Tea Kettle | Hiring in group! | Hallowen Plushies and Fluffies pg7!

Mule Account

Stumbling through the large human city, your paws hit a cobbled street in a small town nestled among towering giants.
As you follow the road, you bump into a blurry shape.

WARNING: Image shop ahead! It is better viewed on desktop.
Welcome to Summerwind City, home of the Tea Kettle and the main branch of Felidae First Bank. Here, cats can guide you around the city to local stores, restaurants, and much more!​

An orange and white cat seems to be talking to you, though you do not know his name.

"Oh! Pardon me, I forgot to introduce myself again. I'm Assistant Mayor Mr. Whiskers! Yes, that's my name, and yes, I've heard all the jokes.

Mrrr? Why am I only the assistant mayor?

Well... Uh... The previous mayor disappeared, and we haven't held another election to choose a new one. But enough about that! You need to get to the Tea Kettle—the owner there will take great care of you!"

  • 08/26/24: Shop undergoes rehauling.
  • 12/11/21: Shop thread opened to the public!
Discord | Group (still in the process of being set up)​
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Mule Account

Images coming soon

Following Mr. Whiskers' advice, you come across a bustling café with a sign above that reads 'Tea Kettle'.
"Iced Tea for table 6! Oh! Welcome to the Tea Kettle! I'm Delilah pleasure to meet you!
You were directed here by Frisky, then?​
Oh! You didn't know his first name? Yes, he's Mr. Whiskers to most, but I've known him since this place was founded.​
He's never wanted to be mayor—just the best assistant he could be.​
Why? Well, he would rather be the secretary and schedule meetings than run a city.​
Hmm, perhaps you should visit the City Guide Center and find a guide cat to help you explore the city!​
There's much more to see than just this little café, after all.​
Oh, and next time you're in, remind me to tell you the specials!"​

Chalk Picture of the town
Table of Contents will be a chalkboard

  1. -20. Reserved.​
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Mule Account

You leave the comforting scents of the Tea Kettle and head toward the local police station. It seems quieter than you expected.
A very bored-looking figure sits idly at the front desk.


"Welcome to the Guiding Station, where happy cats are ready to assist you as you explore the city.

Please fill out form NB-1 and I'll submit it to the office for you. Thank you, have a nice day."

The following form must be posted here

[COLOR=rgb(253, 212, 24)][SIZE=24px][FONT=Auber CF]
I  Hereby Officially Apply to be A Part of the Newbie Program and Request A Guide for Summerwind City[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]

[b]Username and Discord Name[/b]: (self-explanatory)
[b]Have you read the entirety of the front page?[/b]: (self-explanatory)
[b]What is your favorite thing about cats?[/b]: (any answer is correct!)
[b]Do you have less than 1 cat friend?[/b]: (everyone needs a buddy)
[b]Password?[/b]: (It's hidden on the front page somewhere.... Barb shrugs and mutters something about a bank)

[b]Inspiration:[/b] (words only)

Follow the Basilisk Stew ToS at all times, in addition to the rules below.
Threads, events, and features might have their own rules, which should be read and followed in addition to the rules below.

  • Do not whine, beg, or plead for a cat
    • There are tons of possibilities to gain a new friend.​
  • Use of derogatory/offensive names/slurs is prohibited
    • Curse words that are not derogatory are allowed.​
  • This shop is template-based
    • That means unique art is not given out often, or if at all. All player-played characters will be made on the templates provided to staff.
  • Keep chat speak to a minimum in-thread
    • Trying to parse what is being said is difficult for many.
  • Use of mules/other accounts to gain extra cats is prohibited
    • If it is found that you have used another account to get cats you will be permanently banned from this shop.
  • Rules can be added if necessary
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Mule Account

You come across a small kiosk handing out information, staffed by a very peculiar cat.

"Oh ho, lookie here—a newbie! Take this map; I think you'll need it!​
Hmm? Little buddy wants to know how this cat bonanza came to be?​
Well, from what I hear, Mr. Whiskers himself started this. Naw, dude, not the assistant mayor— he's Mr. Whiskers the Third, named after THE Mr. Whiskers! Famous cat from a pretty known human family. He saw the need and somehow got his humans to build city hall. From there, it just spiraled!​
Why is Mr. W3 just the mayor's assistant? Dunno, little buddy. Maybe ask around; you might wanna try the bank first, though."​

Map is in development
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Mule Account

Heading away from the Information Kiosk, you arrive at a very stately-looking building. Upon entering, you are greeted by a massive orange cat.
"Come in, come in!​
Welcome to my fine establishment!​
Bank of Felidae is here to serve you!​
I am Richard Nubbins!​
Please have a seat! My assistant will be right with you."​
"Hmm, what is this? Is this a password for something? My... what a strange note..."

