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Grizzled Veteran

Name: Razzleberry TeaBreed: Earth Multiple eyes (bleeding) + long tusk mutation
Gender MaleOrientation
Colorist: xxteacupMate: Sinful Skull
Alignment SummerFont color #CD5C5C
Job Tea shop owner Whistling Kettle tea shop Workplace simple list of their occupation will earn you +1 Activity Points, while a detailed summary of what they do and how they do it will earn you +2 Activity Points. Detailed suggestions are the name of the business, the hours they operate, how they were hired/created the occupation, etc.
HerdHome location
Personality He seems nice but in truth doesn't care to much about anything else but he likes to get paid. He knows others may find his eyes creepy with the bleeding at all so he doesn't get close to others and keeps to himself. He has become more of a soft hearted pony over time but he can still be firm if he must
Diligent, Thoughtful, Wise
[*] Vindictive, holds a grudge, plays dirty
Likes and dislikes A basic list of 2-5 likes/dislikes will earn you +1 Activity Point, while an in-depth listing and information pertaining to their likes/dislikes earn you +2 Activity Points.

Razzleberry Tea isn’t as sweet as he looks he has grown up in a Tea shop the Whistling Kettle. It has been in the family for quite some time. To that end he has used it to gain information. That information he hears here and there he takes and sells to those who might be considered less then reputable. He has gotten very good at reading lips and the fact he can see from so many different places helps. The only problem is the longer his eyes are open the greater risk that blood vessels become damaged and he begins to bleed from those extra eyes. It annoys him and tends to make others nervous around him so he often keeps his eyes shut or opens them for small periods of time and changes which eyes are open often

He took an employee into his shop at the behest of one of his more regular customers a blind hybrid who seems addicted to tea. The employee was a ghoulie who had a level head and was quite enough not to speak about his more unusual guests. She had a twin who she was in a bit of a fight with. It didn't interrupt business so it was fine. and the brother seemed level headed as well after meeting him. After a time he found that the pair were 'blessed' by the unicorn of fertility. trying to figure out which place would be the best to raise the kids at he found the ghoulie was homeless. Picking up her box he took it to his home. The kids would be raised in his home and Skully would have a welcome permanent place with him. In truth he was more fond of her then he would let on but has a feeling trying to hold Skully down would chase her away.
Sinful Syrup, Razzleberry Sin, Sinful Tea
Giving them a pet earns you +1 Activity Points (limited to only 1, not for each pet they have!). Describing their relationship with their pet(s) earn you +2 Activity Points.
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Grizzled Veteran

Name: Sinful TeaBreed: Ghoulie
Extra feet fur, one eye in chest, no eyes on face, longer spikes
Gender MaleOrientation
Colorist: tigeriaMate: Ookami and Astra Gala
Alignment FallFont color #AFEEEE
Job NotaryWorkplace simple list of their occupation will earn you +1 Activity Points, while a detailed summary of what they do and how they do it will earn you +2 Activity Points. Detailed suggestions are the name of the business, the hours they operate, how they were hired/created the occupation, etc.
HerdHome location
Personality He seems nice but in truth doesn't care to much about anything else but he likes to get paid. He knows others may find his eyes creepy with the bleeding at all so he doesn't get close to others and keeps to himself. He has become more of a soft hearted pony over time but he can still be firm if he must
Friendly, Kind,
[*] Clingy, Spiteful
Likes and dislikes A basic list of 2-5 likes/dislikes will earn you +1 Activity Point, while an in-depth listing and information pertaining to their likes/dislikes earn you +2 Activity Points.

