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The Perfect Pet ! (over)


Grizzled Veteran
Has your pony ever had a dream of what their perfect pet was but it wasn't available?

Now's your chance to pitch a pet design and have it become part of the shop !
Things to Know:
  1. Fill out the form below with as much information as you can.
  2. You can point to existing designs for certain things but we cannot outright copy someone's design without permission.
    1. ex: we cannot copy Glaceon but you can say you'd like a tail like Glaceon's.
  3. We will be looking for 1 pet design but we may choose more.
  4. You can suggest lore, habitats, locations, and other tidbits about the pet but if its picked these could be changed at M4S's discretion.
  5. You may enter more than one.
  6. Entries will be judged by Seimei and Nym.
  7. Seimei will be creating the Official Art of the pets.
  8. Pet(s) will be release during the course of the year.
  9. Winners will receive their pet upon release.
  10. Winning designs will be owned fully by M4S.
  11. Closes April 15th.


[b]Pet Name[/b]:
[b]About[/b]: (lore, Size, Temperment, Skills)
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Grizzled Veteran
Pet Name: Curly Cute
About: Very small sheep-esque creatures sized similar to the Pixie Nixie. They love to snuggle and follow you around.
Description: I'm yoinking reference photos from MLP but obviously have fun and make it your own.

Other: I'm keeping this short and sweet, just like the pet. Ba dum tss!

Pet Name: Funky Munky
About: Inspired by and sized similar to or smaller than a Spider Monkey.
Description: Grabbed some different pose ideas but feel free to design this monkey in any way-doesn't have to look identical to a RL type.

Other: I just think monkeys would be stinking adorable as a M4S pet.

Pet Name: Crabby
About: Try not to get pinched by these tiny, adorable things.
Description: A super cutesy ref and a more realistic ref below

Other: Thank you for reading my requests!

P.S.- If my pet names made you queasy-sorry! Feel free to change anything~


Pet Name: Shade Veil
About: Shade Veil's are not small creatures. They usually are larger than a foal as they can be used as a steed for them. They are beasts native to the Dark Grove's mountain area, with a breeding migration down into the Forest where there are lush meadows to hide their young. They are herbivores so them being around foals is perfectly safe. They usually are docile creatures with little aggression unless you threaten their pack. Small clustered family groups, with few who branch out to start their own.

Shade Veil's were born in the heart of the Dark Grove with many other of the native beasts. Unlike the others however they took on the kinder aspect of nature. They operate in pairs normally, but can bond with ponies if the situation calls for it. They are excellent burrowers, wonderful scouts and amazing at pack tactics.

Description: Small vulpine bodies with all the floof, some have long fins like a fish thus where they get their name. They have splotches of colors to help with camouflage.
Images: None sadly.
Other: i love you all.

Bouquet of Diamonds

Grizzled Veteran
Pet Name: Puff
About: Puffs are essentially balls of shed pony fluff that somehow gained sentience and an innate desire to gather more fluff. They're beloved by many for their portability, loyal dispositions, and their lovable, often serious expressions.

Unsurprisingly, Puffs are most commonly found living among Ghoulies, but can be found anywhere with an abundance of fluff free for the taking. They love being brushed, combed, pampered, and have their coats showed off to others.

The only thing a Puff can't tolerate is wind. Even a light breeze can send them barreling down a lane like a tumbleweed! For this reason, Puffs prefer to stay inside buildings or safely nestled in the pockets or bags of their owners.

Description: Typical Puffs are golf ball to baseball size, very lightweight, and extremely fluffy. All puffs have some kind of soft animal ears poking out from the top of their heads, the most common being cat, fox, or dog-like in nature, and two sets of paws that they tuck under their fur whenever not in motion. Their faces are best described as beady-eyed, snaggletoothed, and adorable.

Some Puffs are capable of accumulating so much extra fluff that they can grow to the size of a small cat, but all that extra fluff can become difficult for them to cart around. However, the only ways a Puff will ever part with the fluff it's accumulated for itself are to make more Puffs or to give to another Puff it sees in desperate need of more fluff.

A hairless Puff is very rare and either means that they've just lost all their fluff to the wind or something, like blindness or a sickness, is keeping them from gathering fluff on their own. Ponies who happen to stumble upon a hairless Puff should carefully wrap them in something warm and try to gather any fluff they see lingering in the area. If none can be found or retrieved safely, they should offer whatever they can or bring the Puff somewhere where they can gather more.

Other: Puffs can also have rabbit/lop, mouse/rat, and bear-like ears, but they're not as common.

Pet Name: Honkers
About: It's a lovely day in Everchange and you are a horrible goose.
Description: Based off of the goose from Untitled Goose Game, except maybe they have leathery-bat wings instead of feathers, two sets of eyes, and horns. (Or maybe they're a normal looking goose except with horns... Or something that makes them look scary or demon-y.) They wear ribbons around their necks with bells or house keys attached to them and drive everyone who doesn't love them crazy. They're commonly used as guard pets by their owners.
Other: HONK.


Pet Name: Shrooms
About: Swamp Based Pets who attach themselves to anything they decide to bond with. They are fun little clans of Shrooms. They usually gather in clans and groups but they can be solo as well. Shrooms can travel outside of the swamps but must be given access to water often. <3
Description: MUSHROOM PETS!!
Other: Enjoy Shrooms! <3

Pet Name: Chompies (Idk... Let the Discord Decide maybe?)
About: So These guys are mostly just an "I think this is a cool idea from a game.... We could have these and they could be a cool pet! <3 Not much else on them <3
Description:Spectral Crystal Creatures. "Play Dead" "-Spectral Bits disappear and Crystal Armor falls to the ground-" "GOOD BOY!!!" "-Pops back up!-"
Other: Have fun with them? <3


Grizzled Veteran
Pet Name: Greblings
About: A good purse-sized creature, they resemble a cross between a jerboa and a nostalgic 90's toy. Often coveted for their eyes, which are gem-like and reflect colors much like any gemstone. Also tend to be overbred due to high demand, leading to very common underbites.
Description: Completely fluffy and fat, they tend to be dense and very loud, chittering away if they get overly excited. Patterns mean towards the natural, and colors tend to be muted in comparison to their eyes, though they cover the whole spectrum.
Other: Is a fat boy. >8D