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[Solo MRP] Feelings all around ♬


Long-Term Resident
The thing that had been kept in the back of his mind had eventually found itself in the front of it, and Radio eventually realized it was a feeling that he had become all too familiar with. After all, it was in his nature. The feeling of death. Perhaps not that someone died in that particular spot, it seemed that it may have been somewhere else in the building, but there was definitely a touch of it here, and not just when the ghostly figure of the pony had come out to speak to them. A ghost didn’t scare him. Although they had powers different from what normal ponies may have known about, this one did not seem to be out for vengeance.

Honestly, he would have preferred a conversation with it, but had been interrupted by the circus members coming in and telling them to get out. Even the leader had come to see what the commotion was, most likely from the headset on the child that he could feel the electrical waves from, there was an advantage to having a radio mic as your ‘head’! And he could hear that the staff had found out that something unexpected had gone wrong. He couldn’t tell everything, not having ears and static prevented that, but it was enough to know that the ghost was perhaps not a part of the exhibit.

And after they were ushered out inside it was deemed closed and the leader hadn’t come out. Radio had stayed during the day to visit the other sights and to watch the other ponies as they tried their luck at various games, but the house was still the main center of all the whispers and commotion and one could never truly get away from it. Even if he didn’t want to keep his mind on it, it was as though he was being forced to, not only from the whispers and bumping into ponies hanging around it, but the feeling of death was still clearly lingering around the circus. Something had gone on, and whether the leader was dealing with it or not, there was most likely something that this “Circus” was hiding.

The fact that the 4 unicorns came to the tent and left and re-entered at various times was also something to think about. Perhaps the Circus wasn’t evil or had done something particularly malicious on purpose or something had happened way before the current workers had come, but it was of concern, though he had no doubt that it couldn’t be dealt with and that it was real. He had heard some whispers that perhaps this circus was just an illusion, but the fact that they had officials visiting made him doubt otherwise.

He couldn’t really say anything himself though, he didn’t want to make any assumptions until he knew some facts. Even if he was more into singing than slinging out news stories, he felt that it was imperative that others be at least honest when they were trying to get “facts” out. But at this point in time, all they could really do was wait and see if anything would be revealed later.
(words: 529)
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