Growing up in a loving home he was quite spoiled by his siblings and parents. Sinful has no depth perception with only one eye so he tends to favor actives he can sit and do. His father runs a tea shop that he loves to sit and visit for hours after work. .
Giving them a pet earns you +1 Activity Points (limited to only 1, not for each pet they have!). Describing their relationship with their pet(s) earn you +2 Activity Points.
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Grizzled Veteran

Name: Myst FlightBreed: Pixie/Dragon
(Lingering mist, three eyes, mouth on neck + chest, oversized unique antenna)
Gender Non binaryOrientation
Colorist: teaMate: Hanako
Alignment SummerFont color #DB7093
Job Book and candle shop owner The Page Turner Workplace simple list of their occupation will earn you +1 Activity Points, while a detailed summary of what they do and how they do it will earn you +2 Activity Points. Detailed suggestions are the name of the business, the hours they operate, how they were hired/created the occupation, etc.
HerdHome location
Calm, Relaxing
[*] Smokey, eccentric He calm and very relaxed for the most part. Sometimes he identifies as female or nonbionary but mostly male.
Likes and dislikes A basic list of 2-5 likes/dislikes will earn you +1 Activity Point, while an in-depth listing and information pertaining to their likes/dislikes earn you +2 Activity Points.

Myst Flight runs a book shop called the Page Turner. He also has a deep love of incense and mellow music. They seem quite scary but it is rarely the case. They can speak out of all of their mouths and use it to read to foals with multiple voices. Their mist tends to cling around them regardless of will or desire it does become thicker and more obscuring when they are stressed or want to hide. To that end they often have incense for sale in their shop and they have noticed when they do burn incense the scent will mix and linger with their mist for much of the day.

They met their mate Hanako who decided to share their life and the pair ended up with three baskets together! Myst is very proud and but a bit scared. They don’t know if the incense is harmful to foals so they don’t light it around the baskets. They love to read to the foals at night.
Furoraru Flight, Sakura, Myst Mahana
Giving them a pet earns you +1 Activity Points (limited to only 1, not for each pet they have!). Describing their relationship with their pet(s) earn you +2 Activity Points.
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Grizzled Veteran

Name: Azure VangaurdBreed: Unicorn
Gender FemaleOrientation
Colorist: TeaMate:
Alignment FallFont color #4169E1
Job Traveler Scholar of attack magic and some healing Workplace simple list of their occupation will earn you +1 Activity Points, while a detailed summary of what they do and how they do it will earn you +2 Activity Points. Detailed suggestions are the name of the business, the hours they operate, how they were hired/created the occupation, etc.
HerdHome location
Personality Strong willed, fun loving, likes getting into trouble
Strong willed, Open, Knowledgeable
[*] Feisty, eccentric
Likes and dislikes A basic list of 2-5 likes/dislikes will earn you +1 Activity Point, while an in-depth listing and information pertaining to their likes/dislikes earn you +2 Activity Points.

Azure and Ruby are as close as their respective brothers are apart. They would often sneak out late at night together to go on adventures. Crimson would encourage them while Cobalt would scold them and make sure they weren’t injured on the way back. The girls are as thick as thieves and love to go shopping with one another and find new decorations.

Azure is strong willed and friendly she loves to travel and have adventures. She studies healing and attack magic
Giving them a pet earns you +1 Activity Points (limited to only 1, not for each pet they have!). Describing their relationship with their pet(s) earn you +2 Activity Points.
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Grizzled Veteran

Name: Ruby AvantgardeBreed: Pegasus
Gender FemaleOrientation
Colorist: teaMate: Geralt
Alignment FallFont color #B22222
Job Guard Tactician and Supply route gaurd Workplace simple list of their occupation will earn you +1 Activity Points, while a detailed summary of what they do and how they do it will earn you +2 Activity Points. Detailed suggestions are the name of the business, the hours they operate, how they were hired/created the occupation, etc.
HerdHome location
Sweet, Open, Knowledgeable
[*] Stubborn, eccentric
Friendly, sweet often going along with azure
Likes and dislikes A basic list of 2-5 likes/dislikes will earn you +1 Activity Point, while an in-depth listing and information pertaining to their likes/dislikes earn you +2 Activity Points.

Azure and Ruby are as close as their respective brothers are apart. They would often sneak out late at night together to go on adventures. Crimson would encourage them while Cobalt would scold them and make sure they weren’t injured on the way back. The girls are as thick as thieves and love to go shopping with one another and find new decorations.

Ruby is friendly and sweet and is a scout as well as supply line planner.

