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Grizzled Veteran

Name: Furoraru FlightBreed: Dragon
Gender MaleOrientation Bisexual
Colorist: RozeybearMate: Inner Spark
Alignment SpringFont color EDADF3
Job scented lotion and incense makerWorkplace Has a work room he uses and sells things at his father's shop and online. His mate is the only one who is allowed in as they make candles
HerdHome location
Personality Dedicated and caring he loves his family and his craft. Spunky, Wity Irresponsible, Forgetful Likes scented incense, lotion, candles. The variety of things he can make is beyond compare and there is so much more to learn. he loves to spend hours creating and crafting and documenting his results. His mate makes him smile and just brighten his day by being around him.
Dislikes being to cramped. with his constant use of scents he likes well ventilated areas and being cramped makes him feel horrible.

Growing up and constantly in the book shop his father run he learned a deep love of incense and this fascination never left him. He started to learn to make his own lotion and incese after he met his mate Inner spark who makes candles.
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Grizzled Veteran

Name: Cadmus SpectrumBreed: Earth
Gender MaleOrientation
Colorist: MoonieMate: rainbow road and Dome alu lote
Alignment FallFont color #A9A9A9
Job Musician Clasical Workplace simple list of their occupation will earn you +1 Activity Points, while a detailed summary of what they do and how they do it will earn you +2 Activity Points. Detailed suggestions are the name of the business, the hours they operate, how they were hired/created the occupation, etc.
HerdHome location
Personality Sweet and kind but a bit shy he tends to stay behind his more charismatic mates.Likes and dislikes A basic list of 2-5 likes/dislikes will earn you +1 Activity Point, while an in-depth listing and information pertaining to their likes/dislikes earn you +2 Activity Points.

Listing who they know (and link to their cert, uncert, or journal) will earn you +1 Activity Points. The character must be an official Everchange character. Writing a paragraph about their history, lifestyle, and home earn you +2 Activity Points. Doing both earn you +4 Activity Points.
Giving them a pet earns you +1 Activity Points (limited to only 1, not for each pet they have!). Describing their relationship with their pet(s) earn you +2 Activity Points.
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Grizzled Veteran

Name: Guroppī AshiBreed: mystic Pegasus Cat Morph Mutations; Large wings, slime tail
Gender MaleOrientation
Colorist: teaMate:
Alignment SummerFont color #F05220
Job Sculpting teacher
parttime online passion essential oil salesmen
Workplace simple list of their occupation will earn you +1 Activity Points, while a detailed summary of what they do and how they do it will earn you +2 Activity Points. Detailed suggestions are the name of the business, the hours they operate, how they were hired/created the occupation, etc.
HerdHome location
Personality He tends to be a bit messy more then not and likes humid places though that leads to more slime Stubborn, Sassy Slimey, messy Likes and dislikes A basic list of 2-5 likes/dislikes will earn you +1 Activity Point, while an in-depth listing and information pertaining to their likes/dislikes earn you +2 Activity Points.

He is fond of his cousin Kougragh but doesn’t get how she could deal with kids all day and art projects. He prefers to be sculpting alone and away from others. The quite is nice for him. but his true passion is lotions and essential oils.
Giving them a pet earns you +1 Activity Points (limited to only 1, not for each pet they have!). Describing their relationship with their pet(s) earn you +2 Activity Points.
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Grizzled Veteran

Name: Black LabelBreed: Mystic Kitsune/Dragon
Gender FemaleOrientation
Colorist: teaMate:
Alignment winterFont color #BE88F9
Job tattoo artistWorkplace simple list of their occupation will earn you +1 Activity Points, while a detailed summary of what they do and how they do it will earn you +2 Activity Points. Detailed suggestions are the name of the business, the hours they operate, how they were hired/created the occupation, etc.
HerdHome location
Personality Open, Caring Short fuse, Destructive Push over? More like push off when it comes to her. She knows if she likes you or hates you in moments and it takes a lot to change her mind. Likes and dislikes A basic list of 2-5 likes/dislikes will earn you +1 Activity Point, while an in-depth listing and information pertaining to their likes/dislikes earn you +2 Activity Points.

