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[RP Contest] Aimless shambling [Over!]


signed an NDA
Staff member

Colored by Tigeria
Mutated Pegasus (Exposed bone, unique wings, cat-like tail, "decayed" body)
Cloaked Version ||
Masked Version

End Date: March 10th, 11:59pm EST

As the shop rolls into a different set of lines there is a small handful of premade that still need a home. This pony is one of them, and they come with a RP game!

Rumors have long followed every step this pony has taken, cursing their past and marring their future. The world of Everchange is not a perfect one, full of monsters and horrors in the deepest of darks. At first glance, this poor unfortunate pony has been mistaken for a creature of the night endless time, but they're nothing more than an unlucky pony with a series of mutations that leave them a sight to behold.

Life hasn't been easy for them, but perhaps it has had its moments of bliss. How has the world seen them in all this time? What are their future goals and plans? Do they have any, or do they roam the continent freely? That's for you to decide.

How to Play:

Using the form below, you will fill out each section with how you feel this pony would exist within Everchange. At the end date the entries will be judged solely by Nym, who will award the pony to the winner via this thread.

  • Anyone can enter!
  • One entry per person.
  • Don't adjust the form. Fill it out exactly as intended.
  • Forms should be posted directly into this thread. You may edit up until the end of the contest.
  • No bribing, whining, complaining, guilting, or similar poor-sport actions.
  • No proxies will be accepted.
  • All work should be your own. Plagiarized work will result in disqualification at a minimum.
  • Questions should be posted in the #ask-staff in the Discord, or messaged to Nym on BS. Do not privately message any staff on Discord.
[CENTER][B][SIZE=24px][FONT=Esper]Repeat After Me[/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER]

[b]Username:[/b] Your Basilisk Stew username here.
[b]Pony name:[/b] What is the name you'd give them?

[b]Personality:[/b] This can be as long or as short as you'd like.

[b]Brief history:[/b] Keep this under 500 words.

[b]Future plans:[/b] Keep this under 500 words.

[b]What are they currently doing in the world?:[/b] What are they up to now?
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Grizzled Veteran
Repeat After Me

Username: Reoakee
Pony name: Aimless Graves

Personality: Skeptical of strangers they know they are scary to many foals. They are kind to those close to them or those who don’t fear them but they are hesitant to approach others unless under certain circumstances where they may blend in.

Brief history: His family was put off by his mutations so he left there on bad terms at an early age. He doesn’t bother keeping in contact with them after two of his aunts tried to bury him alive once. Making friends is hard and he wandered long enough to actually abandon his name until he found a new home and the ringmaster gave him a new one. Aimless Graves worked in the circus for a large number of years because working in a haunted house was easy and they didn’t even have to get into a costume. What a pity there was a strange mess that closed down the haunted house for a while. He can’t quite remember why but it isn’t like it matters since it will open up again next year. In his down time he lives with another circus worker Maverous and his mate Faith Misery. Still he wants to find a new home and place to live as it shouldn’t be this hard seeing as banshee and dullahans have always been around and they don’t seem to have a problem in society. Why his family did in the past he doesn’t understand and can’t even begin to relate too.

Future plans:
-meet at least one of the kids of Sepsis the alicorn of decay. Where he learns that even though he seems like his mutations leave him decayed that he can still be affected and that scares him
-meet a dullahan with a skull head and see how that goes could be good or bad
-meet a banshee!
-find an understanding mate and a new job maybe someone who runs a funeral home or a graveyard or perhaps a different circus or even a dr who has to teach anatomy somewhere Aimless feels useful.

What are they currently doing in the world?: Currently living with Maverous and his mate Faith Misery and working in the circus
Repeat After Me

Username: -Ghastly Demise-
Pony name: Hellebore

Caring but distant, his past affects how he sees himself greatly, though cautious of others he will not judge another as he can only find beauty in others but no longer himself. He will always pull away, hesitant to be touched or to even speak to others. always hiding his Decay, he will run off in fear of being seen without his cloak or one of his many masks.

Brief history:
" I was born a monster, shielded by the love of my family as a young foal-- in the end their love- it destroyed me, Their love sheltered me from reality .However I would not take it back, as I Treasured them dearly." Such kind words from a monster- in others eyes that is. he had been sheltered and loved by his parental figures. learned the ways of healing. But however he would find that in the future as an stallion, He would have quite a hard time.