Giving them a pet earns you +1 Activity Points (limited to only 1, not for each pet they have!). Describing their relationship with their pet(s) earn you +2 Activity Points.
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Grizzled Veteran

Name: EmilyBreed: Awakened Earth
Gender: FemaleOrientation : No preference
Colorist: xxteacupMate: Straight
Alignment SummerFont color 008B8B
Job School Nurse Workplace simple list of their occupation will earn you +1 Activity Points, while a detailed summary of what they do and how they do it will earn you +2 Activity Points. Detailed suggestions are the name of the business, the hours they operate, how they were hired/created the occupation, etc.
Herd Twilight TownHome location Twilight Town
Personality Daydreaming, motherly, kind she dreams of being an author but works as a nurse to pay the bills
Daydreaming, motherly, kind
[*] Distracable
Likes and dislikes A basic list of 2-5 likes/dislikes will earn you +1 Activity Point, while an in-depth listing and information pertaining to their likes/dislikes earn you +2 Activity Points.

Emily works as a nurse but hopes to one day become a full time writer and author rather then just part time. She will fight her editor to the death over each word of her stories but most of the time is relaxed. She enjoys writing at the Whistling Kettle as she finds the atmosphere very relaxing. She writes under the pseudonym Penn Anne Quill. Moving to a young budding community she quickly became a school nurse
Giving them a pet earns you +1 Activity Points (limited to only 1, not for each pet they have!). Describing their relationship with their pet(s) earn you +2 Activity Points.
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Grizzled Veteran

Name: Compass Polaris WindroseBreed: Alicorn Unique ears, unique wings
Gender MaleOrientation
Colorist: teaMate: Rue Morge, Northwest
Alignment SummerFont color #6B8E23
Job Alicorn of guidance Dex Data Travel Agency and travels Workplace simple list of their occupation will earn you +1 Activity Points, while a detailed summary of what they do and how they do it will earn you +2 Activity Points. Detailed suggestions are the name of the business, the hours they operate, how they were hired/created the occupation, etc.
HerdHome location
Personality Direct, Honest, Hopeful
Friendly, Helpful, Patient
[*] Listless, Distracted
Likes and dislikes A basic list of 2-5 likes/dislikes will earn you +1 Activity Point, while an in-depth listing and information pertaining to their likes/dislikes earn you +2 Activity Points.

The alicorn of guidance of course works for the Dex Dat Travel Agency. They are easy to find and will always post dates of travel when they do travel so that way others know where they are.
Giving them a pet earns you +1 Activity Points (limited to only 1, not for each pet they have!). Describing their relationship with their pet(s) earn you +2 Activity Points.
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Grizzled Veteran
Name: Vholith SweethartBreed: Dragon
Gender MaleOrientation
Colorist: NymMate: Caramello
Alignment FallFont color #A0522D
Job ChocolatierWorkplace simple list of their occupation will earn you +1 Activity Points, while a detailed summary of what they do and how they do it will earn you +2 Activity Points. Detailed suggestions are the name of the business, the hours they operate, how they were hired/created the occupation, etc.
HerdHome location
Personality Vholith is understanding and patient and loves to take time and make chocolate masterpieces
Patient, Understanding
[*] Stubborn, Perfectionist
Likes and dislikes A basic list of 2-5 likes/dislikes will earn you +1 Activity Point, while an in-depth listing and information pertaining to their likes/dislikes earn you +2 Activity Points.

