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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[ Reset Check In ]

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Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Hey all! I'm working on getting my growth calendar set up, so I'm going to ask you all for a favor.

I would appreciate if each of you returning members made a post linking to each of your cat's uncerts and dictating where you would like them to go. I will be resetting their timers from your post date. If you have kits from before that never grew, make sure you note them in this post and I will grow them as soon as I can.

I will be recerting all cats posted in here, they will be dropped in their new locations, found here.

Thank you!

A reminder; if your cat was not certed before the shop reopened, please go ahead and post them in the new certing thread. The check in thread is just to update existing certs, so uncerted cats will need to be posted in the certing thread. Thank you!
For example:
[ Sunseer ] -> Staying in MountainClan
[ Sorrelpelt ] -> Move to Loner, rename Scrap
[ Tigerkit ] -> Move to Loner, needs growth
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Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
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Stew Aficionado
[ Dustfeather ] -> Staying in MountainClan
[ Silverstreak ] -> Staying in MountainClan
[ Fawn ] -> Staying Loner
[ Robinstar ] -> Staying in MountainClan, rename Robinflight
[ Salmonstripe ] -> Moving to MountainClan
[ Lady Tart ] -> Staying a Kittypet
[ Creampuff ] -> Staying a Kittypet
[ Thumbs ] -> Moving to MountainClan, rename Branchtail
[ Lin ] -> Staying a Kittypet
[ Finchpaw ] -> Staying in MountainClan, rename Finchchirp
[ Dandelionpaw ] -> Moving to MountainClan, rename Dandelionclaw
[ Smoke ] -> Staying as a Loner

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signed an NDA
Staff member
Coyote - Staying as Loner [needs to grow and daughter of Dust]
Dust - Staying as Loner
Moth - Changing to Mountain Clan [Mothwing new name]

Palekit - Staying in Mountain Clan. [Daughter of Deadeye and Moth(step)]
Daisypaw - Staying in Mountain Clan. [Daughter of Lilacmoon and Bloodoath. Needs to grow.]
Cottonmouth - Loner [Son of Fox and Milo. Changing name to Viper. Needs to grow.]
Lynxkit - Mountain Clan [needs to grow. Child of Zoey and Thomas]
Gravedigger - Loner
Blossom - Changing to Mountain Clan [Blossompetal]

Morningsky - Sun Clan
Pebblekit - Sun Clan
Goldenleaf - Mountain Clan
Minnowpaw - Mountain Clan [Daughter of Goldenleaf and Bloodoath. Rename to Minnowclaw]
Bone - Staying as Loner

Rainbow - Changing to Mountan Clain [Name changed to Rainbowfish]
Tiger - Changing to Mountain Clan [Name Tigersnarl. Uncert is my own Discord link, his uncert is missing from Gaia]
Mouse - Loner [Uncert is my own Discord link. Owners list link is broken.]
Littleflower - Mountain Clan [Uncert is my own Discord link, her uncert is missing. Daughter of Sunseer and Morningsky]

Hauntedkit - Mountain Clan [Child of Blossom(petal) and Bone Keeper]
Willowkit - Mountain Clan [Child of Blossom(petal) and Bone Keeper]
Fox - Loner [Uncert is Discord. Missing official]

Done! The kits will be certed once I get to them, and sunclan cats don't need to be recerted. If you need the offical certs and uncerts, let me know and I'll pass them to you!
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late to the party
Staff member
For all, updating owner name from Variable Nonsense -> polliwoggi

[Egg] -> Remain Loner
[Rise] -> Remain Loner
[Victoria] -> Remain Kittypet
[Captain Smollet] -> Remain Kittypet (ownerlist link is broken, my upload)

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Stew Aficionado
[Boo] -> Remain Kittypet
[Ginger] -> Remain Loner
[Nut] -> Change to Nutpelt, move to Mountainclan
[Petunia] -> Remain Loner
[Rose] -> Remain Loner
[Thistlefur] -> Change to Mountainclan (because reboot)

[Mallow] -> Remain Kittypet (I never got them certed before ;u;)
[Poppy] -> Change name to Poppykit, Move to Mountainclain, get a growth

Done! Don't forget to take your uncerted cats to the certing thread!
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Grizzled Veteran
[Riversong] -> Staying in Mountain Clan
[Starfur] -> Sun Clan
[Split] -> Staying Loner
[Yarrow] -> Staying Loner (Can't find his official uncert) *Edit: Needs Growth! <3
[Steamheart] -> Staying Mountain Clan (Can't find her official uncert)

Done! Sunclan certs don't need to be edited, but if you need their offical certs/uncerts, let me know!
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Grizzled Veteran
Staying in the Afterlife:
Stonepaw (Sunclan)

Those staying or moving to Mountain Clan:
Fern -> Fernfire (still a medicine cat apprentice as an adult if possible)
Sparrowpaw -> Sparrowtail (gen 2 Duskwing and Dustpelt)
Petalkit (gen 2 Deadeye and Mothwing/step (nym has both listed for him))
Willowpaw ->Willowfang (gen 2 Lilacmoon and Bloodoath)
Marmalade -> Whisperstep

Staying a Loner:
Vixen (gen 2 Fox and Milo)

Edgar (gen 2 Frost and Arthur)

Done! Edgar will be certed along with the rest of his breeding. <3
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Grizzled Veteran
Floodkit > dead, sad unless it was okay to have him alive? lmk!
Crème Brûlée> kittypet
Kitty| kittypet
Pigeonflight| mountainnclan
Buzzardpaw| mountainclan

would love to know if i had other cats!

Done! Unfortunately, Sunseer is the only cat allowed to come back from the dead, only because of his role in the meta. I did check however, and did not find any other cats, so unless you never got them certed, you have them all here! Good job! When you find the time, please take Buzzardpaw over to the Certing thread and post them with the cert correction form to give them their Warrior name!
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New Arrival
-Scarecrow and blazekit are staying sunclan cause yes xD-
Shoo stays loner
Blink to Mountain! Blinkpelt
Bloodoath stays mountain
Dawnbreak stays mountain
Zoey stays mountain (Her link is broke in the old owner list sooo its lost to me~ Still former kittypet)
Boldpaw stays mountain and needs to grow? maybe? >>; If they dont have a name yet we can go Boldcall
Doublepaw stays mountain and would need to grow i guess? Doubletime/Doubletake?
Lionkit stays with fam, and name was going to be Lionhunt.
Aspenkit stays mountain, since reboot... Aspenheart
Eelleap stays mountain, reboot

If i did anything wrong i apologize xD Ill catch up i promise!

All done! "Blazekit" is actually Emberkit, so fixed that. Otherwise, you're good to go!
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Station Visitor
Ashpelt - MountainClan
Roseheart - SunClan
Arthur - Kittypet
Peach - Kittypet, I want to keep her lineage if possible (edit: Looks like this was handled already but just posting for evidence XD)

All done!
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