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Wait, Was I ABDUCTED?! [Raffle & Personality Contest][CLOSED!]

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Grizzled Veteran

Parent --- Child

One fine, texturally ambiguous day, a beauty of a butterfly ran into a rather dashing tentacle creature [owned by moi, ChexaRain~] and lo and behold, a child was born from the two!
Alas, 2 of the 3 find themselves without placement in this strange world, and that's where
you come in!!

To enter, please fill out the corresponding form below.
While the parent is a personality contest, the child will be raffled off among the non-winning entries!

You can be as serious or as silly as you want!
If you'd rather just enter for the Child, I strongly suggest using the words 'grilled cheese' somewhere in your entry. ;3

End Date: June 1st @ Midnight EST

[size=18][color=limegreen][b][u]Is that a PORTAL?![/b][/u][/color][/size]
[b]Username:[/b] ---
[b]Would you like a raffle entry for the Child if you don't win the Parent?:[/b] Y/N
[b]Entry:[/b] Tell me, how did our beloved butterfly parent fall for such an... erm... interesting character of a fox? Was it love at first sight? A rescue mission? YOU TELL ME!

Lunar Fea

Grizzled Veteran
Is that a PORTAL?!
Username: Lunar Fea
Would you like a raffle entry for the Child if you don't win the Parent?: Y
Entry: It was the tentacles. And she'll tell you that plain and simple. But it wasn't always a good thing. At first it was just.... Odd. Like. How did he eat or talk or... Kiss? Extra limbs aside she couldn't get over that face.

But as often the case the more shed just...stare....the more she started to find them.... Endearing. When he'd laugh they'd twitch in such a way like an old man's whiskers. When he was upset they kinda dropped... When he was angry they flailed around and made her laugh. And when he kissed.... Well. That was a story for another time.

In the end this fellow was quite charming and if you ask her today. Well. She couldn't think of a life without the tentacled darling.


Grizzled Veteran
Is that a PORTAL?!

Username: Reoakee

Would you like a raffle entry for the Child if you don't win the Parent?: Y

Entry: Curiosity might be the best way to have put it rather then love or need of rescue. The strangeness of it all ignited a passion to find out and learn more. Flittering about the tentacled wonder her curiosity could not be sated. To listen to, to watch and in time to even ask permission to touch. They enticed her with their mystery and in time she didn’t want to leave and go back. She found what she wanted and the surprise of a child between the two is welcome and loved. Perhapd in time there will even be more but even if not she is thrilled just to be around her wonderous partner. After all what other koshin could hold her eye but for her partner whose every movement still fascinates her.


Grizzled Veteran
Is that a PORTAL?!
Username: spazzedoutmew
Would you like a raffle entry for the Child if you don't win the Parent?: Y
Abduction? Nah, it was a blind date. When her bestie insisted that a friend of a friend of a friend would be an "out of this world" match, she couldn't resist.

When she went up the hill under the starry sky and bright summer moon, she didn't know what to expect. The picnic was a solid guess, but the alien sitting on the blanket with basket in paws definitely not it... But, oh my stars, was he romantic. Through their friends, he found out some of her favorite snacks and flowers. He even gave a genuine chuckle at her terrible jokes. As they chatted through the night, she found that he checked all of her boxes. She might have had some trouble at first on which set of eyes to look into, but she found herself enamored all the same.

She agreed to the next date, and the next... Overall, she wouldn't say that she was unlucky in love before, but who knew her perfect match would be from the next galaxy over. The tentacles were just a bonus. ; )


Stew Aficionado
Is that a PORTAL?!
Username: PeterPan_da144
Would you like a raffle entry for the Child if you don't win the Parent?: Yes
A random happenstance one night. She was coming home from getting groceries, when she was accosted on the street by some very unruly foxes. While she could have easily handled it on her own, there was someone else who was nearby and decided to step in. They weren't trying to be "chivalrous" about it, simply chasing the unruly foxes away and then returning to their own stroll. She appreciated it.

It happened again a few weeks later. This time it was just some gangly kids who were trying to play pranks. Once again, the silver tentacled fox stepped in, urging the kits away.