Vholith owns a small sweet shop and sells a number of chocolates for special events. He is training Caramello to make sweets but finds his apprentice tends to jump ahead of themselves often. He shakes his head and gladly helps them fix the errors as he is sure Caramello will be an amazing sweet artist in the future.
Giving them a pet earns you +1 Activity Points (limited to only 1, not for each pet they have!). Describing their relationship with their pet(s) earn you +2 Activity Points.
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Grizzled Veteran
Name: Sharith BlustiBreed: Bat
Gender: FemaleOrientation: No preference
Colorist: xxteacupMate: Sprinkle
Alignment: SummerFont color #FFC0CB
Job: Grocery Store worker at Green Glen in Eleganza
Hours: 6am-2pm
Workplace: She does cleaning and stocking in the shop as well as she knows how to run the cash register if things get to busy. Most of the time things are fairly relaxed given the locations polite and accepting regulars
Herd: NAHome location: House Eleganza
Personality: Hard working and honest Sharith knows what is like not to have much of anything so she really appreciates things and takes time to say thanks for what she has. She can be a bit stubborn at times making sure everything is set for everyone but she means well.Likes Fruit and sweet tasting things. She can often be found nibbling on grapes and peaches. She loves her sweet and wonderful mate who sprinkles love and joy in her life. She has a fondness for cooking but is not so good at it as her mate can attest to.

Dislikes Peperoni. She dislikes the specific taste and spice used to make the food. She dislikes places that are too bright. she isn't blind but a bit light sensitive. Noises that are to loud. She has a wonderful pair of ears and certain loud noises or too high a frequency is annoying to her. She also can not stand bigotry toward changelings. given her history that is understandable. She also can't stand food waste.

Growing up her parents divorced at a young age and both got happily remarried and she felt like she didn't belong at either home as she was treated as 'the other ones' child no mater what home she was at. So as soon as she could she left and lived homeless for a long time. She went hungry more then once. With the chill of winter coming she tried to stay in stores and other places that were a bit warmer as long as she could before risking getting kicked out for having no bits to pay for things.

During one of these times she was offered a simple job bagging food for others and was treated to a meal and several tips of bits. That was the first time she had a job in a long time and after several days she saw her employer was a changeling which startled her at first and she nearly never came back to the shop as this was around the time Changelings were still regarded with suspicious intent. Still she came back and continues to work with PPL to this day in the Green Glen and has found she enjoys it.

In time she met a sweet pony who would become her mate.
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Grizzled Veteran

Name: Constellation Crux WindthornBreed: alicorn
Gender FemaleOrientation
Colorist: TeaMate:
Alignment WinterFont color #D8BFD8
Job Making others lostWorkplace simple list of their occupation will earn you +1 Activity Points, while a detailed summary of what they do and how they do it will earn you +2 Activity Points. Detailed suggestions are the name of the business, the hours they operate, how they were hired/created the occupation, etc.
HerdHome location
Personality Windthorn travels often and doesn’t trust others easily.
[*] Spiteful, Grudge holding
Likes and dislikes A basic list of 2-5 likes/dislikes will earn you +1 Activity Point, while an in-depth listing and information pertaining to their likes/dislikes earn you +2 Activity Points.

Being a young alicorn Constellation Crux Windthorn had no control over her abilities. She never thought about it or realized how it affected others until she accidentally cost the life of a family she should not have. She had been traveling and met the doctor and accidentally gotten them lost and the patient of the influential family died. The family being unwilling to forgive went after the young alicorn. They tried to behead her leaving her with a grievous wound she survived as one member of the family who was actually poisoning the pony who died saved her. She escaped and thought she would die in the wilderness but she lived.

She had been made a scape goat of a murder attempt. Blamed for a wrongful death that she had no control over and she would never forgive them.
Misty Miasma: This mist is a miasma that actually makes other ponies loose there sense of direction and wander aimlessly for a day. They may still end up where they were headed if they are lucky but more often or not they end up mixed up and lost. This mist is affected by the wind so a strong wind will blow the mist away before the full effect can set in. (meaning the pony may be confused for minutes or hours depending on how strong the dose was. think like the hobbit movies when they are lost in the forest with the spiders but mist form)

Hidden Sign posts: this illusory magic places a light gease over a ponies eyes making them look past the landmarks they were looking for thus missing them. the effect will last for a day

Deja Vu: This magic makes you think you have seen or been in a location before so you think you might be in the wrong spot, circled around, or not gone far enough. Doubt makes it hard to focus on the directions and the increased stress of the effect lasts longer the longer the other pony is around the alircon: The more time spend around the alicorn the longer it lasts when you part ways. ... didn't you already pass that rock?

