Warriors: Cats of the Sun - Major Updates + Dice Game p.265!

Cats of the Sun

Long-Term Resident
Mule Account

“Destiny isn't a path any cat follows blindly. It is always a matter of choice, and sometimes the heart speaks loudest.
Listen to your heart, because that's where your true destiny lies.”
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Cats of the Sun

Long-Term Resident
Mule Account
The rules for Warriors: The Cats of the Sun are as follows:
  • Please obey BS's ToS.
  • Be respectful, kind, and welcoming to all.
  • All players must be a member of the official Discord or Guild here on BS.
  • You may not sell your cats. If you find yourself not wanting a cat, PM the shop mule and we will rehome them from you. Co-Owning is not an option.
  • Do not beg for cats; there will be plenty available. Be gracious, whether you win or lose. It is just a game, after all.
  • Roleplay is not mandatory, but it is highly encouraged. Staff will never take away your cat due to inactivity. However, roleplay comes with many rewards, such as possible edits and special ranks such as Medicine Cat, Deputy, or even Clan Leader!
  • All cats must be certed in order to play with them. Uncerted cats are unable to participate outside of the OOC RP forum.
  • Roleplay Rules can be found here.
The Warriors Code, to be followed by all Clan cats are as follows:
  • Prioritize the protection of those in your clan who cannot protect themselves. Kits, elders, medicine cats and their patience all look to the warriors of the Clan to protect them.
  • Do not intentionally take resources from another clan to benefit your own.
  • The word of your clan's leader is law - what they decree shall be.
  • A warrior does not need to kill other cats to win their battles, unless in self-defense.
  • No cat shall ignore a kit in need, regardless of the origin of the kit's birth.

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Cats of the Sun

Long-Term Resident
Mule Account
For many moons, a clan of wild cats has lived peacefully in the mountain gorge. They hunted for each other and learned to fight for their clanmates and their honor. That was what the Warrior Code told them to do. But the need for that training rarely came. The cats of the mountain had a quiet life.

That is until the river that supported them all this time began to dry up, taking the prey with it. Without the steady flow of water, the patrols searched farther and farther for another source. Predators picked them off, sickness flew in as they grew desperate, eating whatever they could find.

The leader of the mountain clan was terrified for his people. The Sunseer, as they called him, devoted himself to finding an answer, locking himself into the Cave of Visions. Day after day, he stared upward into the beams of sunlight that filtered through the opening in the rock above, seeking out his Warrior Ancestors, the cats of the sun. He needed help. A sign. Anything.

"Go. Chase the stolen river and split as it does. Only in pieces will your clan survive."

And so the Clan Cats of the Mountains have divided as they have chased the river down into the foothills, splitting with its every branch. Now they must make new homes for themselves in this strange world filled with danger and possibility.

It's been many moons since the divide of the mountain cats departed from their desolate home. While some of their number chose to remain on the Red Mountain, devoted to their home territory even at the risk of dying within it, others chose to find a new life, chasing the river paths and finding their salvation. The journey was long and many cats found themselves questioning the path they walked on. After moons of travel, the explorers were able to find the rushing river again, yet the group of travelers had undergone so much that it was no surprise when a few cats stepped out against the crowd expressing their desires to begin Clans of their own.

One such cat was Deadeye, a she-cat who had begun to doubt that their Warrior Ancestors, SunClan, were watching over them at all. Convinced that there was nothing waiting for them after death, for what ancestors would watch silently as their successors suffered for so long in the mountains? With the belief that they were on their own and a vow to live in the present, Deadeye chose a new name Lostsun and formed LostClan - a home for cats who lived in the moment, but passed down stories from elders to kits so that the dead were remembered by the living.

Another of the cats was Robinflight, a younger warrior who could never be rooted to the ground when there was a branch to climb. Robinflight had become an expert of a skill she called 'tree-walking', which she taught to other Clanmates on the journey. Valuing the sense of freedom that came with sitting on tall branches and the desire to form a community that walked closer among nature's bounty than her birth Clan, Robinflight changed her name to Sunflight and formed TreeClan - a home for the adventurous cats who valued deep friendships with cat and tree alike.

The last cat to step forward was Sunseer, the former leader of MountainClan, who had come down from his ancestorial home in search of a better life for his Clanmates. Sunseer was pleased to find a territory alongside the flowing river, but he had come to realize that while they had come from the Red Mountain and held its memories close, that his group of followers were no longer a part of MountainClan proper. Thus, Sunseer settled those who had followed him under a new Clan name: StoneClan, in remembrance of the territory they'd originated from. StoneClan became a place of peace and communication - there were traditions to be passed on within StoneClan from their home clan in the mountains, but perhaps it wasn't too late for a little innovation, too.

