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[Research] “Fair Weather” Friends [Farren, Pip, Tori, Benji]


Dice Rolled:
🎲d6 6 4 6 5 3 3 27
Rolling for Pip…
Clever + Marine Biology

… Four Successes!


(From Polli on Discord)

Now and again, large streaks of lightning can be seen crackling around in the dark clouds above. Not single bolts but instead long trails of unique, powerful flashes.
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As anticipated, Pip had been asked to pick up an extra shift at the beach. Although the bulk of the bad weather was being kept at bay by the shields, nothing could stop the tides, as it were. The storm outside the barrier was having enough effect on the water inside the wall to have the waves slamming against the shore with unusual strength. They hadn't shut the beach down, however, so Pip was there to make sure nobody who decided to go enjoy the waves ended up washed out to sea.

So far, at least, no one seemed inclined to risk it. So Pip was along the seawall, munching on the sandwich they had packed for lunch and staring at the storm raging outside the city. Their expertise was in things below the waves -- they weren't a meteorologist -- but there was something not right about the whole situation. The air felt wrong. The waves broke strangely. May it was just the effect of the barrier.

They were probably just uncomfortable being in an unfamiliar place during a natural disaster and projecting their anxiety into some kind of solvable problem.

... Okay, so, that was almost definitely what was going on.


They kept their eyes on the sky anyway. It seemed like the clouds were getting darker.

(WC: 220)
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Stew Aficionado
Normally, Benji would stay away from something like this storm. But there was a barrier up protecting them from the worst of it. So... What could happen? They were curious as to why it was so bad. They didn't want to wander far, though, so they attempted to stay near to the biggest area where all the dorms were. Yet, somehow, they ended up wandering a little too far and got lost. Belle, their little Chingling, was nestled atop their head amongst the bundled up dreads. Only a few hung down a bit, having come loose from the nest.

Benji pulled their loose sweater tighter about themself, ducking their head a little bit into the turtle neck on it. It was comforting and warm. Plus the wind was still pretty strong, so they were trying to stay warm.

Somehow, as they turned a corner, they'd come across the seawall. They could hear the waves now, when the crashing sounds of the storm abated. The sea sounded rough. A wince at the noise, Benji hunkered down near one of the buildings to observe. So far, the barrier was holding. Head tilted back, eyes to the sky, Benji watched the lightning flickering through the sky. It was... Strange. A pattern they'd never seen before. Did lightning normally make that pattern?

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Farren had tried to spend the day inside, but once against his restlessness had gotten the better of him. By mid-morning, he had found himself wandering the streets, gripping the straps of his backpack as the lightning flashed overhead. He was contemplating visiting that Chingling he had found the other day, just to check in and make sure he was okay what with the storm and all when he spied two familiar faces. He smiled and headed down the street towards the sea wall, a look of relief on his face.

"Oh good," He said, approaching Benji, his blue eyes on the Chingling, "You do have a home! I was worried, huh?" He pushed up his glasses and blinked, "Oh, sorry friend, wrong Pokemon! Looks just like a buddy of mine." His eyes fell to Benji and he rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, "Sorry to bother, the name's Farren, Farren Marco. You out storm watching, too?" He extended a large hand.

He peered over Benji's shoulder and waved to the other familiar face, "Yo! Hey, Pip! Howsit?"

@PeterPan_da144 @Andraia


Grizzled Veteran
Tori held the small basket of goodies she was carrying close. With the storm wrecking havoc outside the town, it was more important than ever to make sure everyone was in tip top shape. The last batch of new residents had just barely managed to squeak inside before they were cut off from the rest of the world. Tori knew that they had to have gotten an introduction and a walk through of the place, but with so many people getting chinglings and with everything going on, there were bound to be folks trying to get familiar with their new pokemon outside or just plain confused.

Most people were sticking close to buildings, but she spotted a small group out near the beach. It didn't look like anybody was planning on heading out swimming or hurt, but on the off chance-- she headed their way.

"Hello everybody! I hope nobody's planning on swimming today, the weather doesn't quite look right for it," she cheerfully quipped as she approached, her gaze flicking to the sky and back. Giving a quick glance over of everybody, she hefted her small basket up into a more comfortable position. "Nobody needed any medical supplies or anything out here, right?"

@PeterPan_da144 @Blinded By Silence @Andraia

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
"Hey, howsit?" Farren said, raising a hand in greeting, "So many more people out today. Nah, no worries, I don't think any of us are as dumb as that." He said with a chuckle, thinking of that wild-haired girl from the other day. He waved a hand dismissively, "No need, at least for me. Kind of you, though. Need any help?" He asked the girl with the basket.



Pip looked up when the heard the voices near by, catching sight of the chatty guy they met the day before -- Farren? Farren. -- and a new kid. For a brief moment they were concerned that the enthusiastic girl from the day before was there as well, planning on following up on her swimming plans, but there was no sign of her and, if anything, the kid was looking a bit scared of the water. Which was... Pip glanced at the rough waves... probably a good thing, today.