Forgot The Way: only works on a pony who is headed to a place. it makes them forget where they are headed and why. They will remember in a day or two naturally but they can not remember where they were headed or why but will still feel the need to get where they wanted to go.
Giving them a pet earns you +1 Activity Points (limited to only 1, not for each pet they have!). Describing their relationship with their pet(s) earn you +2 Activity Points.
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Grizzled Veteran
Name: Susui Winterrose Breed: Changeling
Gender: FemaleOrientation Bisexual
Colorist: NymMate: Azula Silk and Susho Shadowbriar
Alignment: WinterFont color: #E6E6FA
Job: Works at the Sea Dragon's fangs
Tuesday - Saturday
Workplace Working in many capacities in the restaurant she does everything from cash out to cleaning and tables. She rotates days with her mate who works with her.
HerdHome location: House Elganzea
Personality: Shy sweet girl, she is very understanding. She works hard and can often be found hiding behind her mates in public.Likes Her mates, she has deep affection for them and couldn't stand to part form them. Food from the restaurant, She likes food that is fast and easy to eat.
Dislikes: Being alone. though she is part of a hive mind she dislikes being physically alone. Places with a dress code. She feels out of place and inadequate in such places.

Growing up in the same hive as her future mate Susho the pair were best friends and moved to house eleganza and found work at a restaurant. They even shared an apartment though Susui was considering getting a new place whenever Susho brought someone home as a date. She didn't really like strangers in her home. Susui is a shy pony who often hid behind her friend until she ended up seeing a changeling she fell in love with Azula who is shy as well and her stories make Susui smile. To her horror her best friend fell in love with Azula as well still in time the trio talked it all out and found that they could love one another and decided to live together.
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Grizzled Veteran
Name: Susho Shadowbriar Breed: Changeling
Gender: MaleOrientation: Bisexual
Colorist: NymMate: Azula Silk and Sushi Winterrose
Alignment: SpringFont color: #663399
Works at the Sea Dragon's fangs
Tuesday - Saturday
Workplace Working in many capacities in the restaurant he does everything from cash out to cleaning and tables. He rotates days with his mate who works with him.
HerdHome location House Elganzea
Personality He is an ass with a soft side. He cares for his friends and mate but doesn't mean he won't tease others relentlessly. He likes to get out of work and relax. Likes Cooking a real meal. It may take more time but he feels a well cooked meal beats take out any day of the week. HIs sweet and shy mates. They are both such strange dorks.
Dislikes Anyone who messes with his mates. He will hurt those who mess with his mates. he is very protective of them.

Living in a hive with Susui when she left he followed along to keep her out of trouble. He had to do most of the work when it came to getting a place but he didn't mind. it was to help a friend out. She got him a job at a restaurant though which was pretty nice. While he was out he met the most interesting changeling who was large and yet was trying to hide. her name was Azula and Susho soon fell head over wings for her and when he confessed to Susui found she had fallen for the other changeling as well. The two serious started to discuss it and found they both loved Azula and weren't willing to back down. So Susho and Susui both started to date Azula and they ended up as a trio which Susho is fine with as he gets to keep his best friend of years and now has two lovers who are the world for him.
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Grizzled Veteran

Name: Elspeth EnchantnoraBreed: Unicorn/Dragon
Gender FemaleOrientation
Colorist: NymMate: Ayira Adaeze and Reo
Alignment WinterFont color #191970
Job EnchanterWorkplace simple list of their occupation will earn you +1 Activity Points, while a detailed summary of what they do and how they do it will earn you +2 Activity Points. Detailed suggestions are the name of the business, the hours they operate, how they were hired/created the occupation, etc.
HerdHome location
Hard working, Enthused by work
[*] Forgetful, Disinterested

Working with enchantments she just loses herself in her work
Likes and dislikes A basic list of 2-5 likes/dislikes will earn you +1 Activity Point, while an in-depth listing and information pertaining to their likes/dislikes earn you +2 Activity Points.

