The Isle of Illusion - In Thread Raffle starting page 2!

Isle of Illusion

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A long, long time ago, the Island of Illusion was discovered. It was discovered by Twolegs and found to be inhabited by wild cats. They weren’t just Tigers and Lions, no. They were the same as domesticated cats, just... Wild. They seemed to have some sort of hierarchy and intelligence, understanding of things that animals normally might not. The Twolegs learned very quickly not to mess with these wild cats but would instead interact with them by bringing more cats. Strays and unwanted pet cats would be brought and dumped on the island, left to fend for themselves or join one of the many groups of wild cats. Some Twolegs were able to find their way onto the island to live, staying along the coastline and keeping to their cities. It’s as if they all know they cannot go further into the island, and that only those who respect the cats are allowed to live on the island. The Twolegs don’t even know how BIG the island actually is. They keep trying to sail around it but can never seem to find an end. They have experienced different biomes touching the edge of the island, such as the southern side being warmer, and the northern side being colder. But they have yet to find the far western side, if it even exists. These excursions end after a handful of days, with the ship going into a storm and coming out the other side… Completely turned around. No matter what kinds of science and course correction they do, no matter how much they follow the stars... They just cannot find the far end.

That being said, after several centuries of this, the Twolegs have grown accustomed to the size of the island. It’s almost as if being around it for so long has somehow dulled their sense of exploration and knowledge. They raise cats brought from their own countries and continents and have been known to take in abandoned kits from the wilds. Through the decades the Twolegs have also noted that the wild cats have grown in intelligence. They have adapted some techniques the Twolegs use, such as medicine and crude bindings, but do not have the capacity or ability to make technological advances with electronics. The cats have begun to mimic the Twolegs in accessories, bags, medicine, reinforcing their homes, and even making traps to catch prey. The cats can farm flora but have no capacity for farming fauna. The Twolegs have not been able to find a cause for this, nor do they seem to want to. It’s, again, as if they’ve lost all drive to pursue that knowledge and find these answers amongst the wild cats. The Twolegs simply exist on the island outskirts, with their farming of animals and crops, and their technology that connects them to their own home countries.

The rest is left to the wilds.

Basically, this shop is meant to be a Warriors based shop. It draws on the aspect of clans, special powers for leaders, spirituality with spirit cats and prophecies. But it does not limit to just that. There are singular colonies, there are kittypets who live with the Twolegs, and there are clans which are colonies of cats who share beliefs with another colony. Clans, in this shop, are just a way to explain multiple colonies who share beliefs. There can be SkyClan, EarthClan, PoppyClan, whatever clan you want, that share beliefs. There’s no specific “hey, it’s ThunderClan and RiverClan and the rest are loner colonies”. There can be a multitude of clans that interact with each other.

This shop is meant to be fun. There’s no set specific map or borders or biomes simply because I do not want to restrict the creativity of players. There can be desert biomes and tundra biomes, swamp biomes and mountainous biomes. I might not be able to – no I’m certain I can’t – anticipate all the questions and concerns people will have regarding what is and isn’t allowed. I will be doing my best to help things to fit into the world naturally, as it is fantasy, but not cyberpunk and edgy, or anthropomorphic cats living amongst other races. It is still based in reality.

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Isle of Illusion

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1. Follow the site ToS at all times. If you need a refresher, read here.
2. Co-ownership is not a thing in this shop. Just... no.
3. This is a fun place to enjoy cats and roleplaying. Do not cause strife with other players. If you do, actions will be taken.
4. AI art is not allowed or welcome in the shop. Not as payment, not as inspiration. It is also against BS ToS so keep that in mind.
5. Art/OC theft is an instant Blacklist.​
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Isle of Illusion

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Q. Is there Magic?
A. This is a yes and no. The Cats of the Isle, as it sits right now, cannot use Magic. However, the Isle itself has very mystical and magical properties. Strange things happen. The Isle is ever bountiful, providing the Cats with everything they need to survive. Predators exist, and always will, but there never seems to be an extinction level event that could be caused by nature towards the Cats - whether predatory or natural disasters.

Q. Can the Cats breed?
A. If course! Once the Cats of the Isle reach adulthood, they are fully mature, and as such, they can breed! Not only that, but gender is not a defining factor when it comes to breeding. The Isle has a strange sense of something... otherworldly to it. Something that answers the thoughts and intentions of the Cats of the Isle. Same sex pairings can be blessed with just as many bouncing bundles of joy as opposite sex pairing. Either one will biologically carry the litter, or the litter will just appear, depending upon the wishes of the Cats involved.

Q. Are there any limitations on breedings? Colors, variations, etcetera?
A. Typically, the kits will only take from what the parents bring to the table. So colors not present on the parents are not likely to show up on the offspring. However, colors can evolve. Same with patterns. Patterns can evolve and grow, and the kits themselves are very likely to grow fully into their markings. This means the kit stages might seem simpler at first, but the juvenile stage, and eventually adult stage, could have far more convoluted patterns. As for colors themselves, there is no limit! This is not a "cat natural only" shop. Any and every color is useable! The only current limitation is that only two Cats can breed at a time.

Q. Will edits (accessories included) pass to kits?
A. There is a strong chance they will! It is entirely plausible, but not every kit will get every body edit or accessory edit. They will be split up amongst the kits, if any. Some colorists may not be allowed to do accessory edits, so if you place an accessory edited pair into their threads, then you forfeit the chance for accessories to fall down to the kits.

