Today was the day! The day of adventure! Or well the day that Storm Surge was going to go out of their comfort zone and go on an adventure..... to the nearby city so they could hit up a store that was doing a limited time release on some sweets. If anything could pull Storm Surge out to a mostly unknown city it was sweets.
Making sure their bandanna was tied on tightly they fixed their hair and then grabbed their backpack. They fortunately had a ride to get to the city quickly but that was it. It was on them to find their way through the city, to the bakery, and to secure the sweets. Afterwards their ride would meet them at the bakery to take them back home. Simple..... right?
The ride to the city didn't take long and Storm Surge waved goodbye to their friend as they left. "Okay.... I've got this. I just gotta find the bakery and get those limited time sweets. Let's see... I packed a map in my bag before I left." They muttered to themselves. They moved off to the side and swung their bag around so they could open it to find the map. Digging through the big main pocket they didn't immediately find the map. Okay... maybe they put it in another pocket. They checked each pocket in the bag, steadily becoming more nervous and frantic. Where was the map!? They packed it, right?!
After going through the bag several times, just stopping short of dumping everything out onto the ground, they realized that no they did not pack the map. They must have grabbed it, set it down on the side table by the front door, and got distracted before placing it into the bag. Closing up their bag they fought to not panic, to not start hyperventilating over this small setback. After taking a few deep breaths they decided to go off of memory. They had memorized the address and the route to take from the drop off point after all! The map was just to be additional insurance, or at least that's what they told themselves.
Looking around they got their bearings and began to head in the direction they needed to go. It was straight up this road for 3 blocks, turn left and go 4 blocks, and then..... oh no.... what came after that?! "No need to panic... you'll remember... yeah once you get to the point you last remember you'll know what direction you need to go from there.... yeah... you've got this. It's... just an adventure... yeah..." They muttered to themselves in an attempt to pep themselves up.
The walk didn't take terribly long, the worst part was all of the hoof traffic on the sidewalks, to get to the point Storm Surge last remembered. They looked around at the intersection and was unsure if they needed to go right or left. It didn't make sense to back the way they came or to continue straight. They had to make a turn after going those 4 blocks. They looked from left to right, unsure of which way to go. Surely it was to turn right and go a block and then it should be nearby. That sounded right. Going left didn't sound right or really make sense as to why they would have needed to go the 4 blocks after that left turn instead of 3.
Figuring they were correct to turn right and go a block they went in that direction. Reaching the end of the block they looked at the street name but it didn't seem familiar to them. Maybe they needed to go another block? Yeah that seemed right. After all the street they needed, Fernway Avenue, should be in this direction. Reaching the next street they saw that that were instead at Ferrisway Road. Storm Surge's heart sank as they realized that they had no clue where they were or how to get to the bakery they were looking for. They were lost!
Starting to tear up they looked around but all of the city folks just marched right along either not paying attention to Storm Surge or shooting them a dirty look. Soon the tears began to flow and they just sat down with a sob. Adventures were stupid! Why did they ever want to come to this city for an adventure!? They knew this was going to happen if they came to such a big city. Fortunately for Storm Surge a passing pony stopped to check on them.
"Are you okay dear? What's got you all upset?" The pony asked with a concerned look on her face.
"I was trying to find Fernway Avenue to get to the Biscuit's Delight Bakery and I forgot the way and I left my map back at home and this was supposed to be a fun adventure but now it's ruined!" She cried, "And now I won't be able to get home because I can't find the bakery which is where I'm supposed to meet up with my friend who's my ride home." When the concerned pony motioned that they should move off to the side, Storm Surge sniffled and moved out of the middle of the sidewalk.
"There there... why didn't you ask someone for directions? Any of the store clerks here would be happy to help you. And good news for you dear, you're not terribly off track. You just needed to take a turn left two blocks back after crossing the street. About halfway down the block is Fernway Avenue. It's a little tricky for first timers since it looks like it cuts a block in half since the side we're on is actually a double block."
Storm Surge listened as the kind pony explained how to get to Fernway Avenue and basically said it was okay to ask for directions from strangers. "I...I didn't think to go inside any buildings to ask for directions and every pony on the street seemed too busy or mean to help." They explained a little sheepishly. The kind pony just tsk tsk'd them while shaking her head. "But thank you for your help. I should be able to find my way now." They waved goodbye to the kind pony and headed back two blocks. Looking down the block it did seem to be longer than the ones they had walked previously.
Crossing the road to the other side they made it to Fernway Avenue. From there they found the bakery and was disappointed to find out that all of the limited edition sweets had sold out. They were able to get some other baked goods that sounded delicious so they ate that while they waited for their friend to pick them up. Maybe this adventure wasn't all that they wanted and had a turn for the worst at one point but it had ended up okay in the end. (wc: 1158)