Elspeth buries herself in her work but did accept a working position in a court rather then live the whole time in a university. Sadly she had to finish up a dissertation on enchantment theory so she had a friend of hers go ahead of her so the position would be filled temporarily.
Giving them a pet earns you +1 Activity Points (limited to only 1, not for each pet they have!). Describing their relationship with their pet(s) earn you +2 Activity Points.
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Grizzled Veteran

Name: Kris SpringBreed: Alicorn
Gender FemaleOrientation
Colorist: ghastlydemiseMate:
Alignment SpringFont color #FA8072
Job Travel Blogger/influencer Runs Dex Data Travel Agency and Travels to update it Workplace simple list of their occupation will earn you +1 Activity Points, while a detailed summary of what they do and how they do it will earn you +2 Activity Points. Detailed suggestions are the name of the business, the hours they operate, how they were hired/created the occupation, etc.
HerdHome location
Personality Loves to see new things and travel.
Curious, Friendly
[*] no spacial distance
Likes and dislikes A basic list of 2-5 likes/dislikes will earn you +1 Activity Point, while an in-depth listing and information pertaining to their likes/dislikes earn you +2 Activity Points.

Kris is adventurous and likes to see new places. It was this love of exploring that lead her to create the Data Dex app which she is able to update as she travels. She also has a travel agency location that ponies can visit that has print out of maps and guide books from places she has been. it is located in the herd lands of Divine wings

Memory Map: The ability to share a memory of an image and how to get there when pressing her forehead against another pony’s head. The image and map will linger for a day.

Base Builder: The ability to make a makeshift ‘hidden’ base anywhere. This base will stay active and findable until the next hidden base is made.

Hidden Movers: The ability to have a animal or pet help in places that have obstacles. An animal or pet may only have 4 places where it can help a pet can’t do everything after all.

Data Collect: The ability to automatically update an index on places she has been or seen. This data can then be accesses from a mobile app she has on a phone.

Fast Travel: The ability to move quickly during traveling (like beating a game in a day or two) She can’t move at the speed of light or anything but moves at a swift pace and takes quite some time to tire.
Giving them a pet earns you +1 Activity Points (limited to only 1, not for each pet they have!). Describing their relationship with their pet(s) earn you +2 Activity Points.
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Grizzled Veteran

Name: Mari AutumnBreed: Alicorn
Gender femaleOrientation
Colorist: ghastlydemiseMate: Mango
Alignment fallFont color #FFDEAD
Job pet shop owner Trains pets and helps people find pets at pounds and pet shopsWorkplace simple list of their occupation will earn you +1 Activity Points, while a detailed summary of what they do and how they do it will earn you +2 Activity Points. Detailed suggestions are the name of the business, the hours they operate, how they were hired/created the occupation, etc.
HerdHome location
Personality Wild supportive calm
Wild at times and calm and supportive others Mari is much like the animals she raises. She cares deeply when she does and is very gentle and patient. if you hurt her pets or loved ones she would kick hard enough to make your teeth rattle
Likes and dislikes A basic list of 2-5 likes/dislikes will earn you +1 Activity Point, while an in-depth listing and information pertaining to their likes/dislikes earn you +2 Activity Points.

Mari loves pets and animals sometimes more than other ponies it might seem. She does pet training classes out of shelters and pet shops.

Lost and found: The ability to locate lost pets. It works in a eight block radius and Mari has to know the pet’s description in order to use. It can’t just be ‘sunfish’ or ‘yellow fish” it has to be the “the yellow sunfish –daffodil” (good luck helping lost foals moahahaha!)

Trick training: The ability to train a pet in a fraction of the time it would for other pets. Duration depends on the trick being taught. Sit might be teachable in a day and complex like getting a specific water and bringing it to a pony a week.

Pet whisper: the ability to have an inkling what is going on with a pet. Such as having a crate to small or something like that. The power lasts an hour when cast.

Prefect placement: the ability to tell if a pet would find a good home with a pony.

Pet Checkup: The ability to tell if a pet is sick and have an inclining of suggestions to help. Example a pet is sick perhaps a clean tank and changing the temp might help.