Being a single tail made her considered bad luck. Then there was her small wings and horns. Being a disappointment all around she left home at a young age and went out to make it in the world. She now works as a tattoo artist and loves every moment of it.
Giving them a pet earns you +1 Activity Points (limited to only 1, not for each pet they have!). Describing their relationship with their pet(s) earn you +2 Activity Points.
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Grizzled Veteran

Name: Callista SpinsBreed: Earth
Gender FemaleOrientation Bisexual
Colorist: bitsie spiderMate: Wendolin Smith and Amethyst Gleam
Alignment SpringFont color #B083E1
Job Hooftube riasies spiders and other pets like her mother.Workplace simple list of their occupation will earn you +1 Activity Points, while a detailed summary of what they do and how they do it will earn you +2 Activity Points. Detailed suggestions are the name of the business, the hours they operate, how they were hired/created the occupation, etc.
HerdHome location
PersonalityLikes and dislikes A basic list of 2-5 likes/dislikes will earn you +1 Activity Point, while an in-depth listing and information pertaining to their likes/dislikes earn you +2 Activity Points.

Listing who they know (and link to their cert, uncert, or journal) will earn you +1 Activity Points. The character must be an official Everchange character. Writing a paragraph about their history, lifestyle, and home earn you +2 Activity Points. Doing both earn you +4 Activity Points.
Giving them a pet earns you +1 Activity Points (limited to only 1, not for each pet they have!). Describing their relationship with their pet(s) earn you +2 Activity Points.
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Grizzled Veteran

Name: Ink Spill YinneirosBreed: Kelian
Gender maleOrientation bisexual
Colorist: teaMate:
Alignment WinterFont color #726A7B
Job Guard Workplace simple list of their occupation will earn you +1 Activity Points, while a detailed summary of what they do and how they do it will earn you +2 Activity Points. Detailed suggestions are the name of the business, the hours they operate, how they were hired/created the occupation, etc.
HerdHome location
PersonalityLikes and dislikes A basic list of 2-5 likes/dislikes will earn you +1 Activity Point, while an in-depth listing and information pertaining to their likes/dislikes earn you +2 Activity Points.

Listing who they know (and link to their cert, uncert, or journal) will earn you +1 Activity Points. The character must be an official Everchange character. Writing a paragraph about their history, lifestyle, and home earn you +2 Activity Points. Doing both earn you +4 Activity Points.
Giving them a pet earns you +1 Activity Points (limited to only 1, not for each pet they have!). Describing their relationship with their pet(s) earn you +2 Activity Points.
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Grizzled Veteran

Name: Ink Well YinneirosBreed: Kalian
Gender FemaleOrientation
Colorist: TeaMate:
Alignment WitnerFont color #AD9DC1
Job GaurdWorkplace simple list of their occupation will earn you +1 Activity Points, while a detailed summary of what they do and how they do it will earn you +2 Activity Points. Detailed suggestions are the name of the business, the hours they operate, how they were hired/created the occupation, etc.
HerdHome location
PersonalityLikes and dislikes A basic list of 2-5 likes/dislikes will earn you +1 Activity Point, while an in-depth listing and information pertaining to their likes/dislikes earn you +2 Activity Points.

Listing who they know (and link to their cert, uncert, or journal) will earn you +1 Activity Points. The character must be an official Everchange character. Writing a paragraph about their history, lifestyle, and home earn you +2 Activity Points. Doing both earn you +4 Activity Points.
Giving them a pet earns you +1 Activity Points (limited to only 1, not for each pet they have!). Describing their relationship with their pet(s) earn you +2 Activity Points.
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Grizzled Veteran

Name: Serene ReflectionBreed: Pixie
Gender MaleOrientation
Colorist: livewireMate:
Alignment SummerFont color #1736A6
Job PainterWorkplace simple list of their occupation will earn you +1 Activity Points, while a detailed summary of what they do and how they do it will earn you +2 Activity Points. Detailed suggestions are the name of the business, the hours they operate, how they were hired/created the occupation, etc.
HerdHome location
PersonalityLikes and dislikes A basic list of 2-5 likes/dislikes will earn you +1 Activity Point, while an in-depth listing and information pertaining to their likes/dislikes earn you +2 Activity Points.

Listing who they know (and link to their cert, uncert, or journal) will earn you +1 Activity Points. The character must be an official Everchange character. Writing a paragraph about their history, lifestyle, and home earn you +2 Activity Points. Doing both earn you +4 Activity Points.
Giving them a pet earns you +1 Activity Points (limited to only 1, not for each pet they have!). Describing their relationship with their pet(s) earn you +2 Activity Points.
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Grizzled Veteran

Name: RoverBreed: earth
Gender maleOrientation
Colorist: NymMate: Pudding Pop fling
Alignment SummerFont color #455CB0
Job Traveler Workplace simple list of their occupation will earn you +1 Activity Points, while a detailed summary of what they do and how they do it will earn you +2 Activity Points. Detailed suggestions are the name of the business, the hours they operate, how they were hired/created the occupation, etc.
HerdHome location
PersonalityLikes and dislikes A basic list of 2-5 likes/dislikes will earn you +1 Activity Point, while an in-depth listing and information pertaining to their likes/dislikes earn you +2 Activity Points.