Thus, as the whisperings from SunClan had hinted at moons before, one Clan became three. At least, that's what the cats of LostClan, TreeClan and StoneClan believed, until a familiar face from MountainClan came many moons later to deliver the news that those who remained had survived through the starving moons to see water and life return to the mountainside. Tigersnarl, a fierce warrior with a keen mind for following the traditions of those who came before, had been named Tigersun, the leader of MountainClan.

It would seem there were now four Clans spread amongst the territories of the mountain and beyond, some with new rules to add to the Warrior Code while others persisted with the traditions set by SunClan. It's only a matter of time to see who among them will persist and if these new Clans will last through the winters to come.

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Cats of the Sun

Long-Term Resident
Mule Account
Warriors begin their lives as Kits, tiny little bundles of fur that are always stumbling around and getting into trouble. Kits have the suffix of -kit and are not allowed out of the nursery without supervision and should never leave the camp. It's dangerous out there! They spend the first six moons of their life playing moss-ball and hunt-the-mouse. They sleep in the Nursery with their mothers and other litters.

Kits will grow after one month from their drop date.

Warrior Apprentices:
After six moons, Kits become Apprentices and are given a Warrior as a mentor. It is their duty to train to be the best Warriors they can be for their clan. This includes taking care of the Elders. Apprentices have the suffix of -paw at the end of their name and have their own den at last! At this age, Apprentices can only leave camp with permission from their mentor and must feed the elders before eating themselves. In order to become a full Warrior and earn their Warrior Name, the Apprentice must pass an assessment given to them by their mentor. They sleep in the Apprentices Den.

Apprentices will grow to the Warrior stage after three months.

Medicine Cat Apprentices:
Medicine Cat Apprentices work similarly to Warrior Apprentices in that they must be six moons old before they can be assigned their mentor and also have the -paw suffix. There is usually only one Medicine Cat Apprentice per Medicine Cat. Their training is quite different, as their job is to heal sick or injured cats. Medicine Cat Apprentices will stay Apprentices until their mentor retires or dies, but will receive their full name when their mentor deems them ready for the role. They sleep in the Medicine Cat Den alongside their mentor.

Medicine Cat Apprentices are an RP Only Stage and require a form and one completed roleplay about their interest to apply. Check your clan's Leader's Den for the application.

Once an Apprentice passes their assessment, they are given their full names and are made a Warrior. Warriors may be male or female and both have the same duties including border patrols, hunting for the clan, and training Apprentices. At this stage, Warriors may take on a mate if they so choose. If a female Warrior chooses to have Kits, she is relieved of her Warrior duties and bears the title of Queen until her Kits become Apprentices. They sleep in the Warriors Den.

Cats will stop aging at their Warrior stage and do not run the risk of dying unless volunteered into a Death Raffle by their player. If you wish to grow your Warrior into an Elder, you can earn the life stage art with DP.

Medicine Cat:
Being a Medicine Cat means more than just healing the sick and the injured. They have a direct connection with their Warrior Ancestors, the cats of SunClan. In times of trouble, or whenever they so choose, SunClan can show the Medicine Cats omens of the future or visions of the past. They even can visit a Medicine Cat in their dreams. The Medicine Cat works as a spiritual advisor to the clan Leader and is often asked for their opinion on clan matters. On top of all that, they are also responsible for the health and well-being of their clanmates. They know all the best herbs and remedies to keep them strong and healthy. They sleep in the Medicine Cat Den.

Medicine Cats are an RP Only Stage and require three completed roleplays as a Medicine Cat Apprentice. Check your clan's Leader's Den for the application. Medicine Cats recieve the Sun Clan Interaction Perk for free upon promotion.

The Deputy is the second in command of the clan and will be the next Leader once the current one dies or retires. Their jobs consist of organizing patrols and hunting parties, and acting as Leader when the current Leader is away from camp or unable to perform their duties. They sleep in the Warriors Den.

Deputy is an RP Only Stage and requires that the cat must have trained at least one Apprentice and have five completed roleplays.

Clan Leader is a very important position as they take full responsibility for the entire clan. The Warrior Code, the rules by which all clans live by, declares that the Leader's word is law and must be obeyed. It is their job to perform naming ceremonies, speak for the clan at Gatherings, lead the clan into battle, and do many other tasks. Leaders are given nine lives by SunClan so that they may be the first to rush into battle and the last to eat in case of scarce food. They sleep in the Leader's Den.