This intrigued her, and she took the chance to ask the other their name.

It was given, before they parted ways again.

So whenever she went down that same street afterwards, she was always on the look out for the other.

Eventually, they did cross paths again, and again, and again.

Slowly becoming friends and eventually, even more.


signed an NDA
Staff member
Is that a PORTAL?!
Username: Nym
Would you like a raffle entry for the Child if you don't win the Parent?: Sure!

Lore comes from a massive colony of butterfly-cat koshin (also known as a kaledioscope). Life there was boring -- the same routine, the same faces, the same buildings and festivals... none of it excited Lore, and while they often explored neighboring lands and territories, they never felt truly thrilled by life. It was all so monotonous. So routine.

So normal.

Until they met ț̸͇̰͕͔͖̩̈̀͌h̶̰̔́e̵̢̝̙̹͉̜͇͐̒͋̅̆̕͜͝ṁ̴̫͉͙̠̪̋̑͑.

It happened while Lore was traveling to a nearby town -- lights poured from the heavens above, a loud, horrific thrum rattled Lore's bones, and suddenly they were elsewhere.

Lore had been abducted, strapped into a chair as strange koshin flickered lights into their eyes and rumbled indistinctly to one another in a language Lore couldn't possibly comprehend. The group of tentacled koshin ignored each curse and hiss from Lore, either unable to understand or more focused on their indiscernible task. Lore was sure this was it -- they were going to die to aliens. At least it'd be an interesting way to go in an otherwise uneventful life.

"W̸̛͕h̵̢͕̜̯̳̰̮̞̀̄͋̾̃̀́̏̽a̴̼̯̪̳̟̗̍̀̌t̸̠̳̝͉̝͎̀̅͘͝ ̸̺̪̆̿͋̃͒a̶̛̮͎̫̯͛͝ŗ̶̬͙̳̀̉ḙ̴̤̆̓̓͑͠ ̷̢̺̦͓̩̤̣̞̲̈́̌̽́̇̀̍͑̈́ÿ̴̛̱̙̖̣̟͈́̽͑̅̓͌̚o̵̱͇̳̅͑͛͊̅͋͋͑͠ͅu̷̧̹͚̺͔͍̻̮̇̾̽̚͝ ̶̛̘͍̎̀́̾̌̉͛̌d̶̛͇̐̆͠ȯ̴̞̙̏̌͑̏̆̆i̴͔̗͛̀n̵̰̩̑̃͆̊͝͠g̵̠̥̦͚͓̦̬͆͘͝?̶̫̞͍̫͇͊!̵̮͙̯̾͗̉̏̿̊͑̓̀"

And that's when t̷͓͋̎̈́́̂̀͊͘h̷̟̯̜̺̥̔̇̈̈̍̓͑͛͋͝ē̴̺̬͚̹͈͔̅y̶͉̼̮̘̰̜̮̓ entered -- the most beautiful koshin Lore had ever seen. Sure, they were just as tentacled as their abductors, but this one was... oh, Lore couldn't even begin to describe the extraterrestrial beauty who had parted the crowd surrounding Lore. The silvery alien freed Lore from their confines, oblivious to the starstruck eyes their captive bore for them. Before Lore could even attempt a word they were back in the field they had been plucked from, as if it had never happened.

Now, any sane koshin might have counted themselves lucky and moved on. Not Lore. No, they couldn't. They spent countless nights reminiscing about their savior. Abductor? Captor? Did it matter? No. No, it didn't -- Lore was in love.

So Lore did what any sane koshin would do; they traversed that field time and time again. They chased after each reported alien sighting, purposefully attempting to make themselves as tempting for any passing alien ships that might be up to some nefarious activities. They were even abducted several more times, and while any alien enthusiast would be jealous of their repeated alien encounters, it wasn't enough.

Each abduction led to a similar result; the aliens would squint at Lore, mutter something under their tentacled coverings, and promptly throw Lore back to whence they came. Yet Lore persisted, and with each following abduction, they could almost swear their abductors sounded more and more annoyed. The final uneventful attempt had even resulted in one of the alien koshin grabbing a small, circular device, placing it near their mouth, and hissing clearly in Lore's language: "Would you stop?!"

