Sun Chasers :: Come Join the Flock! V-Day grams!


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02/07/22 - Our first event, a Valentine's day gram event. For more information and to head to the event click HERE
01/30/22 - The Basilisk Stew thread has begun!
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Shop Law
o1. Follow the Basilisk Stew's ToS.
o2. Mosasaur words are final.
o3. Do NOT steal or alter artwork.
o4. Be kind to one another.
- Do not harass other thread-goers.
- Please don't argue, take disagreements to the pms.
- If you absolutely cannot come to an agreement, please pm the shop mule.
o5. Do not beg for a pet - free or otherwise.
o6. Message the mule if you have questions, comments, or concerns!
o7. Save and host your own files!
o8. Rules are subject to change.

Roleplay Law
o1. God-modding and power playing are both forbidden.
o2. Read all of the roleplay information on page two. If you have questions, please pm the mule or quote us in shop.
o4. Heavy plots are permitted, as long as post content remains within the bounds of Basilisk Stews TOS.
o5. IC actions have IC consequences. Think before you act!
o6. There are real dangers to characters within this world. Griffins in battle with enemies can be maimed or killed if they aren't wilderness smart or luck isn't on their side. More on page 2.
o7. Players are NOT permitted to rp any predators. Any lore or current event changing "dangers" must be passed by staff first. Pm the mule with questions.
o8. One player cannot kill another player's character without their permission in general roleplay.
o8. Griffin names need to match the theme of the shop. Griffins name themselves after the world around them, which includes descriptions and items. (For example: Brightstream, Maple, Amberglow, or Breeze)


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...There was darkness. Trees loomed, their branches knotted and twisting together. There was no breeze; the air was stifling and hot. There was no light; nothing could break through the thick branch barrier. Creatures grunted and snarled while they rooted about through the dense underbrush and tracked their unfortunate prey.

The dark forest was as foreboding and dangerous as they came and it was all the small griffin knew of the world. She, like oh so many others, were trapped and skulked in the shadows as they struggled to survive in their harsh world. Griffin fought griffin for prey, for territory, for mates, for any number of things. It was no way to live and she knew that. The small griffin squirmed from her mother's warm, downy nest and ventured into that dark forest to brave the unknown. Wolves snapped at her heels, cougars stalked her when she came to rest, and the world was her enemy.

It was too late to turn back.

She was hopelessly lost in the maze that was made up of ancient oak and birch trees. The further she went, the denser it became and the harder it was to crawl through the roots and vines. Just as she felt all was lost, she saw a glimmer ahead, something unknown, and it filled her with wonder and joy. Renewed, she charged forward. Thorns scratched her hide, branches caught her coat, but she ran as she had never done so before. With one final push, she broke through into the outside world, out of that cursed and forsaken wood that the griffins had been banished to so long ago. Sunlight warmed her dark coat and wind tugged at her feathers.

She had to go back for the others and lead them into the light.


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"The point in history at which we stand is full of promise and danger. The world will either move forward toward unity and widely shared prosperity - or it will move apart."
- Franklin D. Roosevelt

The Griffins;

There are few creatures that walk this earth or soar these skies that rival griffins in strength and pride. What griffins are predominantly known for, however, is their loyalty to the flock.

Griffins are powerfully built and hardy creatures that inhabit the Endless Canyon, along with the mountain foothills and surrounding prairie. They tend to stand between two and three feet at the shoulder upon reaching adulthood, with long and muscular, tufted tails that are used for balance and steering while in flight. Females are typically larger than males, pushing 120-150lb, while males tend to be on the smaller side of the spectrum and often weigh between 70-100lb.Their front half is muscular, built for holding onto and bringing down prey both on land and in flight, though they tend to stalk their chosen meal on the ground and use their strong wings for quick travel across the flock's expansive territory, which is also known as the commonwealth. Their rear claws are retractable, but their front claws are not. They keep their front claws sharpened and ready to defend both the commonwealth and their family at the drop of a feather, though the Endless Canyon has been peaceful for many generations and hopefully for many to come. While no griffins are forced to remain within the territory, it is rare for a griffin to ever willingly leave. They find safety within the commonwealth from outside dangers, as it is rare for larger predators to stray into flock lands. They instead choose to hunt less troublesome and intelligent prey to avoid a mobbing. To them, griffins are just too large and they are rarely found alone. The griffins mark their borders with both their claws and their scent glands and they're watched and patrolled regularly for any intruders.