Listing who they know (and link to their cert, uncert, or journal) will earn you +1 Activity Points. The character must be an official Everchange character. Writing a paragraph about their history, lifestyle, and home earn you +2 Activity Points. Doing both earn you +4 Activity Points.
Giving them a pet earns you +1 Activity Points (limited to only 1, not for each pet they have!). Describing their relationship with their pet(s) earn you +2 Activity Points.
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Grizzled Veteran

Name: Violet ShadowsBreed: mystic Hybrid Ghoulie/Flightless
Gender nonbionaryOrientation
Colorist: teaMate: Snap Dragon Fling
Alignment summerFont color #A527B6
Job Body Guard Workplace simple list of their occupation will earn you +1 Activity Points, while a detailed summary of what they do and how they do it will earn you +2 Activity Points. Detailed suggestions are the name of the business, the hours they operate, how they were hired/created the occupation, etc.
HerdHome location
PersonalityLikes and dislikes A basic list of 2-5 likes/dislikes will earn you +1 Activity Point, while an in-depth listing and information pertaining to their likes/dislikes earn you +2 Activity Points.

Listing who they know (and link to their cert, uncert, or journal) will earn you +1 Activity Points. The character must be an official Everchange character. Writing a paragraph about their history, lifestyle, and home earn you +2 Activity Points. Doing both earn you +4 Activity Points.
Giving them a pet earns you +1 Activity Points (limited to only 1, not for each pet they have!). Describing their relationship with their pet(s) earn you +2 Activity Points.
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Grizzled Veteran
Name: Shimmer ShiftBreed: Changeling
Gender FemaleOrientation Bisexual
Colorist: abenoseimeiMate:
Alignment SummerFont color #132768
Job Stockbroker
Office Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Workplace Spending three days a week in a cooperate office and the rest of the time working from home.
HerdHome location Everville
Personality Energetic and honest. She isn't big but her will is. Her confident and charismatic nature helps with her jobLikes fast internet connect. the faster the better. warm sunlight. she likes the warmth and can often be found napping if the weather is good enough. outdoor spaces. despite her job set making her so tied to technology this changeling loves the outdoors and will gladly spend a few days unhooked just outside
Dislikes pop music, she's not sure why but it doesn't sit well her. maybe it's the frequency in which they get played over the radio add nauseum. she doesn't mind out of date songs as much just the new popular ones drive her nuts. Rainy days are also no fun since it looses all that warm sunshine and breeze. she's stay in and get all the work done on the computer those days thank you very much. Ceramic mugs. she hates how hot they get when the come out of the microwave while what's in them is still kinda cool. she will just heat things over the stove then pour into a cup to counter this, but it still annoys her.

She grew up loved and cherished as part of a hive. Still as changelings entered more into society she decided she would head out and see things. she still regularly keeps in contact with her hive and gives them updates on things but finds she is enjoying this new solo living aspect of her life. who knows what surprises could be in store for her!

She does notice the difference between ponies and remembers a time were the breeds have different names. She was diagnosed with NYD. In truth the sight of the ponies doesn't bother her but her different memoires is what bothers her the most and is one of the reason she is glad she left her hive. Though she doesn't pass those though along to her hivemates. She doesn't think she ever wants to live too close to others thinking she will somehow be discovered with that strange mental condition.
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Grizzled Veteran

Name: Serinity HartBreed: earth
Gender femaleOrientation
Colorist: rozeybearMate: herbal essance
Alignment SummerFont color #ff7e3c
Job acedssory maker Workplace simple list of their occupation will earn you +1 Activity Points, while a detailed summary of what they do and how they do it will earn you +2 Activity Points. Detailed suggestions are the name of the business, the hours they operate, how they were hired/created the occupation, etc.
HerdHome location
Romantic, Honest, Hopeful
[*] Daydreamer, naive
Likes and dislikes A basic list of 2-5 likes/dislikes will earn you +1 Activity Point, while an in-depth listing and information pertaining to their likes/dislikes earn you +2 Activity Points.

