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[RACE] Corshryn - (Newest: Woshryn)

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Corshryn Information

The history of the Corshryns is something that even most historians debate as rumor and legend has changed many times over the years. No one is quite sure how they started or where they came from. Legend says that they started in this world as animals and over time the magic of the world invaded their essence and they became sapient.

Corshryn have never procreated the way that other races have. Whenever a Corshryn have had children in the past 99.9% of the time the children are animals, hailing from whatever species their parents are. Some might still believe in this way, while others have adapted more toward being a humanoid and want children just like they are.
Mule Account
Corshryn History

When the Dragons died and the world changed, the very change itself created a new surge of Spirit Animals known as Corshryn to emerge. The wild growth and shifting of power leaked and invaded the animals causing the Corshryn to evolve much more quickly than usual. Many believe this is the world's way of trying to combat what has happened to the people, giving humanoids more of a chance to revive, while others believe that the earth is trying to fight back to regain control of what has happened to it. Either way, most believe that the Corshryn are Vigala's champions in this chaotic time.

All history is very scarce for all Corshryn as up until the Plague they were not considered much of a race but instead as individuals that most never knew existed. The sudden surge of them has changed that drastically and they now find themselves learning for the first time how to co-exist with other humanoids on the same footing. This has become a major challenge for many, especially the predatory races, as they try to navigate in a completely new world.
Mule Account
Woshryn History

Woshryn history isn't very vast. When more of their race than usual began to emerge, territorial fights and infighting became progressively worse. It took a very dominate wolf, who called himself Amberpaw, to rise to the top and make the others follow him. Figuring out what had happened was a long arduous process that many of the Woshryn wanted no part in so many of them retreated toward the woods.Those that stayed found a strange unforgiving world that they had to navigate with next to no knowledge of. Many other races took advantage of this and it has caused some problems with the Woshryn who now know better.

Upon entering the city, at first, Amberpaw had declared the city his and let his wolves take what they felt was theirs. This earned the Woshryn a savage reputation that some have never forgiven. This, however, was quickly put to rest by Queen Eliana and several adventurers who helped her regain control over Bastion's Rise. Amberpaw has since given his allegiance to the Queen but has since warned her that should she ever become weak that he would eagerly usurp her. The alliance is tentative, but the Queen has earned his respect (as much as one who isn't a wolf can).

As years have passed, the leaking magic from the world has also invaded the more tamed species of wolves (dogs), giving some of them the same sentience as Woshryn. Because of their similarities, Woshryn have taken the dog-kin in as their own.
Mule Account
Woshryn Information

Wolf Corshryn have always been known as a fighting spirit. They are one of the very few races that are used to working with others (though they were usually in a pack of wild wolves and seeing another of their kind was rare). For this reason they have adapted more toward the idea of civility than other predators of their race. However, that doesn't mean they are tame. A show of strength is needed to gain the respect of most Woshryn, though they do not easily back down. This can cause many street brawls among the more dominate of their kind, especially when territorial disputes arise with Half-Dragons.

Less dominate personalities are more prone to taking orders and following their leaders without question. This could arise from any situation in which they are not the ones in command. Submissive wolves prefer to be followers as long as those above them are competent. This doesn't mean, however, that they wouldn't question someone who isn't or bare their teeth if someone misuses their power.
Mule Account
Woshryn Appearance

Woshryn choose their humanoid appearance at the moment they gained their new form. This form cannot change unless outside magic is used. Woshryn never age, never change, and many cling to old and outdated practices.

Most appear to be young adults, fit and agile. Their wild eyes can intimidate their allies and foes alike. All Woshryn have wolf-like ears, tails and feet. Claws adorn their fingers. Some Woshryn sport muzzles while others have chosen a more human-like face.

Colorations vary between full wolf or dog colorations to human skin with only the ears and tail having colored fur.

Eye colors are the usual natural colors for Wolves or Dogs. (Natural human colors + yellow and orange.)
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Tips for Playing Woshryn

  • Though not required, Woshryn tend toward Native American names, or simple words added together (such as Amberpaw). It's also not uncommon for Human names or words, given that some where previously kept as pets.
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