This rare breed of turtle was once heavily hunted for their intricate shells that served as jewelry and art as well as shields thanks to the hefty thickness of them; after many years teetering on the brink of extinction they were saved by heavy restrictions put in place by Aquatic conservationists that had been noting how their decline had spiked. Thanks to these restrictions they began a slow resurgence into their natural habitats along rivers and lakes in Spring.

Lotus Turtles name comes from their odd habit of laying their eggs and depositing on the leaves of the lotus plants in fresh water. While normally docile and sweet pets, they become fierce when nesting and even approaching a nesting pair is a dangerous experience. Pairs will mate for life and return to the same areas where they themselves were clutched to lay their own eggs. Unfortunately these turtles do not have many viable eggs, adding to their rarity, with one or two out of every dozen surviving. Those that do are adorned with flowers from the lotus plant that cradled their eggs and stay with their parents until their adolescence before making their own way. Many water dwelling Aquatics keep them as beloved pets, with their long lifespans they are often given to foals to grow alongside
given to esiabel
Very small birds with beautiful hues that are known for being incredibly vocal, while they're quite playful and fun they aren't generally a pet for a beginner as they can require more than the average amount of attention. If left to their own devices, Budgies can be particularly destructive to their cages and homes, so they need the socialization of other Budgies or toys and enrichment from the ponies that keep them. If trained correctly they can speak hundreds of words and both sing and whistle on command, making them a very popular pet. It's been recommended to most owners that they keep at least two and they'll never face many of the pitfalls of their ownership.

Small flying snakes who are incredibly gentle in nature, Serapents are normally found near the tops of mountains or in the clouds. While they actually enjoy having a pony companion, Serapents choose their owners. Try and take a Serapent who hasn't selected you home and you'll quickly find them making every attempt to escape. Serapents are warm-blooded and will die if they get too cold. They also primarily eat bugs and small rodents. They shed their skin and molt their feathers twice a year.

They attach quickly to their owners (if they selected them). Unfortunately, once their owner dies they very rarely can be rehomed. More often than not, Serapents will either return to the wild or starve to death in their mourning.
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Grizzled Veteran

Name: UuvanimoBreed: Awakend Dragon kelp/seaweed growth, longer tail, big kelp/seaweed whiskers ,Face spines Large kelp/seaweed spines growth down back , Eye plates,
Gender MaleOrientation
Colorist: ghastlydemiseMate: Swift Swim 162c aatic dragon moon
Alignment WinterFont color 78DCB6
Job Water Eco resource manager/ policeWorkplace simple list of their occupation will earn you +1 Activity Points, while a detailed summary of what they do and how they do it will earn you +2 Activity Points. Detailed suggestions are the name of the business, the hours they operate, how they were hired/created the occupation, etc.
HerdHome location
Personality A guard pony a the bank in Everville and proud of his job
Calm Alert
[*] Grumpy, Easy to anger
Likes and dislikes A basic list of 2-5 likes/dislikes will earn you +1 Activity Point, while an in-depth listing and information pertaining to their likes/dislikes earn you +2 Activity Points.

Uuvanimo grew up more in the water rather then the land. He often hid in the kelp growing up for a small dragon in a vast sea was dangerous. As he grew he left the water and found he was very different from other dragons. He would never touch the line of the sky but they were not likely to see the depths of the sea. His breath was fluid rather then fire but that meant he could stop another pony and have a better chance of not killing them. He was as strong as any other dragon. It wasn’t long until he found a calling he could use his gifts. He became a guard. His breath would push a fleeing suspect to the wall and hiding in water was not always fesable but he still had a pond behind his home as he loved the water. He moved to everville and worked in the bank.
Giving them a pet earns you +1 Activity Points (limited to only 1, not for each pet they have!). Describing their relationship with their pet(s) earn you +2 Activity Points.
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Grizzled Veteran

Name: Azar Equinox Breed: Bat/Ghoulie
Gender MaleOrientation
Colorist: TeaMate: Teal Tale
Alignment SpringFont color #09A067
Job WriterWorkplace simple list of their occupation will earn you +1 Activity Points, while a detailed summary of what they do and how they do it will earn you +2 Activity Points. Detailed suggestions are the name of the business, the hours they operate, how they were hired/created the occupation, etc.
HerdHome location
PersonalityLikes and dislikes A basic list of 2-5 likes/dislikes will earn you +1 Activity Point, while an in-depth listing and information pertaining to their likes/dislikes earn you +2 Activity Points.