Listing who they know (and link to their cert, uncert, or journal) will earn you +1 Activity Points. The character must be an official Everchange character. Writing a paragraph about their history, lifestyle, and home earn you +2 Activity Points. Doing both earn you +4 Activity Points.

Giving them a pet earns you +1 Activity Points (limited to only 1, not for each pet they have!). Describing their relationship with their pet(s) earn you +2 Activity Points.
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Grizzled Veteran

Name: ZealBreed: Mystic Suli/Kelian Fox and Owl morph Mutations: Mushroom growth, overgrown moss, unique antlers,
Gender MaleOrientation
Colorist: NymMate: Red swirl large wing alicorn
Kris and large wing alicorn flilng
Alignment FalleFont color #838383
Job traveler Workplace simple list of their occupation will earn you +1 Activity Points, while a detailed summary of what they do and how they do it will earn you +2 Activity Points. Detailed suggestions are the name of the business, the hours they operate, how they were hired/created the occupation, etc.
HerdHome location
Sharp, Inventive
[*] Suborn, Stern
Likes and dislikes A basic list of 2-5 likes/dislikes will earn you +1 Activity Point, while an in-depth listing and information pertaining to their likes/dislikes earn you +2 Activity Points.

Zeal runs a Fall/Winter land Caravan for a group of Kelian. he is a stern but fair leader and likes to keep a close eye on the weather. fall is his favored season. He loves long rainy days but knows they aren't the best for the caravan.
Giving them a pet earns you +1 Activity Points (limited to only 1, not for each pet they have!). Describing their relationship with their pet(s) earn you +2 Activity Points.
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Grizzled Veteran

Name: Caltriss NaeriethBreed: mystic Kelain /flightless
Gender femaleOrientation bisexual
Colorist: nymMate: Amber Lights and Kenyon
Alignment springFont color #4AB0CB
Job Traveler caravan wagon fixer Workplace simple list of their occupation will earn you +1 Activity Points, while a detailed summary of what they do and how they do it will earn you +2 Activity Points. Detailed suggestions are the name of the business, the hours they operate, how they were hired/created the occupation, etc.
HerdHome location
Curious, Inventive
[*] Timid, easily startled
Likes and dislikes A basic list of 2-5 likes/dislikes will earn you +1 Activity Point, while an in-depth listing and information pertaining to their likes/dislikes earn you +2 Activity Points.

Caltriss loves to fix things and can loose herself for hours on end in a wagon just fixing small things here and there. she doesn't' care so much about the Kelian coming out or not. As long as she has things to fix she doesn't care.
Giving them a pet earns you +1 Activity Points (limited to only 1, not for each pet they have!). Describing their relationship with their pet(s) earn you +2 Activity Points.
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Grizzled Veteran

Name: Aelrie ErdoveBreed: mystic Kelain /flightless
Gender femaleOrientation
Colorist: nymMate:
Alignment winterFont color #DCE7E5
Job travlerWorkplace simple list of their occupation will earn you +1 Activity Points, while a detailed summary of what they do and how they do it will earn you +2 Activity Points. Detailed suggestions are the name of the business, the hours they operate, how they were hired/created the occupation, etc.
HerdHome location
Personality Bold, Adventurous Careless, Forgetful Likes and dislikes A basic list of 2-5 likes/dislikes will earn you +1 Activity Point, while an in-depth listing and information pertaining to their likes/dislikes earn you +2 Activity Points.

Aelrie likes to explore and see new things she tends to get stuck with scouting duty. She doesn't' mind though as she likes traveling out and back often. she doesn't like to stand still. The heat of the summer lands slows her down a lot but she likes to travel with the spring caravan as Sunthorn is open and friendly with other races.
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Grizzled Veteran

Name: Sanev Ryo IlirietBreed: mystic Kelian 3 tails, diamond jewels on body
Gender femaleOrientation
Colorist: xxteacupMate: Fennic deathgaze
Alignment SummerFont color #71FDDD
Job TravelerWorkplace simple list of their occupation will earn you +1 Activity Points, while a detailed summary of what they do and how they do it will earn you +2 Activity Points. Detailed suggestions are the name of the business, the hours they operate, how they were hired/created the occupation, etc.
HerdHome location
Personality Friendly, Open Messy, Short attention span Likes and dislikes A basic list of 2-5 likes/dislikes will earn you +1 Activity Point, while an in-depth listing and information pertaining to their likes/dislikes earn you +2 Activity Points.