Lore did not. Lore would not, not until they'd have a chance to see the love of their life again. They still can't remember what they said in response, but it must have gotten the message across. The last abduction would be the end of their journey, as the only creature who stood before the chair Lore was beaconed into was the silvery alien who had claimed their heart, their translator device carefully strapped to their neck as they undid Lore's bindings.

The two spent several days speaking, learning of one another and their planets peacefully. The alien praised Lore for becoming almost an urban legend for their people; apparently Lore had earned themselves on the alien blacklist for potential abductees, to which Lore fumbled their first attempt at flirting with the alien.

"What kind of list do you- could I- it was worth it to see you again,"

Complete with stammering, flushed cheeks, and their wings buzzing nervously. The alien paused, considered Lore, and then, after what Lore considered a painfully long time, laughed.

And, well, Lore and the alien have been stuck to one another since.


Stew Aficionado
Is that a PORTAL?!
Username: Absolutiones
Would you like a raffle entry for the Child if you don't win the Parent?: Y
Entry: The pair's meeting was far from chance. In fact, everything about it was carefully planned from the pixel perfect symbols etched on the ground to the very color of the candles that were used. In order for this to work, everything had to be perfect. Miss Lillian had made it her life's goal to seduce an eldritch being and nothing was going to stand in her way. It ended up going a lot better than she had initially thought.


Long-Term Resident
Is that a PORTAL?!
Username: AuguryRaven
Would you like a raffle entry for the Child if you don't win the Parent?: Y
Entry: She hated grilled cheese.

How in the innumerable multiverse could an eldritch being of unfathomable horror be in love with something so greasy and pedestrian? Not to mention the film of crumbs coating delicate tentacles slowly rolling over one another in satisfaction, it made her wings snap together in a fit of discomfort.

But, it was the ninth time she slid a mass of cheese soaked bread that the sight she had to squint a little at to understand swapped from unsettling to endearing. Maybe it was she was down on her luck, in a nowhere town, and chained to an old dive that the grilled cheese menace became the best part of her day. To think the octopod extra dimensional being would become her husband in just over a year and some change, all thanks to a disgusting sandwich.


Grizzled Veteran
Is that a PORTAL?!
Username: Rano713
Would you like a raffle entry for the Child if you don't win the Parent?: Y
Viveltre might not say that she's in love, but her actions speak louder than her words. She's always trying to make sure her beloved is properly fed, finding different things to show them that she thinks he might like, making little knick-nacks and paddy-waks for him. But she refuses to admit, even to herself, that she's in love. She doesn't know how it happened. That the betentacled, dashing fox slowly wormed his way into her heart bit by bit with his persistence and slightly strange behavior. It's totally normal to live with and cater to and have a kid with someone, it doesn't mean anything!


Stew Aficionado
Is that a PORTAL?!
Username: belloblossom
Would you like a raffle entry for the Child if you don't win the Parent?: Y!
Entry: Their parents had been complaining about a desire for grandkits day in and day out. Eventually, their mother threw up her paws and shoved her out the door, telling her to go find someone, ANYONE, to father some kits and ensure that their line of beautifully winged koshin continue. Our heroine wouldn't be allowed back inside the house until they had a man at their side and a ring on their finger. So, off our heroine went, to find the most peculiar, most otherworldly suitor to bring back to her mother's doorstep. Most amazingly, they didn't have to go very far - they'd just turned the block when something just about crash-landed in front of them, the blow of the impact knocking our heroine off her paws.

"Talk about falling head over heels for someone," She would say later as she introduced her new beau to her parents with a wide grin.


Grizzled Veteran
Number Generated:
Min: 1
Max: 2
Res: 2
Since I'm a terrible, undecided human, rolling between my favorite two...


Grizzled Veteran
Looks like our parent goes to @Nym ! They'll be dropped momentarily!
Will return in a bit after I scramble together this raffle list from the rest of our lovely entrants~


Grizzled Veteran
Number Generated:
Min: 1
Max: 8
Res: 6
1. Lunar
2. Reo
3. spazzed
4. Peter
5. Absol
6. Augury
7. Rano
8. bello
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