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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[ TreeClan Leader's Den ]


Stew Aficionado

Welcome to the Leader's Den! This thread is here to be your official guide in all things TreeClan! Topics such as the warrior code, TreeClan traditions, and joining/name earning/mentoring forms can all be found and submitted here. All forms will receive a quoted response and should not be deemed accepted or rejected until a response is received. Approvals and rejections will be based on what the leader feels is right, but don't feel nervous! TreeClan welcomes every newcomer, with good intentions in their heart.

Questions, concerns or feedback can be DMed to belloblossom on BasiliskStew, or through the Cats of the Sun Discord!

TreeClan is accepting new members!
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Stew Aficionado
  • Defend your clan, even at the cost of your life.
  • Cats leaving the camp must do so in pairs. Be watchful of your Clanmates - one careless step can change the life of even the most experienced warrior.
  • Hunt only to feed the clan, for without prey there are no hunters.
  • The clan eats together to ensure every cat is fed. The ill may eat within their sick dens.
  • Hold the trees in high regard, for without them there is no forest to call home.
  • At six moons old, kits become paws and must work hard to earn their clan name. Only then, once they've proven themselves, do they bear the rank of warrior.
  • Newcomers to the Clan may keep their old name if they choose, but they must readily accept the new rules that come with being a Clan cat.
  • Any cat who asks for help deserves the aid of the clan.
  • Blood does not need to be spilled when words can fix the problem.
  • An honorable warrior does not need to kill to win their battles.
  • The leader will take on the prefix of Sun in their name, to honor their ancestors.
  • The word of the leader is code.

TreeClan is innovative and agile; they value teamwork and cooperation. Open to new ideas and the prospect of new friends, they do not turn away others who come across their territory, but invite them to expand their lives and take on a higher way of living!

TreeClan may seem a little disorganized to an outside feline, with cats coming and going from tree to tree at the flick of a tail, but they do have regular patrols that go out each dawn and dusk. Cats always go out in pairs rather than on their own, as a cautionary measure, but also to encourage group bonding. You're never alone in TreeClan!

Walking through branches, TreeClan cats believe that they are the closest Clan to SunClan, for among the treetops, they are closest to the sun above. Celestial cats aside, they also believe that trees are just as important as cats (because without trees, TreeClan wouldn't exist.)

Trees are a crucial part of TreeClan's survival and way of life. Tree seeds are planted for every new kit born and are tended to by the apprentices, to encourage appreciation of the trees from the ground up. Tree-walking is the act of cats walking along branches and jumping to other trees with ease, similar in method to squirrels. TreeClan has integrated it into nearly every facet of their day-to-day life. Beyond using it as a way to get around, to hunt, and if the need arises, in battle, they've also incorporated it into their ceremonies. Rather than sit on the ground gathered around an object and stare up at it, they take to the trees for Clan meetings where they can look at the Clan leader in equal measure. With the call, "All cats old enough to walk among the branches, take to the trees for a Clan meeting!" all the cats of the Clan are summoned, excluding only kits and their mothers, who remain on the ground for their safety. Similarly, when a cat dies, they are buried with a tree seed, so that they may continue to provide for TreeClan after they join SunClan.

Friendly and open to the other clans, TreeClan is happy to befriend and associate with other Clans, though they will defend their territory if it comes down to it, they'd much rather be at peace with other clan cats if they can help it. Loners are treated kindly and with an open mind, but tree-walking is not a skill that is taught to outsiders, unless they can prove that they're committed to joining TreeClan permanently. Kittypets are also taken in without judgement, but if they are to be missed by their Twolegs, they won't be welcome to join. The last thing TreeClan needs are Twolegs entering the forest and disappearing the trees, all for one of their kitty-playthings.

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Stew Aficionado

There are a few forms a player must use when playing within TreeClan;
  • Joining and leaving
  • Death
  • Name ceremony
  • Medicine cat name ceremony
  • Mentoring
  • Medicine Mentoring

Joining and leaving forms are fairly simple and self-explanatory. Loners and kittypets may request to join but can be turned away if they cannot follow TreeClan ideals. Cats do not need approval to leave the clan, and cats born into the clan (via official breedings) do not need to post a form and will be automatically added to the roster. Regardless, do not assume anything until an official response from Sunflight has quoted back.