They waved back. Were they friends now? That could be nice. They should probably find someone to talk to other than their pokemon. That... probably wasn't healthy, in the long run.

Before they could decide how to respond to the greeting beyond the wave, another young woman approached the group. They looked a bit guiltily at their obviously-water-ready attire, flushing a bit at the idea that she might be subtly chiding them. Pip shifted a bit so they could retrieve the floatation device that had been mostly obscured from view behind their legs, holding it up a bit so that it could be clearly identified as a rescue float with side and back grips, rather than a recreational board of some kind.

"I'm not here to swim -- I'm, uh, on duty?" Why did they say it like a question? They scratched awkwardly at the back of their neck. "You're allowed to swim. But, um, I wouldn't recommend it. For most people."

Thankfully they were distracted by a particularly bright bolt of lightning above them. They glanced up -- if lightning was striking the water, outside the barrier or not, they would close the beach down. Rough waves had a certain appeal, and were safe enough to navigate for experienced and strong swimmers, but that didn't hold for electricity.

They frowned, watching the trail of lightning through the clouds. "That... isn't normal, right?"

(WC: 322; 542)

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
The tall Alolan looked over at their friend. If they knew each other's name, that was good enough for him, at least, he wasn't sure how Pip felt. Uncomfortable, looked like. Farren couldn't blame them, not many people liked being out in inclement weather, let alone this weird storm. To be completely honest, he was nervous too. More so than yesterday. Something about the people in charge here not knowing about what was going on around them felt very uncomfortable, to say the least.

"You out working on some research then, Pip?" He asked, patting his satchel as he swung it around to his side, "I got my paperwork yesterday. Was hoping it'd give me something meaningful to do while this," He looked up and frowned as another flash of lightning cracked the sky above, "blows over... No, friend, I don't think it is. I've seen a lot of storms up close and personal. I've never seen anything that looks like that."

He watched until the lightning faded before reaching into his bag to pull out his journal and pen, so he could start taking notes.

"What do you think is causing it? I really hope that Nero kid isn't right, with his Pokemon theory."


Stew Aficionado
Someone approached. Benji turned to look, and there was a larger male coming towards them. A little smile was given, and the Chingling atop their piled hair let out a few little chimes in greetings. "It's all right," they said in reply, nodding their head. There were a lot of Chingling around recently, especially in the enrichment center. That's how they had met, after all.

"My name's Benji," they replied softly, eyeballing the others hand before taking it gently. "Oh, uh, yes. Kind of. I heard about the barrier force and got curious." Shrugging their shoulders a little, Benji would then shift and glance towards the seawall to the other person Farren waved to. Pip, it seemed. Benji raised a hand to wave as well.

Another person came towards them, drawing Benji's attention. The Chingling chimed again, making them smile a little. The woman's question made them shake their head. "No swimming, I think that would be a horrible idea." Their little Chingling seemed to chime in response, eliciting a little head pat from Benji. "Not that I know of," they replied to the question about supplies. The wind blew a little harder, and they wrapped their sweater more securely around themself.

The one named Pip was looking back out over the water when a particularly large bolt of lightning flashed through the sky. An audible gasp left Benji as they quickly covered their eyes and took a step back. That was unexpected. "No, I don't think that's normal!" they would say back out to them. Definitely probably not. Not that they could remember, at least.

Research? That sounded cool. Benji watched Farren bring out a notebook and pen, before shuffling closer to him to see what he was writing. "I don't know if a Poke'mon could create something as big as this all on their own. Not unless it's one of those really big, super rare legendary ones. But what would it get out of causing a storm like this?"

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Farren smiled. Benji seemed neat, a quieter, more soft-spoken type of chaotic of Aerika the scene chick he'd spent the day before with. It wasn't too unlike his style, though Benji's eclecticism was at least themed, his mismatched earrings and "necklaces" were merely floor finds he'd strung together. Cool rocks and odd coins, to Benji's hearts and stars.

"Nice to meet you, friend," He said with a grin, "Curiosity got the better of you, eh? I get that. It's so weird, all this. I swear, I've said that a dozen times these past few days." He gave a little laugh and put his pen between his teeth, watching the lightning flash again before letting it scratch against the paper, adding some cross-hatching to his clouds. He shook his head a bit and tilted the book when he noticed Benji trying to see. He didn't mind sharing his findings, after all, that's what research was for, wasn't it? "I've been trying to draw it all day. Hard to capture the movement of it." He flipped back to last night's notes, scribbled in the margins of another drawing of the dark sky. He tapped his pen against it, "Some legendaries are just mischievous, others downright mad. Let's not its neither. Maybe it's a group of some kinda Pikachu? Each region's gottem, after all. Too many Pikachu's together can cause a nasty thunderstorm."