I don't like that you are scared. Can I chase off whatever is scaring you? That way you can still be Tremble but you won't be scared Tremble. I think it's a great name because I can remember it. Some names are hard to remember. Like mine, I don't look like a sun or a stone so how is anyone supposed to remember my name? But you're named after your cute shake, Tremble, it's perfect." He beamed at the she-cat proudly once more, sure that his explanation was sound, understandable, and absolutely not just a ramble.

He chuckled at Tremble's confusion and slowly blinked at her for a moment before answering her question. "That's up to you, really. I know I would like it if you weren't missing. You seem really nice and I would like to spend the day with you, maybe chase of whatever scary thing is nearby and remember to hunt something for later." Sunstone paused to look at Tremble with some concern on his face. "But you don't have to if you don't want to. You can just go hide and I probably won't find you again." The thought didn't sit well with him, he really wanted to be friends with this cute she-cat, but he knew from experience that not many cats actually liked being around him and if Tremble didn't want to be around him, he wasn't going to make her.
@Lunar Fea

Lunar Fea

Grizzled Veteran
Tremble was sure her fur was about to glow as hot as her face felt the more he kept going on about her name and she found herself shaking out of nervous embarrassment rather than fear. She brought a paw up to her face, swiping it over a few times as if to try to brush the blush off. "Your markings... they kinda look like a sun." she said as she gestured to his side haunch before quickly looking away. She didn't want to seem like she was staring. "That could be why? Maybe..."

But he just met her, did he really want to spend a day with her? The thought caused butterflies in her stomach and she wiggled a bit more. The thought of someone wanting to actually spend a day with her felt so nice... "O-oh... then I'll stay found? If... t-that's ok with you?" she added before she resettled herself on her paws into a tiny loaf pose, eye nervously glancing around before back to him before around then back to him again. Did they do something now? Or just keep talking? What did he want to do? "I...Um... anything... you want to do?"



Grizzled Veteran
Confused, Sunstone looked back to observe his own markings. "Huh. I guess it does sort of look like a sun. I always thought it looked like a flower." He chuckled the idea that his flower marking actually looked more like a sun from some angles. Such a smart she-cat Tremble was to have figured that out for him. Good thing she was with him or else he might never have figured that one out!

At Tremble's questionable declaration of sticking around Sunstone's expression lit up and he gave another full body wiggle. With a bright smile he stood and looked down at his new friend. "I want to make your day perfect!" He beamed. "Do you live around here? We could find a nice place to sunbathe or go to one if you've found one."

@Lunar Fea