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Sharkberry Fields Forever


🍓 Like, nya, you know?
Staff member
Berry Burrows
.: the Flightless :.

[Cert] [Basket] [Foal] [Alt-Form]
by One Little Jay

... is a G1 heterosexual that prefers he/him pronouns.
Berry Burrows enjoys mild weather.

.: TL;DR! :.

With a flair for theatre, Berry Burrows has coated his fledging business with a particular theme - not only should they craft every tea or coffee with the best of their ability, but every employee must appear filled with one of their specialities themselves. It's obviously magic, but it's made the little corner shoppe popular enough for each worker to live and work comfortably, nevertheless.

In his spare time, Berry is an avid movie goer and accompanies each with a hand-crafted coffee. He keeps his thoughts about each written neatly on a blog, sometimes sharing recipes aside from his work.

As of now, Berry Burrows has no notible companions or family to speak of, but is both boss to and friends with Cinnamon Dust, Sangria Hi-Rise, and Smooth Verde.​

Berry also makes the soap blocks sold in his shop, just under a different name; no nefarious reason ... he's just a little shy about it.

Berry Burrows is available for flings, and open for friendship.

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🍓 Like, nya, you know?
Staff member
Cinnamon Dust
.: the Flightless :.

[Cert] [Basket] [Foal] [Alt-Form]
by astralprogenitor

... is a G1 aeroace that prefers he/him pronouns.
Cinnamon Dust enjoys cold weather.

.: TL;DR! :.

Cinnamon enjoys working, playing, and relaxing hard, the last of which involves being extremely focused in his various fandoms. As an artist, he contributes by taking commissions for fan characters, but also posts his own ideas and bases freely for others to help them do the same. It's not a primary job for him, after all, but it does give him more of what he really wants - more interactions means more friends and a larger community for his beloved series.

Two of his top three are animated - which is what ultimately led him to his favourite hobby-second-job.

As of now, Cinnamon Dust has no notable companions or family to speak of, but is notably friends with Berry Burrows (his boss), Sangria Hi-Rise, and Smooth Verde.​

Cinnamon is one of the few that know of Berry's soap making business, and enjoys helping contribute ideas.

Cinnamon Dust is available for ooc, and open for friendship.

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🍓 Like, nya, you know?
Staff member
Peach Paroquet
.: the Flightless :.

[Cert] [Basket] [Foal] [Alt-Form]
by rozeybear

... is a G1 demi-lesbian that prefers she/they pronouns.
Peach Paroquet enjoys mild weather.

.: TL;DR! :.

Everypony has their place, and sometimes that place has them continually travelling through the same streets and wandering the same roads daily. Sometimes, that place has them braving weather, traffic, and other potential hazards with a certain dedication that leaves them feeling stressed at the end of the day. Sometimes, too, all they can really muster is the energy to eat something awful when they really want something great, like friends, a night out dancing, maybe a little romance...

Peach is a bit of a complainer, often exhausted, and maybe a little depressed, but making sure everyone else gets their mail is equally often a thankless job that deserves something a little more.

As of now, Peach Paroquet has no notible companions, friends, or family to speak of.​

Peach really wants to be a party planner, surrounded by happy ponies having happy times. She continues wistfully dreaming, for now.

Peach Paroquet is available for flings, and open for friendship.

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🍓 Like, nya, you know?
Staff member
Sangria Hi-Rise
.: the Flightless :.

[Cert] [Basket] [Foal] [Alt-Form]
by astralprogenitor

... is a G1 poly-pansexual that prefers any pronouns.
Sangria Hi-Rise enjoys mild weather and is deliciously mystical.

.: TL;DR! :.

Sangria is as much as extrovert as they are a punk. Rigid in their beliefs and willing to uphold that stance, nothing short of the truly obscene will startle this pony out of arguing her point of view. However, as true as that is, they're willing to be as equally gentle with those that are too shy to stand up for themselves, and will take their time getting to know those types that don't like to be rushed into anything. In short, don't mess with them and they won't mess with you. That's likely how the got their job as manager of Berry's drink business and continue to hold the line to this day.

It helps to be in the friend circle.

As of now, Sangria Hi-Rise has no notable companions or family to speak of, but is friends with Berry Burrows, Cinnamon Dust, and Smooth Verde.​

Sangria occasionally commissions Cinnamon for their oc in an overlapping fandom.

Sangria Hi-Rise is available for flings, and open for friendship.

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🍓 Like, nya, you know?
Staff member
Smooth Verde
.: the Flightless :.

[Cert] [Basket] [Foal] [Alt-Form]
by bitsie spider

... is a G1 bisexual that prefers he/him pronouns.
Smooth Verde enjoys hot weather.

.: TL;DR! :.

Verde is a bit of a lazy soul, preferring to stay in his own lane and just cruise through the party known as life. He doesn't mind his job much, especially since becoming friends with his coworkers, but relishes his time off all the same. A late sleeper, he prefers to stay under the covers as much as possible, drowsily playing sim games in that same bed until his stomach gets the best of him.

That same manner permiates all aspects of his life, making him easy to be friends and make plans with - or not, it really doesn't matter all that much if stuff gets cancelled, either.

As of now, Smooth Verde has no notable companions, but is friends with Berry Burrows and Sangria Hi-Rise, and considers Cinnamon Dust as sort-of family.​

He's kinda a hedonist, in his own way, and isn't the sort to shy away from anything that feels good.

Smooth Verde is available for flings, and open for friendship.

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🍓 Like, nya, you know?
Staff member
.: the Hybrid :.

[Cert] [Basket] [Foal] [Alt-Form] [Alt-Form 2]
by @polliwoggi

... is a G1 pansexual that prefers he/him pronouns.
Pentrasohl enjoys cold weather and is mutated.

.: TL;DR! :.

Pentrasohl's sole purpose and duty is to his church and its leader. As Astrelphon's right hand man there is nothing he will stop at to further his cause, reflected outwardly by his willingness to don masks both intensely kind and ruthlessly cruel as the situations arise. One may even say the stunning "monster" can change moods so quickly its impossible to tell just what or even if anything resembling a true personality resides beneath those polished facades. That may be an answer only his master ever knows.

As of now, Pentrasohl has his snake Yul, his master Astrelphon, and belongs to [herd].​

Pentrasohl enjoys reading books of many genres and collecting crystals in his spare time, the latter of which he then embues and adorns or sells in his indie business. He believes wholeheartedly that all should be free of the tyranny of the Queens and free to choose their own paths away from the strangehold of the Creator. It is a conviction which empowers him through even the most difficult times and trials. The creature of many secrets holds his true emotions close to his heart.

Pentrasohl is unavailable for breeding, and extremely tentatively open for friendship.


by KikiLime
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