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Spill the Tea - Closed


Mule Account

Sun Tenko vs Star Muko
Both unedited koshin by Nym

Sun VS Stars. Tenko VS Muko. Everything about these two koshin seems to be at odds with each other. It's no wonder they have a very intense relationship. Is it a rivalry, is it a romance? Rumors have flown about just what exactly their relationship is. You seem to have the inside scoop, c'mon, give us the deets.​
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Mule Account
Starts: July 7, 2024 After Tanabata is announced
Ends: July 21, 2024 10pm CST

  • No whining, complaining, guilt tripping, etc.
  • Follow all BS ToS and shop rules.
  • Anyone can enter!
  • Proxying is Not allowed!

How to Play:
  • Fill out the form below in it's entirety.
  • You must include: A minimum two sentences about this pair's relationship.
    • You can include things like how they met, what they think of one another, or if their actual relationship differs from what others think of it.
  • Once the contest is over, our judges will pick the two winning personalities and if needed we'll roll to see who gets first pick.


Mule Account

[CENTER][COLOR=rgb(158, 158, 158)][SIZE=24px][FONT=Conspiracy]So here's the deal...[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[B]Username: [/B]Yours
[B]Koshin Preference:[/B] Sun tenko, star muko
[B]Relationship: [/B]Spill the tea, give us the gos, share the deets. A minimum two sentences about this pair's relationship. You can include things like how they met, what they think of one another, or if their actual relationship differs from what others think of it.


Stew Aficionado
So here's the deal...
Username: belloblossom
Koshin Preference: Sun tenko, star muko
Relationship: People have always said that opposite attract, but these koshin might prove that saying wrong. Oh? You want the scoop on what I mean exactly? Well, come closer and keep your voices down! I'm happy to tell you what I know...

They met at a beat poetry night, with our starry muko performing and our sunny tenko looking on with awe. She was thrilled to not have any eyes on her for once and it was clear that the muko on stage captivated everyone in that cozy cafe. She approached the night-time muko after their performance, gushing about how charming their poems had been, but the muko had only sneered. They hadn't wanted their poems to be charming, they'd wanted them to be meaningful.

Still, every poetry night or open mic night that the muko went to perform at, trying to get their messages out into the world in hopes that they'd make a difference, they saw the bright, flashy orange tenko at. And they had to admit, after every conversation they had, the seemingly gravitational pull that our nightlit muko felt grew.

After a few months of this, they started to go out together. All of their friends said they looked so fetching side by side. They were both so different in personality, with our tenko preferring to keep to herself, gardening and reading in their fancy , spending time with friends and looking away with discomfort when less fortunate koshin approached looking for leftovers or spare change. The muko on the other hand, was generous beyond their means. They wanted to do something good in their life, someone meaningful that would outlast them even when they were gone from this world. They would give the fur off their back to someone who might need it more and wanted to make the world a better place, by inspiring others however they could.

They didn't have a home and started living with our sunny, shy when they became a couple, but when their girlfriend started noticing soap going missing from her bathroom, food from her pantry and garden... They had a huge fight over selective sharing, with sunny wanting to make her point that she was sharing only with her night lit partner and our Nighttime muko saying that if she was sharing with them, then they could do whatever they wanted with what they took.

Now, they rarely talk to one another. Publicly, they say that they broke up do to differences in morals, but their friends still whisper. There are rumors of a big fight, but both sun and stars have been keeping their lips tightly closed on the matter. Good thing you folks came to me, though. I've got eyes on everything.

Bittersweet Contradiction

Long-Term Resident
So here's the deal...

Username: Bittersweet Contradiction
Koshin Preference: Star Muko, Sun Tenko
Relationship: These two have a deep and long lived relationship. When they were very young they were inseparable, best friends who could practically finish each other’s sentences. However as they grew up the friendship slowly changed. It went from childhood friendship to friendly competition, and that evolved into an aggressive rivalry that had them constantly butting heads. They couldn’t be in the same area without trying to one-up each other. The Muko has a sharp tongue and loves to throw taunts out while they are competing, meanwhile the Muko has a loud and fiery response (ironic right? Lol) telling them they will make the Tenko eat their words.
Deep down they both want to return to the childhood friendship they had before but so much has escalated and they don’t bring it up because how could they change as far as they’ve come at this point.


So here's the deal...
Username: Umbrefox
Koshin Preference: Sun tenko, star muko
Relationship: So here's the Tea.

These two have known each other for a very long time, becoming rivals from a young age. When they first met, Sun Tenko and Star Tenko were at odds due to them having wildly different personalities. Sun Tenko being more calm, collected, and intellectual but also rigid, fussy, and a little snippy when agitated. While Star tenko is more rebellious, carefree, passionate, and impulsive but also likes to get a rise out of others and doesn't always consider others feelings. They have one thing in common though, a strong sense of pride. They both admire the other but have a hard time admitting it out loud due to that pride. They eventually they grew to be quite close. (I'm fine with this being platonically or romantically.)

Sun thinks Star has a lot of potential if they were to put their mind too it and doesn't like it when they waste time on things Sun thinks are frivolous. Sun really just wants Star to be the best koshin they can be. Sun is more of a homebody, enjoying relaxing day of reading and tea. They will grumble a bit when Star wants them to go places with them but suck it up since them being their makes Star happy.

Star thinks Sun can be a bit of a nagging buzzkill at times with their lectures. They enjoy the freedom they have to explore new endeavors and feel restless if they are stuck doing the same thing for too long. They don't understand how Sun could enjoy being cooped up for so long and try to drag them on misadventures. "You shouldn't just read about the world through books, you have to get out there and actually experience it!"

An outsider might think they don't get along due to their constant bickering but they truly care deeply for one another. (Love me a good Red Oni, Blue Oni relationship)


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d2 2 2
Belated, but after much thought and cross checking the facts of their inside scoops, our winners are: @belloblossom and @Umbrefox and since their preferences are the same, I'll be rolling to see who gets their first pick.

1. belloblossom
2. umbrefox



Grizzled Veteran
And with that our sun tenko goes to umbrefox and our star muko goes to belloblossom! Hold on a moment and I'll get your pets dropped officially.

As thanks for playing and a consolation prize, @Bittersweet Contradiction you may post a palette and a preference for either a benikurage (the jellyfish) or a hoshikage ningyo (the fish) companion. C: