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[RACE] Half-Elves

Mule Account

Half-Elves are the union between Elves and Humans. Though once considered to be mongrels, they have now been a recognized race for over 100 years. Half-Elves live to be around 200 years, sometimes longer depending on ancestry, this can cause some issues when they see loved ones grow old around them (Humans) or others not age at all (Elves). Half-Elves tend to be more curious and ambitious than Elves, but many of them tend to love nature, art and it's not uncommon for them to have more refined tastes. They lend well to adventurers, poets, artists, as well as trappers, foresters or hunters.
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Mule Account

Their frames usually tend toward something lither than humans but much bulkier than elves. Their weight and height never quite reach human levels with the largest among them not usually more than 200 pounds and height being the very tallest around 6'2", those with Dark Elf blood very rarely reach above 5'10".

Half Elves tend to look like a mix of their ancestry, a little bit of column A and a little of B. They have both human and elven traits that wholly depend on what race they came from. Because of this, they can vary widely on appearance. (See Elves.) Unlike Elves, Half-Elves can grow facial hair.
Mule Account

Half Elves have the best and worst of both worlds. This duel nature has left many as outcasts in both communities. The number of Half Elves rose when Elves finally realized that it was far easier to procreate with humans than their own kind. This had given many who had given up on having a family hope for the first time in centuries. However, as the trend grew, a new race had been born who had a hard time surviving in Elven communities. This caused many Elves to look down upon them and cast them out as inferior.

Having no where else to go, Half Elves began showing up in Human cities. They were met with mixed reactions. Wanderlust took many of them, but others found that the Humans, while unaccommodating, were nothing compared to how the Elves had treated them. They stayed and created their own homes among the Humans, finding a place to live for the first time.
Mule Account
Tips for Playing
  • Half-Elves names tend toward Human names when born in Elvish communities, and tend toward Elven names when born in Human communities. (Naming themes are not required.)
  • Half-Elves are beings of two worlds and finding a balance is difficult for some.
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