After stuffing the strange note in your pocket (did you need a password for something?), you notice Mr.Grey, the assistant.

"Hello. Yes, yes—welcome to the bank.​
How may I help you this evening?​
Oh? You're new here. Right, right—here are the forms.​
Hmm? What forms, you say? This one will state you wish to open an account and be credited 5 beans, and this one is a policy change..... that we are not involved in any schemes anyone pulls."

Account claiming here

After leaving Mr. Grey by his name plaque, you get the sense that something is amiss with the banking assistant.
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Mule Account

A short walk from the bank brings you to a very loud and slightly rundown building, where a fluffy cat is asleep at the desk.

"Hello... Zzz...."


"OH! Sorry, I've been pulling late nights all week. We are understaffed at the moment.​
How may I help you?​
What do we do here? Why, we help pair cats with new friends!​
We run a big adoption event every other month, and there are always cats looking for new friends, so we do mini-adoptions almost every other week.​
Mrr? How can you help? Why, by participating!​
Oh, you mean with the shelter? There are donation pools for a larger facility... and better paychecks ... that you can donate to."​

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Mule Account

Leaving the shelter and heading down a side street, you come across a building. Upon entering, you are greeted by a very short and grumpy cat.

"What do you want?

This is the daycare.

Little brats run rampant.

I'm here because my dad took away my phone.


A poster with information about the daycare is on the wall behind this unfriendly face.

Newborn [1 week] -- > Kitten [2 weeks] -- > Juvenile [3 weeks] -- > Adult

Here at Sunshine Family Daycare, we strive to keep future generations happy, healthy, and out of their parent's fur.

The daycare facility is equipped to help future parents and current parents bring more kittens to the world.​

  • Cats typically have litters of 2-4 kittens, though there have been reports of litters as large as 6.
  • Any two adult cats can breed, including same-sex couplings.
  • Breedings come with a newborn starting stage and are typically the only way to acquire a newborn kitten.
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Mule Account

Leaving the disgruntled cat behind, you come across an empty lot with a desk. The sign on the desk is covered in dust, making the name unreadable.

... .... ......​
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Mule Account

Next to the empty lot is a bulletin board filled with numbers and names. It seems like a lot of locals need help.

Dailies are jobs, item-hunts, and activities the locals are asking to have done each day.​

There are 4 main types of dailies you can do​
Fish and Hunt​
Look in the wilds for a friend or "hunt" in the shops for a fake.
Odd jobs around town to influence the cash in your coin purse.
Hit the shops and spend that hard-earned cash.
Relax at the Tea Kettle and gain a buff, or get tea spilled on you and "earn" a debuff.

Delilah at the Tea Kettle also hands out cute little toy items that can help you meet and befriend other cats.​

Dailies are done within the group for now. The mysterious benefactor named @Tigeria is currently working on a better system.​
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Mule Account

After leaving the bulletin board, you head to what you believe is the city hall. The secretary looks disapproving when you slip and ask for Frisky instead of Mr. Whiskers.

Upon entering his office, you spot him face down on the desk.... asleep.
You gently nudge him.



I must have dozed off!"

"Ah, you can tell that things seem off. Ah-hah... yeah.

The previous mayor left Summerwind City in a very precarious situation.
I've heard rumors that an underground....cult?—might be the reason they left.
Though I'm not sure of the origin of said rumor, there has been a lot of activity happening in the alleys now.

But enough chatter—I do have a job to do, even if I would like more sleep.

Ahem, welcome to City Hall. This is where public communal voting takes place, as well as registering ID cards, like this one here."

"ID cards help keep track of friends and family!
What-who defaced the example? I must find the culprit Immediately! This is-"


"OH, goodness!"​

"I s-see um, thank you Mail Cat—or not, already gone.​
Always in a rush, that one."​

"Hmm? Oh, this?
I asked for some help from a distant city. We lack a mayor; I asked for a temporary replacement and was denied.

Anything you can do to help? Hmm, maybe, but not at this time, I'm afraid.

Anyway, you should be off to the next part of the city!"

As you walk away from City Hall, you can't shake the feeling that something is off.
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