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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[ TreeClan Leader's Den ]


Grizzled Veteran
I am leaving!
Username: Tigeria
Cat Cert: Swallowtail
Why?: Her mother had left looking so haunted and that she hadn't even paid any attention to when her father had actually returned with the, the injured and dead. Swallowtail didn't truly hear what had happened, only that her so called leader had seemed to have gone bloody minded and brought the death of an apprentice. Swallowtail knew she had to go after her mother, she couldn't stay here not without her mother who still sang the songs of birds, praised the younglings tree-walking prowess, nor could she bear to see how her father would react. What she had not expected was to have a tag a long, in the form of her youngest brother Glidepaw, who was set to be Merlinfeather's apprentice after Mapleshade had her kits. She had tried to shoo Glidepaw back, but he, like her, was persistent to follow their mother. So off they went after Duskwing to try and keep up.


Grizzled Veteran
I am leaving!
Username: Tigeria
Cat Cert: Glidepaw
Why?: His mother stopped being there after the night no one will talk about in front of the other apprentices. She was alive, but there was no warmth in her gaze. Her body cold and stiffly moving through life up until she fled looking as though she had seen a ghost. He couldn't stand it so when he saw Swallowtail making to leave he bid farewell to his other siblings and went after Swallowtail. He got caught fairly quickly, but he demanded to come along. Duskwing was his mother too, he had seen her face break during the announcement of Dawnpaw's death. Death was scary, but seeing his mother shatter was scarier. At the end he wanted to see what his mother was running to.


Stew Aficionado
I am leaving!
Username: PeterPan_da144
Cat Cert: Owlsbane
Why?: The day that her father nearly lost his life, Owlsbane found himself losing faith in the will of SunClan. Why would they let such a petty fight happen? Why didn't they cloud the skies and tell the cats to stop before it could get that far? Owlpaw, Owlsbane's companion since childhood, lost his mother in that petty fight. She had simply been following the orders given by their leader. Owlsbane could see how heartbroken Adder was afterwards, and how hollow Owlpaw became. She could not fault them for wanting to leave, but she couldn't be parted from her other half either. She agreed with their sentiments, and would go to her parents to bid them farewell.


signed an NDA
Staff member
I am leaving!
Username: Nym
Cat Cert: Adder
Why?: "You led her to die," was the last words Adder spat at Sunflight before turning around and leaving the camp forever. His words were his reason, and he swore they'd be the last he spoke to the clan leader. His mate was dead, and with her he found no reason to stay on these cursed, defiled lands.


signed an NDA
Staff member
I am leaving!
Username: Nym
Cat Cert:
Why?: She couldn't wrap her brain around the attack led by her own leader. She had thought differently of the spotted cat -- viewed them as someone kind and strong. After the battle, Birdwatcher saw the mate of one of the fallen leave and her paws moved before she could stop her, taking her far from the camp grounds. It was only when night fell that she realized what she had done, but it had felt peaceful finally. She could start anew. Again.


signed an NDA
Staff member
I am leaving!
Username: Nym
Cat Cert: Owlpaw
Why?: He'd stay there for a day after his father, Adder, left. His father had told his children of the plan before stomping out of camp, but Owlpaw hadn't yet determined if he'd follow through. The fighting had been senseless -- unreasonable and foolish in his eyes. He didn't have faith in a future with someone he no longer trusted as his leader, but would Owlsbane leave with him?

Thankfully, he didn't have to agonize for long -- the conversation came up that night as they recounted Adder's departure, and the two decided they'd seek Owlpaw's remaining parent and start a new life outside of TreeClan.


Stew Aficionado
I am leaving!
Username: belloblossom
Cat Cert: Lightningdash
Why?: When Lightningdash got back up on her paws after Errol's treatment, she knew something was wrong. There was a lameness that hadn't been present in her right leg before, where that fat StoneClan warrior had landed on it. The horror dawned on her slowly, but it became clear that she would never truly run again. She'd been so determined to fight for her Clan, to run into battle, but with the weight of her injury on her, knowing it would be that much harder to climb up the trees she loved, she couldn't take it. When her mate, Strongclaw left, she followed him, trailing slowly behind.


Stew Aficionado
I am leaving!
Username: belloblossom
Cat Cert: Moosetracks
Why?: Moosetracks joined the Clan for one she-cat and when that one she-cat returned from battle, he'd been filled with such a relief. He never wanted to see Birchleaf go into any sort of battle as long as he'd lived. It was no question if he'd leave with her - of course he did. He'd follow her anywhere, but with safety on his mind, he did suggest they stop by Twolegplace first.


signed an NDA
Staff member
I am leaving!
Username: Nym
Cat Cert: Beepaw

Where was mama Birdwatcher going? Where was grandma going? Her cousins? Her heart hammered when she began to realize a massive chunk of her family was just... gone. Already, she felt shaken by the realization her clan had attacked the clan her biological father was from, and now everyone was splitting. She wanted to scream; "don't leave me behind!"

She didn't blame anyone, either. It was such a whirlwind, after all. It just felt so.... rushed. So sudden. One second, she was training, and then her clan was ripping at StoneClan with bared teeth and bloodied claws. All she knew was she didn't want to be there anymore; didn't want to earn her second half of her name under the shame of her clan.

