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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[ TreeClan Leader's Den ]


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Username: belloblossom
Cat Cert: Quiet
Why?: Quiet hadn't really intended to join a Clan - her mother, Smoke, was open to the notion until it became clear that her father, well, of sorts, Split, was firmly against them. For a time, Quiet was content to go around solo, and then she met Flameheart and was content to be the other half of a pair. Things hadn't become complicated until they had their first litter and... and one of their three kits didn't make it. Full of grief and with new kits to look after, Quiet and her mate chose TreeClan, known by all loners to be welcoming of outsiders, to join.

She dipped her head as she explained all of this to the TreeClan leader, Sunflight. They would be loyal to the Clan, Quiet assured Sunflight and then fell silent. Would her plea be answered?


Grizzled Veteran
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Username: kovak
Cat Cert: Creme Brulee
Why?: he's one of the original members of treeclan with creamnose, I just forgot to post ; v ; his warrior name will be Brackencloud


Grizzled Veteran
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Username: DavyJnah
Cat Cert: Firedust
Why?: The trees call to Firedust. The way she can scramble up into them and look down, feeling more safe.


Stew Aficionado
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Username: kovak
Cat Cert: Creme Brulee
Why?: he's one of the original members of treeclan with creamnose, I just forgot to post ; v ; his warrior name will be Brackencloud
Sunflight is happy to see Creme Brulee - now BrackenCloud, settled within TreeClan! She knows his brother, Creamnose, who came with her, wouldn't be the same cat without his brother nearby. She hopes to see good things from both of them going forward.

Brackencloud has been accepted as a Warrior of TreeClan! You may post for his cert change form now! <3

I want to join!

Username: DavyJnah
Cat Cert: Firedust
Why?: The trees call to Firedust. The way she can scramble up into them and look down, feeling more safe.
Sunflight recognizes the familiar face of Firedust and grins at her arrival.
"The trees make me feel safer, too." She mewed to her Clanmate as she touched her nose to Firedust's forehead. "Welcome to the Clan, Firedust. Let me show you around."

Firedust has been accepted as a Warrior of TreeClan. You may post for her cert change form in the Certing thread! <3


Stew Aficionado
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Username: belloblossom
Cat Cert: Moose
Why?: Moose has always been an adventurous kittypet. He's had no difficulty in climbing up or across obstacles, despite his stubby tail and has been getting around just fine. After a recent encounter wherein one of TreeClan's warriors, Birchleaf, helped him get down from one of his tall perches... well, to say he was smitten would be the understatement of the season. Yes, his life as a kittypet was sheltered and cozy, but he wants to experience Clan life, and its own adventures!... Especially if they're next to Birchleaf.
Sunflight purred her amusement hearing the kittypet's approach and nodded. So, her daughter had found love, had she? The story of their meeting was entertaining and she knew she could trust her daughter to make smart decisions regarding new cats.
"You're welcome here, Moose." She told him. "Let's find you a suitable mentor to teach you the ways of TreeClan. In the meantime, I believe Birchleaf will want to be the first to hear of whether you were cast away or not." Her whiskers twitched. "Go on and tell her the good news."

Moose has been approved to join as an Apprentice of TreeClan. Go find him a mentor and get him certed appropriately. Remember to post his form with his mentor in Leader's Den to have it approved, once his TreeClan cert is dropped off!

I want to join!

Username: belloblossom
Cat Cert: Mud
Why?: Mud is a laid-back she-cat who likes other laid-back she-cats. She traveled around with a companion, Koi, for a while, before she eventually discovered Clan life. With her dark pelt, she was able to sneak under the cover of night, to try and gauge which Clan might be more up her alley. When she discovered TreeClan, she became enamored, and it didn't take long before she showed herself to a passing patrol.