Ugly, horrifying- Why would others uses such words on someone, so undeserving, Before they knew him. He just wanted to sell medicines to make a living, perhaps even find a job. he had come such a long way to be met by such Ugly words , horrifying attitudes - their words matched his appearance. He had done nothing but Exist- Was that so bad? Judgement and ridicule that's all they could do without even bothering to get to know him. Their words affected him deeply. so much so he began to hide his appearance beneath cloaks and masks, seeking acceptance of others. It never worked he was only met with more ridicule. "Dose he really think that will help." They spoke behind his back , their words made him bitter distant even.

Pulling himself away, the Contempt for himself grew, he began to see things wrong with himself. agreeing with their words. Little did anyone know, that he was a kind and gentle heart, caring for others, animals, the world beneath his hoofs. he had once seen beauty in himself as he had seen in the world. but now that vision was tainted. It had not happened just once, not twice but - time and time again. No pony would approach him. no pony would give him the time of day that he deserved. they ignored and pulled away even when he needed help. He learned to help himself, he learned how to survive.

Over time his once golden heart grew cold towards other ponies, not wanting to once again Endure the painful words that he had once faced; He left his home to the dismay of his family who had tried time again to heal his heart. He traveled, never staying in once spot, finding ways to survive, to sell his own medicines whilst staying out of the view of others. With the mask and cloak, he was able to hide his appearance from others who knew not what lay beneath the clothing he adorned himself with.with a bit of wood from the forest he had made a stall he could stand in and sell medicines, he would set the medicines on a shelf outside his stall for pony to grab as they needed and then set out a basket to accept payments without having to move from behind his stall witch hides what his cloak could not his decayed hoofs. To this day it is were he resides selling medicines.

Future plans:
He wants to one day own a medical store of his own, to heal others and perhaps one day return home. he has been filled with regret for allowing others to drive him away from those he loved so dearly. causing him to feel like he had no worth and that he no longer belonged. he is Wishing to seek a way to build a home for those like him or find one were ponies similar to him reside. he still worries how others will see him.little doses he know a better future awaits but before it gets better he will face more hardships in the world, A pony very opposite or similar to himself will be by his side be it friendship or love. or perhaps he will remain a hermit and build a better life for himself and his family back home.

What are they currently doing in the world?:
he spends his days in the forest, now with a traveling cart he takes from town to town, selling medicine. learning of the world he had once been sheltered from as a foal seeking a better life, new beginnings all whilst taking care of others


Grizzled Veteran
Repeat After Me

Username: Bluedemonwolf
Pony name: Acheron

Personality: A generally fun guy. Acheron has learned to embrace his looks and loves to scare others. He loves Night of Frights since it's a day about pranks and spooky things. He falls into the second category just by looks and he enjoys a good prank. He does try to avoid scaring foals, unless they have told him it's okay, and is very gentle around foals, the weak, and the elderly.

Brief history: Acheron wasn't always a happy and fun guy. When he was younger his looks caused him a lot of grief and heartache causing him to grow very depressed and weary of life. However a chance encounter in October at a haunted house began to turn that around. A worker there saw great potential in him (yes potential in scaring the daylights out of others, but also saw his kindness when he accidentally scared a child and comforted them) and has been an endless cheerleader for him to follow his dream of becoming a star. With the help of his friend he's been working on acting and has been steadily getting better. He is pretty nocturnal as it was always a habit to hide in the darkness and not let other ponies see him. He has gotten better about it but going out during the day still causes a pause for him.

Future plans: Becoming a star. Acheron knows he could make it big take as a horror movie star, whether as a zombie or a big bad guy.
Acheron really wants to help the haunted house and the worker there who has helped him, become the best haunted house that Everchange has ever seen. While business has picked up he feels that it could be even better.
Finding a mate and starting a family. He really wants to find the love of his life and start a family however he is also terrified that any kids he has will turn out like him and he doesn't want that for them.
A subpart of finding a mate is going on a normal date to an amusement park or something similar. He's never been to one, heck he barely goes out during the day, and really want to experience the full lifestyle of being out in daylight without people freaking out over his looks.

What are they currently doing in the world?: Currently works in a haunted house as a scare worker. He's also taken minor roles in horror movies.