In charge of cooking and a number of other odd jobs Sanev tends to forget she is doing something and leave things boiling only to remember last minute to pull it off just before dinner burns
Giving them a pet earns you +1 Activity Points (limited to only 1, not for each pet they have!). Describing their relationship with their pet(s) earn you +2 Activity Points.
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Grizzled Veteran

Name: Sweet GazeBreed: Unicorn
Gender femaleOrientation
Colorist: tigeriaMate:
Alignment SummerFont color #F5DEB3
Job Music teacherWorkplace simple list of their occupation will earn you +1 Activity Points, while a detailed summary of what they do and how they do it will earn you +2 Activity Points. Detailed suggestions are the name of the business, the hours they operate, how they were hired/created the occupation, etc.
HerdHome location
Sassy, Bold, Annoyed
Overconfident, Arrogant
Likes and dislikes A basic list of 2-5 likes/dislikes will earn you +1 Activity Point, while an in-depth listing and information pertaining to their likes/dislikes earn you +2 Activity Points.

Listing who they know (and link to their cert, uncert, or journal) will earn you +1 Activity Points. The character must be an official Everchange character. Writing a paragraph about their history, lifestyle, and home earn you +2 Activity Points. Doing both earn you +4 Activity Points.
Giving them a pet earns you +1 Activity Points (limited to only 1, not for each pet they have!). Describing their relationship with their pet(s) earn you +2 Activity Points.
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Grizzled Veteran

Name: Flurry GazeBreed: Earth
Gender FemaleOrientation
Colorist: tigeriaMate:
Alignment WinterFont color #0000FF
Job Road constructionWorkplace simple list of their occupation will earn you +1 Activity Points, while a detailed summary of what they do and how they do it will earn you +2 Activity Points. Detailed suggestions are the name of the business, the hours they operate, how they were hired/created the occupation, etc.
HerdHome location
PersonalityLikes and dislikes A basic list of 2-5 likes/dislikes will earn you +1 Activity Point, while an in-depth listing and information pertaining to their likes/dislikes earn you +2 Activity Points.

Listing who they know (and link to their cert, uncert, or journal) will earn you +1 Activity Points. The character must be an official Everchange character. Writing a paragraph about their history, lifestyle, and home earn you +2 Activity Points. Doing both earn you +4 Activity Points.
Giving them a pet earns you +1 Activity Points (limited to only 1, not for each pet they have!). Describing their relationship with their pet(s) earn you +2 Activity Points.
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Grizzled Veteran

Name: Marble MelonBreed: Marble Melon
Gender FemaleOrientation
Colorist: teaMate: Southern comfort
Alignment SummerFont color #340E0D0
Job Soda MakerWorkplace simple list of their occupation will earn you +1 Activity Points, while a detailed summary of what they do and how they do it will earn you +2 Activity Points. Detailed suggestions are the name of the business, the hours they operate, how they were hired/created the occupation, etc.
HerdHome location
PersonalityLikes and dislikes A basic list of 2-5 likes/dislikes will earn you +1 Activity Point, while an in-depth listing and information pertaining to their likes/dislikes earn you +2 Activity Points.

Listing who they know (and link to their cert, uncert, or journal) will earn you +1 Activity Points. The character must be an official Everchange character. Writing a paragraph about their history, lifestyle, and home earn you +2 Activity Points. Doing both earn you +4 Activity Points.
Giving them a pet earns you +1 Activity Points (limited to only 1, not for each pet they have!). Describing their relationship with their pet(s) earn you +2 Activity Points.
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Grizzled Veteran

Name: Geladis Ver NixBreed: Flightless
Gender non bianaryOrientation bisexual
Colorist: NymMate:
Alignment SpringFont color #3cc9be
Job plush maker Workplace simple list of their occupation will earn you +1 Activity Points, while a detailed summary of what they do and how they do it will earn you +2 Activity Points. Detailed suggestions are the name of the business, the hours they operate, how they were hired/created the occupation, etc.
HerdHome location
PersonalityLikes and dislikes A basic list of 2-5 likes/dislikes will earn you +1 Activity Point, while an in-depth listing and information pertaining to their likes/dislikes earn you +2 Activity Points.

Listing who they know (and link to their cert, uncert, or journal) will earn you +1 Activity Points. The character must be an official Everchange character. Writing a paragraph about their history, lifestyle, and home earn you +2 Activity Points. Doing both earn you +4 Activity Points.
Giving them a pet earns you +1 Activity Points (limited to only 1, not for each pet they have!). Describing their relationship with their pet(s) earn you +2 Activity Points.
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