Death needs to be logged to ensure the roster is up to date.

Kittens earning their apprentice names do not need to post a form, as it's expected they received their permission in the story. Apprentices must use the naming ceremony form when they become warriors so the roster can update and they can play as warriors within the shop. Both kittens and apprentices that come into the Clan will be expected to take on a Clan name (prefix-suffix, reference the naming thread for details.) Adult cats may choose to keep their loner or kittypet name (though the latter may result in some IC teasing from their Clanmates) if they wish. If your cat chooses to take on a warrior name as an adult, they should use the Naming Ceremony form. Names will not be rejected, but do not roleplay your cat with the said name until the post is approved by Sunflight. Additionally, ensure the cat is already certed with their new name to ensure the roleplay moderator has approved it.

Medicine cats receive their own name ceremonies as they have specific requirements before they can be accepted as medicine cat. There can be multiple medicine cats in the clan.

For apprentices to receive a mentor they must post a form. Players who already know who they'd like their cat to be mentored by can specify that cat within the form, while those who don't know can leave it up to Belloblossom to track someone down. Mentors can be rejected if they're in poor standing with the clan currently, but this is a rare occurrence! Forms with a specific mentor in mind must be quoted by the owner of the mentor indicating they approve! Wait to hear back from Sunflight after to see if it was officially recognized!

Cats seeking to apprentice under a medicine cat have their own form, as they, again, have requirements. The owner of the apprentice also must directly have approval from a medicine cat owner to be their mentor, so the future mentor will also have to quote the post with their approval. Sunflight will not reject these requests if requirements are fulfilled, but players must still wait for his official response.


[B][SIZE=14px][COLOR=rgb(85, 209, 121)]I want to join![/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
[B]Username[/B]: full username
[B]Cat Cert[/B]: link official cert with their name. do NOT get them certed as treeclan without this post being approved first
[B]Why?[/B]: why do they want to join? you can RP this or simply write their reasoning, but whatever is said will be considered their explanation to Robinflight directly.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14px][COLOR=rgb(255, 105, 53)][B]I am leaving![/B][/COLOR]
[B]Username[/B]: full username
[B]Cat Cert[/B]: link official cert with their name
[B]Why?[/B]: why did they leave?[/SIZE]
[COLOR=rgb(106, 106, 106)][B][SIZE=14px]I am going to SunClan.[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]
[B]Username[/B]: full username
[B]Cat Cert[/B]: link official cert with their name
[B]How?[/B]: how did they die?[/SIZE]
Naming Ceremony:
[COLOR=rgb(253, 212, 24)][B][SIZE=14px]It's time for my naming ceremony![/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]
[B]Username[/B]: full username
[B]Previous Name[/B]: what is their "current" name, before this form?
[B]Cat Cert[/B]: link official cert with their name. make sure they're already certed with their new name.
[B]Position[/B]: apprentice? warrior? or is this a name change?

[B]Mentor?[/B]: if you're an apprentice turning into a warrior, did you receive a mentor? if yes, who? if not then delete this form and go get one!
[B]Name Change Reason[/B]: delete if not applicable. warriors changing their names should have a reason why, so let us know![/SIZE]
Medicine Cat Naming Ceremony:
[COLOR=rgb(0, 229, 255)][B][SIZE=14px]It's time for my naming ceremony![/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]
[SIZE=14px][B]Username[/B]: full username
[B]Previous Name[/B]: what is their "current" name, before this form?
[B]Cat Cert[/B]: link official cert with their name. make sure they're already certed with their new name.
[B]Finished Requirements[/B]: [/SIZE]
[*][SIZE=14px]Roleplay one, LINK TO IT
[*]Roleplay two, LINK TO IT
[*]Roleplay three, LINK TO IT[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14px][B]Mentor?[/B]: if you're an apprentice turning into a medicine cat, did you receive a mentor? if yes, who? if not then delete this form and go get one![/SIZE]
Need A Mentor:
[SIZE=14px][b][COLOR=rgb(139, 88, 183)]I need a mentor![/COLOR]

Username[/B]: full username
[B]Cat Cert[/B]: link official cert. should be the apprentice stage!
[B]Mentor Wanted[/B]: if you're leaving it up to belloblossom then write leader's choice. you may request certain traits or types for a mentor, but depending on availability that may not be possible. if you have a specific player's cat who wants to mentor the apprentice then write their name here AND link to their cert.

