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Since I know a lot of us are readers, I thought having a place like this might be nice.

I personally enjoy sci-fi, gay (as in m/m) romance, mystery, and historical the most. The Redwall series has consistently been one of my favourite series.

Looking for something to read, even if it's something I've just forgotten over time.


Station Visitor
I have so many suggestions. I read an absurd amount. I do ARC reviews for a couple of taste in genre's is vast and varying.

Sci-Fi - Robert Butler (Adopted By Humans & Boozehounds specifically. He has others I've not had a chance to get to. I've finished the ABH series, Boozehounds ties into it/swims through events in ADH but can be fairly independently read.)

Historical/Romance - Johanna Wittenberg her Norsewomen series is really good. Lots of historical stuff. Some magic and fantasy elements. While there's hetero pairings nothing explicit on page ('his body pressed to hers' is like...the worst of it. No sex scenes at all. I read through her books in a couple of days)

M/M - Hold onto your hat. I have a lot of suggestions. (Pretty sure all of them include graphic on page sex)

Michele Notaro - her Ellwood Chronicles & spin-off series Brinswood Chronicles & Brinswood Stories (only 2 stories so far) best read in order since, series. I accidentally started with The Humans Incubus in B.C. but liked it well enough I started the series from the top. She has a lot of books, and I've not gotten around to most.

Jocelyn Drake - Her Varik Series is great (Lords of Discord), her new series Two Thousand (insert word here) series (Kings of Chaos) is very nice, Princes of Mayem (and you see characters from the Lords and Princes cameo often in Kings!) Scales N Spells & Wings N' Wands is about dragons & mages! (Honestly I've yet to go wrong with one of her books and I haven't read them all yet)

Lark Taylor - Damned Connections, The Reckless Damned, Caffeine Daydreams. First two is humans, demons, angels, mages, shifters. Fated mates. Caffeine Daydreams is musicians. But also you see cameo's from characters in the first two (and mentions of The Closet a club featured in the books)

A.M. Rose - The Cursebreakers series just started, and I've enjoyed it!

Grae Bryan - she has a bunch of vampire books, and a new demon one about to start

Reese Knightly - Lots of assassins, body guards, ex-military, sort of stuff. High action. Lots of violence.

Alice Winters - An author I've only recently found. I've read the two books in her Fanged Mistakes series, and nothing else just yet.

K.M. Neuhold - mechanics, a whole island, construction workers, there's a lot more I've yet to get around to but nothing has disappointed yet.

E.M. Lindsey - has a series featuring different tattoo artists (and plenty more)

Eden Finley - hockey players, and more. Some of the other books are same universe and you'll see cameos (I forget off the top of my head)

Kiki Clark - Writes Omegaverse stuff. Kincaid pack is good, Silver Oak pack ties in. Wolves, eagles, big cats, water monster, dragons...lots of types.

Louisa Masters - Prequel to Ghostly Guardians series, and the spin off The Collective (need to read Ghostly to understand Collective better). Here Be Dragons, Hidden Species, and Demons-In-Law all fall in the same universe, and lots of cameos.

A.J. Sherwood - Fated Mates series, the Sorcerers Grimoire, Spellbound. All are good books! She's also co-written some of the stuff with Jocelyn Drake!

Sam Burns & W.M. Fawkes - I link these two together, because they write a LOT together, and I've done quite a number of book reviews for them both (and just for Sam!) To Kill A King series (read & reviewed. Really enjoyed!) has dragons, and humans, and bonded spirit type animals. Poisonwood & Lyric (Currently reading to review. So far I'm enjoying). Wolf Moon Rising series is an ABO non m-preg wolf shifter series. Sons of Olympus series is the various Greek gods pairing up with humans etc. Also has vampires. I've read a lot of their books so far the only miss for me has been Trickster. The Sleeping Foxes books by Sam are good. Book 1 is a favorite of mine especially.

Jaclyn Osborn - Sons of the Fallen (and there's a spin off called After the Storm which is just one book) the children of the original fallen angels, demons, monsters, etc. Sent to a Fantasy World and Now All the Men Want Me is a why choose M/M/M/M/M series. (though he hasn't met all his destined partners) it's as silly as the title suggests. The author likes anime and wanted one of those 'I died and reincarnated as a slime and now eat all the vending machines in the dungeon while picking up girls' (yes I combined a bunch there) style names. Axios series ties into the Sons series.

Lily Mayne - Monstrous is well..a monster lovers dream series. Folk is a 3 book series dealing with the Fae/Fae realm. Monstrous Short Stories should be read after. Some of the stories container spoilery stuff. She also writes M/F stuff, so be aware when looking.

Stella Rainbow - she has a lot, it's all interconnected. You have to suspend belief at times. I missed a story somewhere, explaining a key point for a character and have been lost ever since... lol. You'd be better off cross referencing her site to her author page to get them in the right order.

I could have probably dug through my kindle unlimited reading history more but I think this'll keep you busy for awhile.