Clan Leader is an RP Only Stage that requires the cat to have been Deputy at the time of death or retirement of the past Leader.

An Elder is a cat who has lived a long life, serving its clan faithfully but has retired from its duties. They are highly respected and well cared for. They do not have to hunt or fight unless they chose to do so. They may leave camp whenever they wish, but due to age and injury, they do not travel well. Elders are also the story keepers of the clan and can often be found telling Kits of times of war or grandeur. They are usually given the task of taking care of the dead.

All cats have the option of becoming an Elder after reaching the Warrior stage. You can earn Elder Stage line art through earning a cumulation of Death Points.

When a clan cat dies, they join their Warrior Ancestors in the Greater Sunning Stones, leaving its body behind. From their place in the sun, they guide the living by use of omens, dreams, and even prophecies.

Clan cats who die become members of SunClan. Elders can choose to keep their elder stage for their line art or return to their Warrior art stage when they ascend to SunClan.

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Cats of the Sun

Long-Term Resident
Mule Account

Life after Death….
Death is revered in the eyes of the clans as, when a clan cat dies, they join their Warrior Ancestors in a world of plenty. Together they guide and shape the clans from their home in the Greater Sunning Stones. As a game mechanic, death does occur in this shop as it is a critical point in the books. Where they go depends on your choices, your roleplays, and their allegiance and values at the time of their death.


SunClan is an option exclusively for Clan cats after their passing. Cats who have followed the Warrior Code are secured a spot in the land of happy hunting. The sun is warm, the prey is fresh and a sense of peace envelops all those who walk here. SunClan cats also have the ability to walk among the living world, but only in bright, sunny places. They've been known to influence Clan cats with omens and prophecies. SunClan cats will have their eyes closed and can be found in warmer tones when they pass on to the Greater Sunning Stones.

SunClan users will have the opportunity to actively impact the story of the shop through roleplay and voting.

The Wild Wood:
Cats born outside of a Clan, or who have chosen to leave their Clan for the life of a loner or a kittypet, become Ghosts within the Wild Wood. While Ghosts will never be hungry again, any prey caught in the Wild Wood tastes of air and the sunlight that shines down from the sky is cold. Ghosts cannot walk among the world of the living, nor can they do anything to influence the lives of those who move on without them. They can only observe from afar, through reflective puddles found few and far between within the Wild Wood.

As Clanless cats, Ghosts can never join SunClan, but it has been known for Ghosts to travel into the Dark Forest and become an Eclipsed cat instead. This is one of the few ways they could proceed and be able to walk among the living once more. Watching through a closed window can become very lonely, after all. Ghosts are easily identified by their pale, faded appearance.

The Dark Forest:
This place is cold and empty; a forest of ancient black oaks with dense, heavy leaves that leave a cat to stumble around in ink and shadow. Cats here are referred to the Eclipsed, for the sun cannot reach them in this desolate place. It's a home for the Clan cats who have broken the Warrior Code or for Clanless felines with malicious intent. The hollow ache of hunger is a constant here; prey will never fill your belly. It's every cat for themselves out here, but for some, it is home.

However, unlike Ghosts, the Eclipsed are able to interact with cats of the living world through dreams. It is through these means that cats from the Dark Forest can grow mayhem, distrust and chaos and allow it to fester in the hearts of the innocent. An Eclipsed cat is easily marked by their dark faded appearance and their white glowing eyes.

Rules of Death:
• Your characters will never be killed without your permission. All Death Raffles are entirely optional and voluntary.
• All dramatic deaths will be done in a mock-raffle style called a Death Raffle where users offer up relevant characters. The "winner" will receive SunClan artwork and points based on that character's growth and activity that can be exchanged for semi-customs, breedings and even plot-specific abilities!
• Leaders of Clans must join every Death Raffle, for Leaders have multiple lives and cannot lose them by aging.

Have a cat that died too soon? One that has a vengeful spirit that won't rest? A heart that hasn't loved enough? Well, we have an option for you! Reincarnation brings your cat back as a kitten in a litter of random parents. Generally, they will be tacked on the most recent applicable breeding, or they can have mystery parents if no breedings are happening, regardless of litter statistics you get both your reincarnated cat as well as your litter pick (if it was your breeding.) They won't look exactly like their previous self, but there will be some uncanny resemblances.

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Cats of the Sun

Long-Term Resident
Mule Account
What is Warriors?:
  • Warriors is a book series by Erin Hunter! It's a YA series about cats living in the wild under a set of laws called the Warrior Code. They fight battles, go on grand adventures and all kinds of things! If you've never read it, I highly recommend it.