Griffins come in a variety of natural colors ranging from creams and tans to ruddy browns, natural reds, and greys. Griffins along the black and white color spectrum do exist, but tend to be less prevalent in society due to standing out. While they are not actively scorned, they are less likely to find a mate within griffin society due to their coats sticking out. It isn't all that uncommon for unexpected black or white griffins to be abandoned to the care of minders anonymously, as many parents don't want to having these anomalies running in their blood.

It is said that long ago griffins were once solitary creatures, coming together for mating season and not for much else. This is far from the truth if one were to observe the griffins of the Endless Canyon now, as they have built a thriving society in which they live and work together in what is considered to be (mostly)harmonious. They come together beneath the protection of the Madame General and her militia, female griffins who have proven themselves to be both tenacious and intelligent, whilst also being loyal to the commonwealth. The society is a matriarchal one, with females taking lead positions within the militia and dominating more combative tasks, while males tend to take more supportive professions, such as minding and teaching the flock's young.

Nests tend to be built just about anywhere a mated pair deem fit, be it natural caverns or claw carved caves in the cliffsides of the canyon, dens scraped from the earth below, huts of wood on the ground, or wooden platforms within the boughs of the trees that dot the landscape. The nests themselves are usually a soft, yet haphazard mess of sticks, twigs, dried out prairie grasses, moss, fur, feathers, and any other soft materials that the prospective parents can find. It isn't unusual for their dens to be lined with trinkets made from bone, pelts, woven fabrics, metals, or glass. Some griffins even prefer a more scholarly life and keep inks, parchment, and quills at hand to pen their own works. While many griffins learn to write and love to read, there is no printing press at this time and all written works are painstakingly copied by paw for distribution.

This brings us to another important fact concerning griffin physiology. While they are built for ruling the skies and stalking the earth, they've adapted over many thousands of years for other activities as well. It isn't unusual for a griffin to sit on their hind paws and rear while reading, writing, or crafting. They've even learned to work a forge, banging items out of ore melted in intense heat. While they are able to use their front paws and claws, they also have a skill for which they have no name. They have some telekinetic skill that serve as hands, with which they are able to perform delicate tasks. This skill is by no means anything out of the ordinary and all griffins are born with and learn how to use it instinctively. Some have a stronger grasp than others, just as some griffins have stronger wings than others, and all have no more than a couple of feet in radius in which their skills can be used.


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The Egg

When two griffins decide to bring life into the world, they settle into a den together and both participate in building their nest. While the nest tends to look haphazard, with bits and bobs jutting this way and that, there is no place warmer or safer in all of the Endless Canyon. The female usually lays between two to four eggs, which vary in colors from white to brown. The color of the egg does not reveal the color of the chick inside. During this time the male will sit and keep the eggs warm in the nest while the female either hunts or goes back to work, depending on her position within the flock. If the female isn't able to stay and help with the nest, the Matron will assign an allotment of food to be delivered to the male

If both the male and female are simply too busy with work, their eggs will be surrendered to the minders to be hatched and raised. In this event, while the parents might drop in to visit their young, they do not have custody. There is no shame in minders raising a chick, as the chicks are viewed as being raised by the flock as a whole.

The Grifflet

The eggs are tenderly cared for and guarded for about a month in griffin time. When the eggs do hatch, a tiny grifflet emerges. At this time he or she will have an egg tooth that is used to aid in pipping, but it drops off not long after the grifflet hatches. They're quite helpless after hatching, looking more like tiny alien blobs than their regal parents. They are covered in a thin coat of hair and downy feathers and their eyes and ears are sealed. They have voracious appetites and grow quickly, demanding their father's full attention. They will be raised in this manner by their mother and father, growing strong off of regurgitated meat and stories of old.