She had to get out.

When Glidepaw told her of the family's plan and where they'd wait for those seeking to leave with them she rose, said goodbye politely to Sunflight and those of her family who remained, and scampered after Glidepaw. She just hoped she'd see at least one of her parents along the way, or her grandmother.


Grizzled Veteran
I want to join!

Username: NatiStorm
Cat Cert: Duchess
Why?: In all honesty, she's joining for love. She want's to be by her mates side forever. Since being a part of TreeClan makes him happy, Duchess is wanting to join - to adopt the warrior lifestyle and all that comes with it.


Stew Aficionado
I want to join!

Username: PeterPan_da144
Cat Cert: Marigold
Why?: Since becoming an adult, they've been searching for a place to call home. Marigold isn't particularly fond of being alone, which is what drew them to clan life. TreeClan interested them the most when they saw so many cats adeptly running through the tree tops. They hope that their stubby tail does not hinder them while in the trees, as it hasn't been a hindrance yet. But they are eager to try to convince the clan to let them in.


Stew Aficionado
I want to join!

Username: PeterPan_da144
Cat Cert: Samhain
Why?: Kittypet life has been great and all, but they always felt like there was something more they could be doing. Something more they could be experiencing. The wilds had called to them for quite some time, so off they went, leaving their kittypet life behind. TreeClan intrigued them the most once they learned about the clans. Their way of life up in the trees was so different. It called to them. So here they are, in front of Sunflight and the clan, asking gently if they could join their ranks.


Grizzled Veteran
I am leaving!
Username: Tigeria
Cat Cert: Cricketpaw
Why?: With most of their family gone, they don't know what is truly going on warriors talking in hushed voices. One of his mothers left, his grandmother left, an aunt, even his sister.

He loves his family, but it feels like he was torn in two different paths.

Glidepaw said he was going to save grandma Duskwing, maybe that could be his path too. Saving cats, helping cats, helping family.

The family here would have the clan to help them, the family out there was alone. He'd go scampering off after Glidepaw and Beepaw to help them too.


Stew Aficionado
It's time for my naming ceremony!

Username: PeterPan_da144
Previous Name: Foxpaw
Cat Cert: xxx
Position: Becoming a warrior

Mentor?: Riversong
Name Change Reason: Becoming a warrior! Foxpaw is quick and sharp, and as wily as their namesake. Foxpaw is becoming Foxclaw!


Stew Aficionado
I want to join!

Username: NatiStorm
Cat Cert: Duchess
Why?: In all honesty, she's joining for love. She want's to be by her mates side forever. Since being a part of TreeClan makes him happy, Duchess is wanting to join - to adopt the warrior lifestyle and all that comes with it.
Sunflight smiled at Duchess, who was coming to join her mate in the Clan.
"You're welcome in my Clan. I'm sure Thunderstorm will be eager to show you around, but we'll find you a mentor, too, to train you in the ways of the Clan." Of course, she could always assign Thunderstorm to mentor Duchess, she had trained him herself, but the worry of him going to easy on his mate crossed her mind. "To begin with, he can show you to the fresh kill pile, while I get your mentor sorted out." She told the she-cat as she began to seek out her own mate and deputy for her thoughts on the matter.
(Sunflight accepts Duchess as an apprentice into TreeClan!)


Stew Aficionado
I want to join!

Username: PeterPan_da144
Cat Cert: Marigold
Why?: Since becoming an adult, they've been searching for a place to call home. Marigold isn't particularly fond of being alone, which is what drew them to clan life. TreeClan interested them the most when they saw so many cats adeptly running through the tree tops. They hope that their stubby tail does not hinder them while in the trees, as it hasn't been a hindrance yet. But they are eager to try to convince the clan to let them in.
Sunflight dipped her head to the newcomer.
"Welcome, Marigold, we'll be happy to have you. Come, let's get you something to eat and one of my warriors," She glanced around and spotted the perfect cat, catching his eye across the clearing with a nod, "Stumptail can help you make a nest in the Warriors Den. Come see me when you've gotten settled in and we'll discuss getting you a mentor who will be training you through your apprenticeship." She explained.
(Sunflight has accepted Marigold as an apprentice into TreeClan!)


Stew Aficionado
I want to join!

Username: PeterPan_da144
Cat Cert: Samhain
Why?: Kittypet life has been great and all, but they always felt like there was something more they could be doing. Something more they could be experiencing. The wilds had called to them for quite some time, so off they went, leaving their kittypet life behind. TreeClan intrigued them the most once they learned about the clans. Their way of life up in the trees was so different. It called to them. So here they are, in front of Sunflight and the clan, asking gently if they could join their ranks.
Sunflight offered a smile to the new apprentice of her Clan. TreeClan had trained many kittypets before and they'd all seen themselves into excellent warriors. She had no doubt in her mind - Samhain would become as excellent a warrior as those before them.
"Welcome to TreeClan, Samhain. Let's get you something to eat from the fresh kill pile, I just saw our hunting patrol come back with their catches." She indicated Samhain was to follow her with a flick of her tail. "We can discuss your future in TreeClan over your first meal here."
(Samhain has been accepted as an apprentice into TreeClan!)