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[SRP] Introductions - Ladybuggle


Stew Aficionado
Well, Ladybuggle, you've done it now. You moved here for a fresh start, to get away from all the heartbreak and the loneliness and the fear. But you've only taken it with you. What on Everchange was that scene you made at the grocery store? For Dreamer's sake, not every changeling is going to give you the same grief Amema did! That poor grocer just asked you if they could help you find anything. And sure, sure, you were in the middle of taking a bottle off the shelf, but then you turned your head and saw their legs and their wings... oh dreamer, and their eyes... And you could just see him in their place, sneering at you. You dropped the bottle and it broke and you became such a mess. Oh, how you told them not to come near. It was because of the broken glass, you'd said, but I know what it was really about. You couldn't stand having another changeling get so close to you. The last time you let one in had disastrous results. Worse than broken glass.

But they insisted. It was their job and they didn't want you to get hurt. HA! A changeling didn't want to hurt you! You stammered and babbled apologies and then you flew - you literally opened your wings and breezed through the front doors of that grocery store. You sure made a fool of yourself, Little Miss Ladybuggle. You thought you came here for a fresh start, but you can't run from your past. It's always gonna be lying in wait, right around the corner. You certainly know that now.

You also know you can never go back to that grocery store again. I think it's the only one in town. Guess you'll have to learn how to grow your own food and be happy with water from now on. Dreamer forbid you try to go in there and talk to that changeling again. Dreamer forbid you try to talk to anyone after this mess up. This town isn't exactly big, not really. Ponies will talk... and they're going to look at you different. Crap, I just finished unpacking, but maybe we'll have to move again. How're you supposed to make friends and move on with your life now?