Once they are able to eat on their own and their flight feathers start to come in, many fledglings are brought to the many teachers stationed within the commonwealth for a "proper" education. Here they will learn survival techniques, flock history, and study the profession they have chosen to take on as an adult.[/size]

The Griffin

After training beneath the guide of their parents and their designated teachers, a young griffin is ready for graduation. Upon reaching adulthood, a celebration is held for the graduating class. From here they leave their parents' den and take their place within the commonwealth as a fully fledged adult. They are free to find a den, climb within the ranks of their profession, start a family, and serve their flock.


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Griffins will learn the specifics of their chosen profession while under the guidance of their teachers. Come graduation they will be turned out into the flock to make their own way and to provide for their community. Some will be tapped for special training in leadership or specialist positions after graduation, should they show promise and are claw picked by an instructor. Some professions are restricted to females, while others are open to both. Males tend to dominate support tasks, while females tend to dominate service tasks. While it isn't forbidden for a female to take on a male dominated profession, it is often frowned upon and she might find herself the subject of flock gossip. Males might work their way into combative positions if they display the speed, stealth, and strength needed to defend the commonwealth.

Some griffins will never quite be done with training, depending on the task they choose to pursue.


- Training is never truly ever "finished" for a medic. They specialize in the art of healing those within their community, be it a broken leg or a case of the sniffles. They're highly revered within the clan for their skill and dedication. While they receive specialized training before graduation, they still meet with medics from all across the flock territory for conferences twice a year to exchange tips and tricks they've learned while taking care of the griffins within their own quadrants. Medics are assigned to specific areas within the commonwealth so that there is always help available when needed. Medics will often procure the medications they need from a chemist, though some take it upon themselves to learn the mixtures so that they can make their medications "in den," so to speak. Medics often like to paint their fur and feathers red to make themselves easy to distinguish to those in need. (Male or Female)

Minder - Minders are an essential lot, as they help rear any eggs that are turned over to their station.Those who choose to follow the path of the minder are stationed in the commonwealth center, residing within a commune of other minders that is under the watchful gaze of the Matron. (Male dominated.)

Teacher- While many teachers are stationed near the minder commune by the Matron for ease of convenience, those who are not claw picked to do so are free to reside anywhere within the commonwealth so that they can hold classes for the up and coming generations. The only time a teacher is assigned outside of the commonwealth center is when there is a lack in teachers within a certain area. Teachers teach flock lore and history, which are frequently one and the same, in addition to flight, hunting, gathering, first aid, and other basic survival skills. This truly is a valuable profession to the flock. (Male dominated, though retired or elderly females will also take on this task.)


- Some griffins are called to the arts instead of defending the commonwealth. There are many different kinds of artisans, although how often one is needed depends on their specialty. Woodcrafters may be called upon to build platforms in service to the flock, whilst a citizen might hire one to help build their den. Some artisans create jewelry, some tan pelts, some bind books, whilst others still choose to brew beverages made of fermented fruits. (Male or Female)

Bard - Much like artisans, bards have a gift for the finer arts. Instead of working with their claws, however, they prefer songs and poetry. Bards are often hired to perform at celebrations or ceremonies, but they will often also perform for the sake of performing. It's not unusual for a bard to dress themselves up in dyes and trinkets galore in an effort to enhance their plumage and to please the eye. While some may see bards as frivolous, others find them an important part of griffin culture.

Chemist - Chemists work closely with the flock gatherers, selecting the finest ingredients needed for their concoctions. Chemists dabble in all that has to do with creating medications that a griffin might need to mixing up feather and fur dyes for the painters. Medics often work with chemists to get the right medications for their patients, but the two positions occasionally overlap. A chemist with basic knowledge in first aid may be recruited as a medic if the need arises. (Male or Female)

Painter - Painters use all that nature has available to craft dyes for griffinkind. They barter with gatherers for the ingredients they need to produce pigments that will stain fur and feather for those who need it. They're often recruited by those whose feathers are a bit too light to serve as effective camouflage, by those who want to show off, or by those who wish to show their trade through painted markings. Those who are especially skilled are often tapped by overseers to paint the fur and feathers of officers. (Male or Female)


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Accessories have various places within griffin society. Some griffins love to decorate themselves and their dens with trinkets made of metals, pelts of other creatures, knick knacks, and virtually anything they deem beautiful. Others prefer more functional items, such as satchels for gathering and hammers and tongs for welding. It honestly all comes down to the griffin in question and their preferences. Custom items can be purchased for your griffin, for a price of course, but there is a wide selection of premade items that can be added to an adult griffin for a small fee.