I haven't read the books! Can I still play?:
  • Of course! Just make sure you adhere to the setting and rules, you should be just fine. If you have any questions, let us know! We are always willing to explain something.

How do I get a cat?:
  • Be active in the shop and be patient. There will be games and contests as often as we can provide them. Bribes and breedings are also available.

Do I need to roleplay?:
  • Not at all! All stages grow automatically, so you will get the full set of art for each cat (so long as you started as a Kit.) However, roleplay has lots of benefits! By completing roleplays you can earn edits, such as battle scars, extra DP, and extra Kits in breedings!

What is DP?:
  • Death Points, or DP, are points that a user earns every time their character moves on to the Afterlife. You will receive a point for each stage your character went through, how many roleplays you completed, things like that. Those points can then be used to purchase customs, semi-customs, extra lives, strange powers, and even reincarnate a character who has already passed on.

Wait, what? Our cats can die!?:
  • Death is a very popular theme in the Warrior books and something not really explored in the B/C community, as such it is a quality I plan on keeping in this shop. But don't worry! To cats of the clans, death is not a "forever gone" type of thing. When a cat dies, they become spirits who are a part of a great clan called SunClan where they can live on, watching the clans from their home in the sky. Loners and kittypets are not accepted into SunClan, but they do have their respective afterlife areas in the Wild Wood or the Dark Forest. To clarify, you can continue roleplaying your cat, even after they've died.

Okay, but how do you decide who lives and who dies?:
  • I don't! Deaths will occur in a raffle-like "game" system where you can volunteer your characters to pass on during events. The "winners" will be rolled randomly using BasiliskStew's random number generator and the owner(s) will be rewarded with DP. This way, death is up to the owner of the cat!

Why are you so stuck on this whole death thing?:
  • To keep the timeline moving. To keep overpopulation down. To make roleplaying and breeding much less confusing. To make sure that we don't have the same leaders for years, excluding new players for positions of power. I have many reasons. honestly.

Are you going to add more to this?:
  • Oh yes. But not right now.

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Cats of the Sun

Long-Term Resident
Mule Account
When a female Warrior becomes pregnant, she becomes what is called a Queen. She gives up her Warrior duties and moves into the nursery where, after a two-moon-long pregnancy, she will give birth to anywhere from one to five Kits. Kits are weaned after two weeks and the Queen usually leaves the nursery once all her Kits have become Apprentices. However, there are a few who elect to stay in the nursery to care for the new Queens and help with Kits.

Litter Sizes:

  • 3 Kits base if both parents are owned by different users. Pairs where both parents are owned by the same user ("self pairs") have a base of 2 kits.
  • +1 Kit if there is a completed roleplay between the parents.
  • RP between Mom and Medicine Cat lowers the chance of dead kits from 10% to 5%
  • Max number of kits per breeding will always be 5.

Extra Kits:
  • Each owner may only claim one Kit per breeding.
  • Leftover kits can be given out by the owners of the breeding, whether through games or gifts. They can also be given to the shop to be given out if desired.
  • You may purchase extra kits and the ability to pick a second kit with DP in the guild.

  • Females must wait until their current litter has become Apprentices or Juveniles before breeding again.
  • Males must wait until their current litter of kits is certed before entering for another breeding.

Other Rules:
  • Consent - Both owners must give consent before a breeding will occur.
  • Incest - Mating between family members is absolutely looked down upon and resulting breedings will ever only result in one Kit, if at all. Colorists reserve the right to deny these breedings if they so choose.
  • She-cats reaching Elder stage can not breed normally. Opportunities for breedings involving Elder cats may show up randomly in events.

Customs in Warriors:
Customs and Semicustoms will come in the form of non-clan cats. These include Kittypet and Loners. Kittypets are soft, pampered housecats. Loners wild cats that do not belong to any clan. Loners and Kittypets may be invited/request to join a clan.


  • Kittypets and Loners are the only cats allowed to wear accessories.
  • If a cat chooses to join a clan, it forfeits its accessories.
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Cats of the Sun

Long-Term Resident
Mule Account


Cats of the Sun

Long-Term Resident
Mule Account

Line Art:
Edits and Shading:
  • Blinded By Silence
  • Blinded By Silence
  • Blinded By Silence
Inspired By:
  • The Warriors Books Series by Erin Hunter
  • Blinded By Silence - Owner, RP and Event Manager, Colorist
  • Nym - Colorist
  • Belloblossom - RP and Event Manager
  • PeterPan_da144 - Certist
  • Kovak - Colorist
  • Weylin - Colorist

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