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[Research] Study a Nauwillian Totodile pt.4 [Farren] [Complete!]

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Trainer: Farren Marco
Project: Task: #01 - Meet the Locals
Assignment: Assignment 2: Study a Nauwillian Totodile
Requirement Proof: Brook, the N. Totodile

Options Chosen:

Study FocusStat to RollDifficultyOn success, you find...
Clever + Etiquette​
... that they seem to be rather playful, with even the calmest ones still enjoying a playful tussle. They don't seem to be aware of their own strength, though!
Physical Quirks​
Ins + Lore​
... that these creatures seem to be more comfortable walking on all four limbs, even though they can walk on their hind legs like typical Totodiles.
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Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
The tall Alolan sat and waited while the Totodile happily chomped down on her breakfast. He was relieved. Not knowing what to feed your own Pokemon? His story as a Pokemon Trainer had just started and he was already feeling a bit hopeless. Was it this hard for everyone, he wondered? Nah, now was not the time for such negative thoughts. He just had to persevere, to push through, and be patient. The most important bit of information was found, at least he could feed her properly. And! He had learned that her species was territorial, which was very good to know.

He flipped a few more pages of the Nauwillan Totodile packet and settled back on Temperament and Physical Quirks. Really, these shouldn't be too hard. He tapped his pen on the paper, chewing his lip. Temperament, temperament... How to test that? Some helpful tips were written here; try having your Pokemon play with others! He frowned a bit. Well, he didn't have any other Pokemon, so that wouldn't work. He looked over at Brook. She was pretty well behaved, or at least, he thought so. But even so, she was still a handful at times. And he had only known her for a few days now! He scratched his head, wondering how some trainers managed with dozens of Pokemon all at the same time. It was a wild thought, one he wasn't too sure he would follow. Brook was more than enough for him to handle at the moment.

He flipped to the next page to see if there were any notes for Physical Quirks. All it said here was to take notes of their physical behaviors, to see how they differ from Johtoan Totodiles. His frown returned and he picked up his personal journal and opened it to Brook's first page. He had gathered a good bit of notes on her, but with nothing to compare them to, he wasn't sure how the two species differed. He clicked his pen and began to copy his notes onto the packet of paper. When he was done, the page was nearly full. He leaned back on his hands and looked down at it, shaking his head, dissatisfied.

"I think," He began, looking up to Brook who was currently chewing the lid of the container, "I think we should ask for some help. Make a friend, maybe. What do you think, girl?" He asked, gently pulling the lip from her jaws. She let it go easily and snapped her jaws in agreement. "Well, that settles it then! Let's get looking then, yeah?"

And so, Farren packed up the folders, his papers, and his leather-bound journal. He gathered the remaining containers to be thrown away and returned Brook to her Pokeball, clipping her securely to his hip. With everything he needed on his back, he left their spot behind and stuck out for the town. Hopefully, he would find someone there that could help him out! These research questions were a bit vague for his taste!