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Painting fur and feathers is fairly commonplace within griffin society and there are many different reasons why one might choose to enlist the services of a painter. Most frequently the griffin in question wants to show off their profession or blend in more adequately with the canyonlands. Occasionally a non-service griffin just wants to spice his or her appearance up a bit. Either way, painters specialize in long lasting colors and will do their best to serve. There are varying degrees in which dye is applied and the cost depends on just how extensively an individual is looking to be painted.


Highlights are simple accents in a griffin's fur or feathers. They're unobtrusive and don't impact a griffin's day to day life all that much.

Price: TBD


Simple dye jobs are just that, simple. They could be marking the griffin's profession on jazzing up their coloration a bit. They are a little bit more complex than simply tipping a feather in paint, yet aren't nearly as complicated as dying most of one's body.

Price: TBD


Moderate dye jobs tend to focus on helping to disguise a griffin who stands out a bit too much when stalking and hunting and it usually covers about half the griffin's body. Sometimes a more adventurous griffin who aims to be a bard will go for moderate to heavy markings in more vibrant colors.

Price: TBD


Heavy dye jobs take much longer to complete and cover more than 50% of a griffin's body. Complex dye jobs also fall under what is considered to be heavy as well.

Price: TBD


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Few things are as important to the flock as are grifflets. The future is carried on the backs of chicks, after all! While parents will do their best to rear their young, the general consensus within the commonwealth is that it takes a village to raise a chick and no grifflet is ever truly orphaned, even if their blood parents die off or leave them to the minders.

Once a griffin reaches maturity and graduate to their profession they often start to consider settling down. It's frowned upon for a griffin to procreate before graduation, though it isn't all that unusual for griffins to start courting while still within the schooling system. A favorite pastime of courting couples is sky dancing, wherein the pair will take to the sky and perform elaborate aerial displays in an attempt to delight one another with their strength and prowess in the air. Couples will often also hunt for each other. Once the pair reach an appropriate age, the male will attempt to woo his mate with a nest that he has constructed.

Griffins are normally monogamous and mate for life, but every situation is different just as each griffin is different. While griffins in general usually encourage opposite sex relationships, same sex pairings aren't frowned upon. Those who cannot procreate naturally are encouraged to take an egg or two if the minders are overwhelmed. While surrogates are not unheard of, it is unusual for a griffin to volunteer as a surrogate, especially a female, as they would rather be laying their own eggs.

[-] Only adults can breed.
[-] Same sex couples can breed with the help of the Touching Stone.
[-] Females are unable to breed again until their offspring are adults.
[-] Males can breed any number of times, but it's highly frowned upon within their society.
[-] A breeding can produce anywhere between two and four eggs.
[-] You can only keep one egg per breeding.
[-] Paint used to dye fur and feathers does not pass down to offspring. Grifflets aren't allowed dyes until after graduation.

Cost: TBD


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Customs will open occasionally when the shop artists have time. We'll work with you to bring to life the griffin of your dreams! When customs are open you will just need to paste the form (below) into the custom thread. Some rules do apply, so please keep them in mind!

[-] Grifflets are generally unable to be dyed and must wait until graduation.
(This is due to adults worrying that the dyes may impede grifflet growth.)
[-] Dye does not pass from parent to offspring, only natural pelt and feather colors are inherited.
[-] Griffins don't wear shirts, skirts, pants, dresses, or the like. Occasionally they will stitch and wear articles such as scarves or capes, but it isn't an overly common practice as their pelts are thick enough to keep them warm.
(Also clothing can and will impede flight and hunting.)
[-] Keep in mind any dyes must align with a griffin's profession. Hunters won't paint themselves up brightly like a bard would.
[-] The less specific you are with your form, the more creative we'll be.