Stew Aficionado
Repeat After Me

Username: belloblossom
Pony name: Creature

Personality: Creature is cowardly by nature. He prefers the darkness of his home and territory rather than the sun that most ponies seem to seek out. Ponies... what a thought. He certainly doesn't consider himself a pony, or even a pegasus, for his wings are much too small and frail to carry him. Superstitious and jumpy, Creature tends to stay within the central murk of the swamp. The only thing that Creature doesn't seem to fear are the other denizens of the Blackmurk Swamp. Sure, he reasons that there are certainly some unsavory sorts nestled within, but who could be more ugly and unsettling to the eye than him? Surely any who look upon him will flee at the first chance they get, like many outsiders that have come into contact with him in the past.

Despite his fear of the world, Creature is inclined towards a good nature. On his brave days, he will circle the outer border of the Blackmurk and spook off travelers. It's at these times that he dons a cloak and thick mask. While he means to scare away anyone who tries to come into the swamp (believing that it's for their own good, as the swamp is not an easy place to traverse, and his own as a hermit) he doesn't want to traumatize them. His hooves and ominous eyes are usually enough to send others running for the hills. If a pony is persistent, he may reveal his entirety, but due to a conflicting fear of rejection, he'll rarely do as much.

Creature has heard of an interesting magic - of the glamour magic that changlings possess, or the illusion spells that kitsunes wield so well. While he's much too scared to venture out of the Blackmurk Swamp any time soon, if he should come across a changeling or kitsune within the swamp, he may try to tail them for several days, if it gives him any open ideas to how they work their craft and if there could be such a way to better cover his own, grotesque appearance that he loathes so much.

Brief history: Creature tumbled out of his basket alone in the Blackmurk Swamp. Not knowing that there was anything "wrong" with him - for he was young and new to the world, Creature set out on his own to try and locate the aid of another, or perhaps just out of the desire to explore. While he did come across others, both locals and travelers alike, all took one look at him and screamed about how he was horrid swamp creature, a ghost or something called an "AAAAARGH". He realized it was not a positive reception and so began to seclude himself within the safety of the shadows that the swamp had to offer. He observed others from afar, learning how to fend for himself and learning time and time again not to approach the ponies, as they called themselves. They didn't want anything to do with Creature then and they never would later. Creature learned independence and capability on his own and while he is scared to approach any others, for the most part, he has grown into a descent, abominable thing, if he does say so himself.

Future plans: While Creature tends to take the day one step at a time, I would like for him to eventually explore a future that dabbles between the following plots:
- Finding the courage to interact with traveling ponies, even if they flee from him at first sight.
- Interacting with a kitsune for the purpose of learning more about their illusion spells.
-Interaction with one (or several) changelings to try and figure out their glamour magic and if it can be recreated in other breeds.
- (partially joking) finding his way into a beauty salon and having his skincare routine updated
- Interacting with the current (or future) denizens of the Blackmurk Swamp
- Finding love?? I always want the best romantic lives for my ponies, but he would require some serious plotting to get to a point where he can open his heart up like that to someone - to anyone, really!

What are they currently doing in the world?: Currently Creature is remaining in the central, hidden portion of the Blackmurk Swamp. While he occasionally emerges to the outer border, wrapped up in a muzzle mask and cloak to scare off new and brave travelers, he tends to stay within the swamp, where he considers it to be safe from the outside, scary environment.


Grizzled Veteran
Repeat After Me

Username: ChexaRain
Pony name: Shambles

Personality: Shambles is, for lack of better wording, empty. He travels, he frightens, and he moves on, no longer fazed by the fear he instills [or so he claims]. Deep down he is absolutely miserable and feels unworthy of kindness without some 'fee' attached to it, as has been the case all of his life.

Brief history: Shambles came into this world being cared for by an Alicorn, though it was no act of kindness, but a sense of duty to not cause unnecessary death. He hasn't known love in his life, only that he is a sight to behold, and that the Alicorn who raised him had made him well aware his looks will not be taken well, no matter how kind he chooses to be. Rather than estranging from this parent, it only strengthened his bond with them, as he sees that although they made no effort to love him, they didn't hide the truth from him either, and raised him without hatred in his heart.

Future plans: Beauty and the B-
Okay maybe not quite that, but maybe someone who can actually warm up to him and make him believe that it IS possible for someone to love him without some stipulation attached, though it will take quite a bit of coaxing to convince him.

What are they currently doing in the world?: Shambles has taken up residence in the colder region of the world, hidden away in an old abandoned barn that he's protected against the elements and made quite a cozy little niche for himself there. Locals share stories of a monster lurking in the woods, as most places do when he lives there, but he's determined to not let it faze him. The Alicorn who raised him supplies him with food if he isn't up to travelling, and he's thankful for the company, if only in small spurts.