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Pokémon Expeditions

[Training Thread] Imogene Marsh

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d6 1 4 2 4 6 17
- 10/26/2022 -
Training: Zapper [Rank Up]
Rolling: Physical Training - STR + Athletic = 5 Dice
Results: 3 Success!
Last edited:

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Iggy was ecstatic that Zapper had made it through quarantine so quickly. Gripping his pokeball in her hand, she cackled in excitement as she slid down the stairway's handrail and burst through the apartment complex's door, eager to find a spot for them to stretch their legs.
She found a great little spot just outside the town limits, a grove of large trees with a small clearing in the middle. Quaint and quiet, but most importantly, sheltered from the hungry eyes of bird pokemon above!
"Let's go Zapper!" She called out, popping open the ball in her hand. In a flash of bright red light, the teensy yellow bug shook out his fur, sending little sparks flying. He let out a happy cry and scurried up her leg to nestle under her ponytail. Iggy giggled, his tiny feet tickled! Gently, she took him into her hand and asked, "Wanna play tag?" to which, the electric tick pokemon clicked excitedly. She set him down and began to jog away from him, giggling as the little cutie chased her.

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Another day, another hike! Or well, a walk really. She couldn't go far yet, expeditions weren't allowed right now, not on your own at least, and she was pretty sure she would get in trouble for wandering off on her own as a group. So instead, she found herself in the cute little thicket just outside of town and Zapper at her feet. The furry tick pokemon clicked up at her and she nodded, "I know buddy, I wanna go out too. Let's just play for today, yeah?" She knelt down and gave the Joltik a pat, "We'll go exploring soon, I promise!"

Zapper perked up excitedly and together the girl and her tiny bug pokemon ran about playing hide and seek, which Zapper almost always won. Soon though, the pair would go out and explore this new place and, Iggy hoped, add some new buggy friends to the roster!

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Another day, another roll in the grass, Iggy thought as she found herself in the little thicket she was quickly claiming as her own personal hideaway. Zapper was growing bored with the secluded spot, and to be honest, she couldn't blame the tiny tick pokemon in the slightest. She had talked up this place, boasted about all the exploring they were going to do, but the storm... She had explained all this to Zapper of course, but she wasn't quite sure he understood. But to keep him from pouting, which was absolutely adorable, Iggy entertained him with games until she couldn't think of anything else left to play. Then, she found a stick and began drawing out what she imagined this place looked like, despite not really remembering the map at all. She made up cool land marks and neat places to explore and told made up stories about all of it. Zapper really seemed to enjoy it!