Custom Griffins said:
Owner: ---
Name: (Must follow naming rules.)
Gender: ---
Age: (Currently adults only until we obtain grifflet art.)
Task: (Must be chosen from the available professions on the second page.)
Base Color Type: ---
Markings: (Please be specific if you have certain patterns in mind!)
Eyes: ---
PawPads: ---
Inner Ears: ---
Inner Feathers: ---
Feathers: ---
Beak: ---
Talons: ---
Edits: (Not all colorists can edit, be sure to check the staff list on the first page.)
References: (We love references!)
Cost: TBD


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Roleplay is not required but it is encouraged. The Land is vast and mysterious, new things are always being discovered.

Roleplaying will result in extra eggs in breedings, providing you have enough roleplays built up.​


The Everwind Basin

East of the snow-peaked mountains, the rainwaters erode away the rock and drain down the Everwind Basin, nourishing the soil with essential nutrients. Here the sparse mountain vegetation eventually give way to a lusher landscape of evergreen trees. Tall, hundred-year-old pines and conifers tower over the undergrowth and shrubbery. Small mammals such as squirrels, rats and minks scurry amongst the twisting twigs and branches, wary of snowy owls and strong ravens. Occasionally the deer herds retreat into the protection of the trees, to strip the pines and bark when the foliage of the grasslands have withered in the winter.

The Moontear Meadow
Bordered by forests, the Moontear Meadow is a vast plateau which traps water like a large dish. In spring it is lush and vibrant, full of fields of green grasses and wildflowers, attracting hordes of insects and birds to its promising bounty. The herds graze here often, birthing their fawns in the nearby forests and escorting them to the herds when they have found the strength to run. The mild gradient of the plateau gives way to a steeper bowl near its center where the Rivenmere Lake lies.

The Rivenmere Lake
Situated in the middle of the Mothtear Meadow, the Rivenmere Lake is present all year round. All water from the mountains, basins and meadows pool and collect in this lake, where there is a rich community of freshwater insects, fish, birds, frogs and lizards. Of worthy note is the Starflow river which flows from the north-west Unity Mountains and feeds the lake; and the Moonmire Stream, a trickle of water which snakes over the edge of the plateau. The lake is known to rise and flood a portion of the nearby meadows when there are unusually heavy rains, in combination with the spring snow melts.

The Fairy Gully
South of the Meadow, a gargantuan crack seems to have splintered the very earth itself. Eroded by ancient rivers and waterfalls, the plateau drops away to steep sandy cliffs. It is now fed by a weak Stream, which trickles and snakes through the pebbly sediments. Only tough plants grow in this area as the soil is often too sandy and thick with silt. Lizards and snakes are plentiful, often basking on the rocks in the morning and hiding between piles of boulders by night. At times, landslides and rockfalls expose strange jet-black bones: femurs as large as a bear and claws the size of antlers!

The Unity Mountains
To the north-west, the earth recedes and gives way to towering rocks. Rising over the land, the snow-capped Unity mountain range snakes its way across the western landscape, providing a myriad of crevices and caverns that could provide refuge or trap the unsuspecting. The frigid winds have chiseled the rocks into sharply-defined ledges and cliffs surrounded by boulders and gravel at their bases. Mountain goats and sheep scale these heights with experience, their hooves providing some comfort against the harsh terrain as they nibble the dry and sparse grasses. Vultures circle regularly, looking for poor souls that have plummeted to their deaths. Surviving these mountains is a testament of strength and wisdom for any griffin.


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While all griffins are important to the flock, some stand out more than others and provide vital guidance to the flock. Others are just well known through their businesses practices, professions, or just general shenanigans. Not all well known griffins are known for a good reason, but most are generally upstanding citizens.

Featured Characters are Griffins that are given away during events and play an integrate role in the world of the Sun Chaser.

These Griffins require RP to maintain their ranking within the Flock. Failure to maintain the rank will result in them losing their position.

First event coming soon!