Despite her relaxed, social nature among other cats, Mud is able to get down and dirty when need be. Fighting and hunting, though the former more so than the latter, have been apart of her life for a while as a loner.
Sunflight looked at the other she-cat appraisingly and nodded her approval. Mud seemed like a capable cat and Sunflight always needed cats who could hold their weight in the Clan. Mud, like all newcomers that came from a kittypet or loner lifestyle, would be given a mentor and taught the TreeClan ways until her mentor and Sunflight determined she could be given the warrior title.

Mud has been approved to join as an Apprentice of TreeClan. Go find her a mentor and get her certed appropriately. Remember to post her form with her mentor in Leader's Den to have it approved, once her TreeClan cert is dropped off!

I want to join!

Username: belloblossom
Cat Cert: Lacey
Why?: Lacey has, like most of TreeClan, been a hunter of birdlife the majority of his life. Whether it was an unfortunate parakeet escapee in the Twolegplace or an unsuspecting crow that separated from its flock, the tomcat, while pretty, can be vicious in his own right.

He heard about kittypets who had joined TreeClan and it struck his interest, leading him to wander away from his boring home in the surburbs, to lush greenery. He's never known such beauty beyond the beige colored confines of the Twolegplace. Lacey believes that he could make a good addition to TreeClan as a hunter and, eventually, a proper warrior for the tree-dwelling cats to boot.
Sunflight looked at his soft-pawed tomcat appraisingly. TreeClan had been accepting many cats of late and in the warm seasons prey was plentiful and this was easy to undertake. Still... she had to wonder, would there be enough prey to go around come leaf-bare? Still, this cat had told her that he wa sa hunter of birds, so that already was a step in the right direction. TreeClan had not turned away a single cat who asked to join so far and she did not wish to begin now. After what may have seemed like a long pause, she nodded at last, Lacey could join TreeClan.

Lacey has been approved to join as an Apprentice of TreeClan. Go find him a mentor and get him certed appropriately. Remember to post his form with his mentor in Leader's Den to have it approved, once his TreeClan cert is dropped off!


Stew Aficionado
I want to join!

Username: belloblossom
Cat Cert: Quiet
Why?: Quiet hadn't really intended to join a Clan - her mother, Smoke, was open to the notion until it became clear that her father, well, of sorts, Split, was firmly against them. For a time, Quiet was content to go around solo, and then she met Flameheart and was content to be the other half of a pair. Things hadn't become complicated until they had their first litter and... and one of their three kits didn't make it. Full of grief and with new kits to look after, Quiet and her mate chose TreeClan, known by all loners to be welcoming of outsiders, to join.

She dipped her head as she explained all of this to the TreeClan leader, Sunflight. They would be loyal to the Clan, Quiet assured Sunflight and then fell silent. Would her plea be answered?
Sunflight was devastated on Quiet's behalf when she learned that the new mother had lost one of her kits. She couldn't imagine the pain that Quiet and her mate, Flameheart, had to endure. She dipped her head.
"I'm so sorry for your loss, Quiet. You and your family are welcome here in TreeClan. You must stay with your kits in the Nursery, but when they've gone off milk, you shall begin your training with your mentor as an Apprentice of TreeClan. Your mate is welcome to join as well, but send him in to me, so that I may discuss his future with him, too." Sunflight mewed to the grieving mother. She didn't want to say anything that might cause concern, but she wanted to make sure that Flameheart was joining TreeClan because he wanted to, not out of familial obligation that might cause inter-Clan conflict going forward.

Quiet has been approved to join as an Apprentice of TreeClan. Go find her a mentor and get her certed appropriately. Remember to post her form with her mentor in Leader's Den to have it approved, once her TreeClan cert is dropped off!


Stew Aficionado
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Username: belloblossom
Cat Cert: Dapple
Why?: Dapple is a tree nerd - which is to say, he's got a passion for trees and plants. He tends believes in the concept that trees are in fact animals, rather than plants, because they seem to change with the seasons and grow older/bigger with age. They even bleed when they're harmed, though their blood is of a different color and much stickier (sap.) He has come to TreeClan with an express interest in becoming a medicine cat apprentice, so that he can understand plants better and learn how they could benefit the cats in TreeClan.