Listing who they know (and link to their cert, uncert, or journal) will earn you +1 Activity Points. The character must be an official Everchange character. Writing a paragraph about their history, lifestyle, and home earn you +2 Activity Points. Doing both earn you +4 Activity Points.
Giving them a pet earns you +1 Activity Points (limited to only 1, not for each pet they have!). Describing their relationship with their pet(s) earn you +2 Activity Points.
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Grizzled Veteran

Name: Behemoth Breed: Suli/Dragon
Gender MaleOrientation
Colorist: teaMate:
Alignment SummerFont color 78D7DC
Job Enforcer Workplace simple list of their occupation will earn you +1 Activity Points, while a detailed summary of what they do and how they do it will earn you +2 Activity Points. Detailed suggestions are the name of the business, the hours they operate, how they were hired/created the occupation, etc.
HerdHome location
PersonalityLikes and dislikes A basic list of 2-5 likes/dislikes will earn you +1 Activity Point, while an in-depth listing and information pertaining to their likes/dislikes earn you +2 Activity Points.

Listing who they know (and link to their cert, uncert, or journal) will earn you +1 Activity Points. The character must be an official Everchange character. Writing a paragraph about their history, lifestyle, and home earn you +2 Activity Points. Doing both earn you +4 Activity Points.
Giving them a pet earns you +1 Activity Points (limited to only 1, not for each pet they have!). Describing their relationship with their pet(s) earn you +2 Activity Points.
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Grizzled Veteran

Name: Midas SakrosBreed: Mutated Bat/Mer
Gender MaleOrientation Straight
Colorist: TeaMate: Minerva Sakros
AlignmentFont color
Job Restaurant owner Workplace simple list of their occupation will earn you +1 Activity Points, while a detailed summary of what they do and how they do it will earn you +2 Activity Points. Detailed suggestions are the name of the business, the hours they operate, how they were hired/created the occupation, etc.
HerdHome location
PersonalityLikes and dislikes A basic list of 2-5 likes/dislikes will earn you +1 Activity Point, while an in-depth listing and information pertaining to their likes/dislikes earn you +2 Activity Points.

Listing who they know (and link to their cert, uncert, or journal) will earn you +1 Activity Points. The character must be an official Everchange character. Writing a paragraph about their history, lifestyle, and home earn you +2 Activity Points. Doing both earn you +4 Activity Points.
Giving them a pet earns you +1 Activity Points (limited to only 1, not for each pet they have!). Describing their relationship with their pet(s) earn you +2 Activity Points.
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Grizzled Veteran

Name: Mossy Shadows Breed: Ghoulie/Pixie
Gender MaleOrientation
Colorist: teaMate: danainne
Alignment SpringFont color #18F330
Job Farmer Workplace simple list of their occupation will earn you +1 Activity Points, while a detailed summary of what they do and how they do it will earn you +2 Activity Points. Detailed suggestions are the name of the business, the hours they operate, how they were hired/created the occupation, etc.
HerdHome location
PersonalityLikes and dislikes A basic list of 2-5 likes/dislikes will earn you +1 Activity Point, while an in-depth listing and information pertaining to their likes/dislikes earn you +2 Activity Points.

Listing who they know (and link to their cert, uncert, or journal) will earn you +1 Activity Points. The character must be an official Everchange character. Writing a paragraph about their history, lifestyle, and home earn you +2 Activity Points. Doing both earn you +4 Activity Points.
Giving them a pet earns you +1 Activity Points (limited to only 1, not for each pet they have!). Describing their relationship with their pet(s) earn you +2 Activity Points.
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