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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[PRP] What Does This One Do? [Wind Chaser x Purple Heart x Bracken]


Grizzled Veteran

It was a beautiful day with the sun high in the sky as Wind Chaser limped through the underbrush around the ruined twoleg nest. Normally the golden tabby tom would be enjoying this day by hunting and trying to find loners to travel with him. Today however, he found it hard to enjoy the sunshine as the sting in his leg seemed to get worse with each step. Earlier that morning he had been startled out of the twoleg nest and into a thorn bush. He came out of the bush with a particularly nasty scratch with the tip of a thorn still stuck in it. Wind Chaser had been able to pick the thorn out easily enough and lick the wound clean but he worried that if he left the scratch untreated that it might get worse.

The only problem was he only knew of two plants to chew up and put on wounds and neither of them seemed to be growing here.

Stopping, he licked at his wound again before slumping to the ground. If he couldn't find the plants he knew, would it be worth the risk to try a plant he didn't know? Wind Chaser stared at a few of the plants around him that he didn't recognize. Were any of them dangerous to chew? He was so lost in thought, and distracted by the constant sting in his leg, that he didn't register the scent of any cats nearby as he sniffed at some nearby leaves. The leaves didn't smell good but neither did most medicine so maybe that was a good sign?

He sighed before licking at the scratch once more. The worst part of being a loner was not having a medicine cat around.
@PeterPan_da144 @kovak


Grizzled Veteran

Purple Heart was known to frequent the clans and pick up a thing or two about herbs and how to use them to treat cats. They were called medicine cats, and he was an unofficial medicine cat apprentice. Or that's how it seemed to him. Since he was not actually in a clan, but just a friendly face that would respect the clan cats and slowly learn their ways. They believed in Sunclan, and it felt like such a great belief to him -- Sunclan was where the clan cats went when it was time to pass.

Today, he was planning to show Bracken, his own medicine cat apprentice, around the ruined two leg nest. It was a weird thing. Was he a medicine cat apprentice apprentice? Purple Heart did not know, for he never asked the clan cats about it. Maybe he should the next time he crossed paths with them. There would be a surplus of plants to learn about there, and it would be a good learning experience for the both of them to see how the setting was. Just in case they needed to settle there for the night or anything. It was sunny now, but it could downpour tonight.

As the duo approached the ruined two leg nest, Purple Heart stopped, seeing a cat on the ground aggressively licking his leg. Already, the purple blue tom could tell that something was wrong. "Now, let's use this as practice, shall we? If they let us approach them.." he said to Bracken. "We don't want to immediately offer our help, because we might frighten them. Do you want to introduce ourselves to them?" Purple Heart notioned for the juvenile to move forth and make their presence known.

@PeterPan_da144 @NatiStorm


Stew Aficionado

Bracken had been alone for quite some time before Purple Heart found them. There had been a lot of trial and error with herbs to help him through tough times, but thankfully he never died. So when Purple Heart found him and took him on as an apprentice in the ways of medicine, Bracken was relieved. He was able to learn about new herbs, and even helped Purple Heart to avoid some he'd previously found were harmful.

As the pair entered the ruined twoleg nest, Brackens ears flicked up. He heard the other Tom before Purple Heart pointed him out. Instead of replying to the other cat, Bracken would turn around and sniff about, finding a good herb - albeit a tiny clump, barely a mouthful - to wash out a wound. Bracken approached the injured Tom with this herb in his mouth.

"Here. This will help," he'd say, after dropping it in the grass beside him. Bracken proceeded to lap some up and chew it. "Stay still." Introductions would be left to Purple Heart. Bracken was too focused on helping this hurt cat.

@kovak @NatiStorm


Grizzled Veteran
At the sound of something moving through the grass, Wind Chaser snapped his head around and spotted two cats, one adult, one young, making their way towards him. Taking a good look at them, Wind Chaser relaxed some. The positions of their tails and the body language in how they moved seemed friendly enough and the golden tabby almost sighed in relief. He could fight if he needed to but he would rather not aggravate his leg so it came as a nice relief when they approached cautiously and friendly. Well, sort of friendly. The young one seemed rather focused and blunt which made Wind Chaser smile. There was nothing like a cat focused on putting knowledge to good use.

"Well-met, friends." Wind Chaser gave his usual greeting in his normal upbeat tone as the young one approached him carrying some herbs. Earlier he though today was an unlucky day due to scratching his leg but with this new turn of events, it seemed that today was actually a very lucky day! What where the chances that on the day he got hurt, he'd find a cat who knows which plants in the area would help him.

"Thank you very much young one." He replied as he tried to hold as still as possible while exposing the scratch on his leg to the younger tom. With the young one being focused on the herbs, Wind Chaser looked to the adult tom and smiled. "I'm going to take a wild guess and say that he is training under you?" He paused to let the other answer before continuing. "I greatly appreciate your assistance as I am unfamiliar with the plants in this area. You however seem to know exactly what you're doing." He said praising the apprentice tending to him.

@kovak @PeterPan_da144


Stew Aficionado
Bracken glanced up as the tom cat spoke, before turning his focus back to the wound. He meticulously washed the herbs into the others wound, pulling fur away from it so it wouldn't get closed up in the wound as it healed. He would pause once his mouth was free of herbs, and look up at the tom again.

"I've been training for a while," he murmured, turning back towards the rest of the herbs to chew them into a nice pulp. He quickly washed it into the wound, before sitting back and swiping his tongue along his mouth, then spitting the remainder of the pulp off to the side. "Even before I met Purple Heart, I've been learning." His eyes shimmered mysteriously, and then he lowered his gaze. "I'm Bracken," he said as he did so, introducing himself.

@kovak @NatiStorm