Q. Are throwbacks allowed?
A. It is up to the colorist! Some may only allow the parents to be entered. Some may allow you to offer up a throwback or two. These throwbacks MUST be canonically related and tracked through certs. Only one generation can be used (so grandparents). Aunts/Uncles/Cousins cannot be entered for these.​
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Isle of Illusion

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Several millennia ago, Pangea existed. One, large landmass that took up a quarter of the world. When it began to split, it split into 8 chunks, 7 of which have become the 7 continents we know today.

What happened to the 8th, you ask? Why, it became a continent as well. Only, not a continent that was recognized for a long time.

Centuries ago, Twolegs began exploring their world. They found a way to sail the seas and reach lands new to them, slowly mapping the globe. They expanded their power and influence, mingling with the Twolegs of other lands. Until one day, when they came upon a land that didn’t have a single Twoleg in sight. No, it was just full of large felines. They’d seen them before, across the Savannahs, deep in the Jungles, and high in the Mountains. But they’d never seen the felines from all those climates in one singular place. So of course, they were intrigued. They needed to know more about this continent, this mysterious Isle. And so, they began to explore.

Or so they thought.

After a decade of exploration, they realized… They’d only been able to traverse approximately 200 miles into the continent. Starting from the East Coast, where they landed, they had headed as far North, South and West as they could. The Northern tip was eventually found, as was the Southern tip. But the Western side was never charted. No matter how hard they tried, no matter how long they traveled, they would eventually be turned around and deposited back where they came from. This also applied to travelling to the island. You could leave the West coast of the North/Central/South American continents, eventually coming across the Eastern coast of the unnamed continent. However, if you left from the East coast of Japan, China, or Australia, you’d still somehow come across the East coast of the unnamed continent.

To this day, no one can explain why, but due to the mysterious and almost magical nature of the continent, it has been deemed the Isle of Illusion.

While the Twolegs have long since given up on their pursuit of knowledge in regards to how the Isle of Illusion works, they have not given up on living on it. The Twolegs have their swath of land up and down the East Coast, with many ports for other Twolegs around the world to sail into. Goods are traded, Twolegs come to tour the bits of the wilds that they can. Any Twoleg who shows that they truly respect the Isle and the Cats who live on it are allowed to live there.

The Cats know the Isle provides. They get all the food, shelter, water, and care they need. The weather is relatively mild year round depending on the climate they are in. It can get bad, though it is not a regular occurrence.

The Cats have learned a lot from the Twolegs, too. Their intelligence is off the charts, and while they cannot speak the language of the Twolegs, nor use their computers and scientific technology, they very clearly understand what Twolegs mean when they speak. The Cats have also learned how to do things the Twolegs thought they wouldn’t be capable of. They’ve learned how to weave fibers into ropes and bags, how to make litter and splints for injured Cats, and how to fish with an altered rod and rope. They’ve learned how to farm the flora of the Isle as well, though have no capacity for farming other fauna. They have their own hierarchies and rituals, their own cultures and religions.​
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Isle of Illusion

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Quite simply, the only playable inhabitants are the Cats of the Isle. There is no specific set breed, size, color, anything really. They can come in all shapes and sizes. Originally, before Twolegs came to the Isle, there were only Cats. They resembled wild cats from the mainland more than anything, but with the increasing number of house cats and strays brought by the Twolegs, they are intermixed and mingled so heavily that they can be as small as typical house cats, even if they are completely wild. There is also no set specific on coat types, colors, tail lengths, etcetera. The Cats that inhabited the Isle before the Twolegs ranged wildly. Any color you could think of, any coat pattern, and it has only - somehow - expanded with the introduction of cats from the mainland.

The Cats of the Isle also have near Twoleg intelligence levels. While they cannot speak the language of the Twolegs, they have grown - over several centuries - to understand the Twoleg language. To the point where they can use the same terminology for things as Twolegs would. Even complex thought patterns and structures, or Twoleg made names for things. The Cats of the Isle know it all. They have adapted, and even learned how to make things from the Twolegs. Bags, slings, jewelry, litters for injured cats, splints... The list goes on. Granted, their jewelry isn't as refined as Twoleg jewelry. They do not have the ability to grasp technology - both physically (no opposable thumbs) and intellectually. They cannot make wire, use computers, tackle scientific equipment - but they can use the natural version of things. Using vines or particularly hardy pieces of grass or straw, they can make necklaces, bags, the list goes on.

There are three stages of the Cats of the Isle. First is the kitten stage. Obviously the smallest, eyes just barely open.

The second stage is the juvenile stage. These cats are roughly 6 moons old, minimum, and in most cases, are ready to become apprenticed to their seniors in their communities.

The third stage is the adult stage. These cats are fully grown, meaning to maturity, and are able to stand beside their seniors as proud warriors, healers, whatever it is their community consists of. Fully grown adult cats can find mates, make families, even go out on their own.

It takes approximately one week for kitten art to grow into juvenile art, and approximately two weeks for juvenile art to grow into adult art.​
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Isle of Illusion

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Black List

  • ChaosTheories/ChaosT
  • houllow
  • Sesshiyasha
  • Kivras/viratorai

** Do not ask why people are banned. Reasonings will not be given.
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Isle of Illusion

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PeterPan_da144: Shop owner, Creator, Lore builder,
Tigeria: Lineart, Colorist, Lore builder
Nym: Colorist, Lore builder