Stew Aficionado
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Username: belloblossom
Cat Cert: Stormcloud
Why?: Stormcloud is a loner who is tired of being alone. She recently came into a relationship with Flamepelt, who is already a TreeClan cat and upon her own decision, is trying to join the Clan to be with him. She acknowledges to Sunflight, once she is granted the audience with the TreeClan leader, that she must not favor Flamepelt above the rest of the Clan and must instead put her Clanmates before herself, if she wishes to join. She is a capable cat who lived with her siblings, and then on her own and now seeks to be apart of a larger group - and someone who can contribute to the betterment of TreeClan, either in numbers or in skill.


Stew Aficionado
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Username: belloblossom
Cat Cert: Zigzag
Why?: Zigzag loves to run, to climb, to adventure! She has long wanted to be apart of something, to belong, to explore and create and - well, you get the picture. She's met cats who she's wanted to take along with her journey, but they couldn't keep up, or more likely weren't willing to compromise their preferred lifestyle for hers. Now, however, she's coming to TreeClan willing to compromise her lifestyle for theirs! She'll be a good apprentice-warrior-cat, she promises! Can she join? Can she - can she - can she? Also - can her boyfriend join too???
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Stew Aficionado
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Username: PeterPan_da144
Cat Cert: Brawn
Why?: Truth be told, he misses having a tight knit family deep down inside. Though he seemed resistant to the idea at first, outwardly, until Zigzag eventually convinced him otherwise. He is loyal, to a fault, and doesn't intend to leave her side any time soon. He would be a great asset because of this, and his sheer size and muscle. After all, Brawn is definitely a way to describe the burly big tom cat. He might be less adept in the trees, but it won't stop him from defending those of his newfound clan with fervor.


Stew Aficionado
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Username: belloblossom
Cat Cert: Dapple
Why?: Dapple is a tree nerd - which is to say, he's got a passion for trees and plants. He tends believes in the concept that trees are in fact animals, rather than plants, because they seem to change with the seasons and grow older/bigger with age. They even bleed when they're harmed, though their blood is of a different color and much stickier (sap.) He has come to TreeClan with an express interest in becoming a medicine cat apprentice, so that he can understand plants better and learn how they could benefit the cats in TreeClan.
Sunflight flicked her ears in surprise when Dapple approached and declared that trees were the same creature as cats - she'd always valued trees and treated them with the same respect that she would've given a cat, but she had not considered it from the manner that Dapple was proposing. More than that, at his interest at becoming a medicine cat apprentice, she found herself composing herself. Their current medicine cat wasn't yet a medicine cat, but still an apprentice himself. There had been some discussion of Littleflower training him with the split, but was Errol ready to take on an apprentice with the knowledge he had?

"You may join TreeClan as a warrior apprentice, for the time being." She eventually told the tomcat. "I must discuss with Errol, our healer, to see if he's willing to take on an apprentice at this time. If this is acceptable to you, then follow me. I'll find someone to show you around."

Dapple has been approved to join as an Apprentice of TreeClan. Go find him a mentor and get him certed appropriately. Remember to post his form with his mentor in Leader's Den to have it approved, once his TreeClan cert is dropped off! I will discuss with @Blinded By Silence to determine the matter of Errol taking on a medicine cat apprentice, shortly.

I want to join!

Username: belloblossom
Cat Cert: Stormcloud
Why?: Stormcloud is a loner who is tired of being alone. She recently came into a relationship with Flamepelt, who is already a TreeClan cat and upon her own decision, is trying to join the Clan to be with him. She acknowledges to Sunflight, once she is granted the audience with the TreeClan leader, that she must not favor Flamepelt above the rest of the Clan and must instead put her Clanmates before herself, if she wishes to join. She is a capable cat who lived with her siblings, and then on her own and now seeks to be apart of a larger group - and someone who can contribute to the betterment of TreeClan, either in numbers or in skill.
Sunflight hadn't realized that Flamepelt had taken on a mate, but she was happy to see the spitfire tomcat settling down - in whatever capacity he might be able to. Dipping her head, she welcomed the dark she-cat into her Clan. It was a good thing that TreeClan was already so plentiful when it came to warriors, as there seemed to be an influx of apprentices who needed mentors lately!

