- 254
- #1
Redeeming Gifts
Once you have completed your word fill out the form below to claim your prize.
If you have any questions feel free to reach out to Live here or on discord and I'll be happy to answer.
Once you have completed your word fill out the form below to claim your prize.
You have until January 8th @12pm to post prize claims

- Please remember that you can only claim 1 for yourself.
- You may gift them to as many others as you want but only 1 per person. (May add limit if gets too crazy)
- If you are the giftee make sure to state who gave/won the prize for you.
- You may select any premade/templated hair or no hair if that's what you'd like. Or can cc and let colorist pick something for you.
- Simple = less complex patterns/markings. think solid/two tone base with accents.
- Complex = more involved/detailed markings. think full body stripes/spots, multi layer ect.
- [ Here ] is a list of some of the premade hair templates. This is incomplete so feel free to use other pones to show the hair you want.
- You are allowed to mix and match hairs. Though most these bases will only have manes so keep this in mind.
- You are allowed to use images, palletes, moodboards, themes, plooshes, ect for the inspo. Please don't use adopts that you cannot verify ownership.
If you have any questions feel free to reach out to Live here or on discord and I'll be happy to answer.
[i][font="Garamond"][size="7"][color=#E00000]H[/color][color=#C11D00]o[/color][color=#A23A00]l[/color][color=#835700]i[/color][color=#647400]d[/color][color=#459100]a[/color][color=#26AE00]y[/color] [color=#26AE00]M[/color][color=#459100]a[/color][color=#647400]g[/color][color=#835700]i[/color][color=#A23A00]c[/color][color=#C11D00]![/color][/size][/font][/i]
[size=3] [b] Username:
Gift From:
Link to Winning Post:
Base: [/b] (1,2,3,4)
[b] Type: [/b](short,long)
[b] Hair: [/b](img,description,cc)
[b] Inspo: [/b] Palette, MoodBoard, Image, Ect:
[b] Other: [/b] (long only-explain what minor changes you want or other details you'd like to request )
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