- 144
- #141

Name: Furoraru Flight | Breed: Dragon |
Gender Male | Orientation Bisexual |
Colorist: Rozeybear | Mate: Inner Spark |
Alignment Spring | Font color EDADF3 |
Job scented lotion and incense maker | Workplace Has a work room he uses and sells things at his father's shop and online. His mate is the only one who is allowed in as they make candles |
Herd | Home location |
Personality Dedicated and caring he loves his family and his craft. Spunky, Wity Irresponsible, Forgetful | Likes scented incense, lotion, candles. The variety of things he can make is beyond compare and there is so much more to learn. he loves to spend hours creating and crafting and documenting his results. His mate makes him smile and just brighten his day by being around him. Dislikes being to cramped. with his constant use of scents he likes well ventilated areas and being cramped makes him feel horrible. |

Growing up and constantly in the book shop his father run he learned a deep love of incense and this fascination never left him. He started to learn to make his own lotion and incese after he met his mate Inner spark who makes candles.
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