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The Library [IC/OOC Information]

Mule Account
The Library

As you enter the large building, the first thing you notice is how barren the shelves are. You were expecting a much larger selection since there was such a large space. You slightly grimace, wondering if there was a better place to do your research when you're approached by a rather tall high elf. The woman shifts her her head to give you a discerning look, her violet eyes gleaming. Her dark her hair was pinned on her head, she shifts and nods approvingly. "Hello! My name is Laisidhiel Amastacia, though most people call me Zoey since it's easier to pronounce. Welcome to my Library! Please go over the rules before taking a look at the books, there are quite a few things to go over to make sure you understand how this library works. Don't worry though! We absolutely love having new people! Please otherwise make yourself at home."
Mule Account
Information on the Library/Books

  • Books are very rare in this world, especially since the Plague.
  • This particular library is currently the only one of its kind in the known world.
  • Even though it seems like it doesn't have a lot of books by rl standards, it has more than any other collection currently known about.
  • That said, information is still hard to come by, even here. It would take lots of work and studying to find exactly what you're looking for.
  • Most of the information in the library (aka this forum) is NOT widely known.
  • There are thought to be many many books that have been lost in the outside world since the Plague hit the world.
  • Any books that have been found outside the city is usually through the efforts of Miss Amastacia, as she has found it to be her life's work to restore the library to its former glory.
  • Any books that are widely circulated, or found in other shops, are more than likely copies that Miss Amastacia has made/sold to other proprietors.
  • There are many books that Zoey has kept in lockup, far from normal people's eyes that contain darker truths about the world.
  • This is the ONLY library in the city.
  • If you're wanting to become an author, Zoey has the only printing presses in the city.
  • Your character is more than welcome to work at the library.
  • Laisidhiel Amastacia is pronounced Lye-sith-ee-el Ah-muh-stay-cee-uh. (First name is Tolkien.)