Stormcloud has been approved to join as an Apprentice of TreeClan. Go find her a mentor and get her certed appropriately. Remember to post her form with her mentor in Leader's Den to have it approved, once her TreeClan cert is dropped off!

I want to join!

Username: belloblossom
Cat Cert: Zigzag
Why?: Zigzag loves to run, to climb, to adventure! She has long wanted to be apart of something, to belong, to explore and create and - well, you get the picture. She's met cats who she's wanted to take along with her journey, but they couldn't keep up, or more likely weren't willing to compromise their preferred lifestyle for hers. Now, however, she's coming to TreeClan willing to compromise her lifestyle for theirs! She'll be a good apprentice-warrior-cat, she promises! Can she join? Can she - can she - can she? Also - can her boyfriend join too???
My, my, Zigzag was certainly an energetic she-cat! Sunflight would have to find her a suitable mentor who was able to take that energy and push it towards productivity to the Clan, she thought. Maybe Riversong? Or Talonfang?

"Send your companion in to see me, but you, Zigzag, are welcome to join TreeClan. We shall see if your..." What was the word Zigzag had used? Boyfriend? "Your friend is meant to be here too."

Zigzag has been approved to join as an Apprentice of TreeClan. Go find her a mentor and get her certed appropriately. Remember to post her form with her mentor in Leader's Den to have it approved, once her TreeClan cert is dropped off!

I want to join!

Username: PeterPan_da144
Cat Cert: Brawn
Why?: Truth be told, he misses having a tight knit family deep down inside. Though he seemed resistant to the idea at first, outwardly, until Zigzag eventually convinced him otherwise. He is loyal, to a fault, and doesn't intend to leave her side any time soon. He would be a great asset because of this, and his sheer size and muscle. After all, Brawn is definitely a way to describe the burly big tom cat. He might be less adept in the trees, but it won't stop him from defending those of his newfound clan with fervor.
Shortly after seeing Zigzag, her companion joined Sunflight and she found herself staring up at the large tomcat. Many of the cats in TreeClan were lithe, they needed to be to treewalk, but the promise of having a large, muscular cat as added protection from predators was very encouraging. Sunflight reflected on how it would've been wonderful to have Brawn while those pesky raccoons invaded TreeClan and her mind was made up.

"You're welcome here, Brawn. Zigzag ought to be waiting outside. My deputy, Riversong, can show you two around the camp and we'll settle on your mentors and start your training in the morning."

Brawn has been approved to join as an Apprentice of TreeClan. Go find him a mentor and get him certed appropriately. Remember to post his form with his mentor in Leader's Den to have it approved, once his TreeClan cert is dropped off!


Grizzled Veteran
I want to join!

Username: I--LiveWire--I
Cat Cert: [Honey]
Why?: Honey has always admired and wished to be a part of a clan. To be a part of and work to make better a great and noble clan. While she is a sweet and patient cat, she is determined and unmovably stubborn when pressed on matters that are important and serious. She seeks only to have the chance to show that she would be a valuable asset to a clan that would have her.


Stew Aficionado
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Username: I--LiveWire--I
Cat Cert: [Honey]
Why?: Honey has always admired and wished to be a part of a clan. To be a part of and work to make better a great and noble clan. While she is a sweet and patient cat, she is determined and unmovably stubborn when pressed on matters that are important and serious. She seeks only to have the chance to show that she would be a valuable asset to a clan that would have her.
Sunflight smiled at Honey and nodded.
"You have your chance to show your skills. Let's find you a mentor and you can learn the ways of TreeClan - and you can show us how well you'll fit in among us."

Honey has been approved to join as an Apprentice of TreeClan. Go find her a mentor and get her certed appropriately. Remember to post her form with her mentor in Leader's Den to have it approved, once her TreeClan cert is dropped off!