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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[PRP] You Live Here? [Wren x Marble]


Grizzled Veteran

A hiss of frustration escaped her as Wren darted after the crafty squirrel she had been stalking for some time now. The cursed thing had jumped from her grasp and ran up the strangest look clump of trees Wren had ever seen. As she jumped atop the short trees recognition hit her hard and she stopped in her tracks, one paw still raised in the air.

This was a fence. The one at her old twolegs nest had been made of loud clanging sturdy vines (chain link) instead of wood but she recognized it for what it was. It was a cage, a way to trap cats in the nest so they couldn't escape... And her squirrel was now down in the yard of the twoleg nest. Wren stood on the fence post, her tail lashing in annoyance as she debated going down to pursue the squirrel or giving up on her hunt.

She scented the air to see if the twolegs were near but caught the scent of another cat instead. "Is someone there?" Her dark eyes scanned the yard before her, hoping to catch a sight of the cat she smelled.