REMEMBER TO MAKE THE MENTOR'S OWNER QUOTE YOUR POST AND AGREE if you have a specific mentor in mind! delete this line[/SIZE]
Medicine Cat Needs A Mentor:
[SIZE=14px][B][COLOR=rgb(0, 229, 255)]I need a medicinal mentor[/COLOR]!

Username[/B]: full username
[B]Cat Cert[/B]: link official cert. should be the apprentice stage!
[B]Mentor Wanted[/B]: you MUST already have a medicine cat in mind for your mentor
[B]Finished Requirements[/B]:[/SIZE]
[*][SIZE=14px]Roleplay one link[/SIZE]
REMEMBER TO MAKE THE MENTOR'S OWNER QUOTE YOUR POST AND AGREE if you have a specific mentor in mind! delete this line[/SIZE]
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I want to join!

Username: DragonGirl1031
Cat Cert: Flamepelt
Why?: Flamepelt decided that stone was not for him. He wants to be closer to the light and let the sun warm his fur.

I want to join!

Username: DragonGirl1031
Cat Cert: Nightfur
Why?: Nightfur is searching for her purpose and where she belongs. She just knows its not in StoneClan.


Stew Aficionado
I want to join!

Username: Zakiax
Cat Cert: Twisted Bark
Why?: Twisted Bark since birth had always been fascinated with the plants called trees. After all it was because of the markings on his fur resembled the bark of these trees which gave him his name sake. After being a wandering loner for some time it was finally time for Twisted Bark to find a place to call home, and thus after seeing a pair of Treeclan cats nimbly take the the branches of the trees, he wanted to learn their ways and do the same.


Stew Aficionado
I want to join!

Username: DragonGirl1031
Cat Cert: Flamepelt
Why?: Flamepelt decided that stone was not for him. He wants to be closer to the light and let the sun warm his fur.
Sunflight grinned down at the tomcat and nodded to him.
"Yeah, StoneClan wasn't for me either. Welcome to TreeClan, Flamepelt."

@DragonGirl1031 Flamepelt has been accepted as a Warrior of TreeClan! You may go post for his change of cert form!


Stew Aficionado
I want to join!

Username: DragonGirl1031
Cat Cert: Nightfur
Why?: Nightfur is searching for her purpose and where she belongs. She just knows its not in StoneClan.
Sunflight looked sympathetically at Nightfur.
"I can't promise that you'll find your purpose here, Nightfur, but I can welcome you into a community who will value you. Come and walk with me, we can discuss your future here."

@DragonGirl1031 - Nightfur has been accepted as a Warrior of TreeClan! You may go post for her change of cert form!


Stew Aficionado
I want to join!

Username: Zakiax
Cat Cert: Twisted Bark
Why?: Twisted Bark since birth had always been fascinated with the plants called trees. After all it was because of the markings on his fur resembled the bark of these trees which gave him his name sake. After being a wandering loner for some time it was finally time for Twisted Bark to find a place to call home, and thus after seeing a pair of Treeclan cats nimbly take the the branches of the trees, he wanted to learn their ways and do the same.
Sunflight nodded along with delight.
"Trees have always fascinated me too. You shall learn about how they grow and how to nurture them from saplings, as well as how to walk among their branches. Come and join us, Twisted Bark, and learn the ways of a warrior."

@Zakiax - Twisted Bark has been accepted as an Apprentice of TreeClan! You may keep his name the way it is, or change it to an apprentice equivalent with a -paw suffix (ex. Twistpaw, Barkpaw.) Find him a mentor among the TreeClan cats and post for his apprentice cert change form!