Warriors: Cats of the Sun - Shop Hiatus p303!

Cats of the Sun

Long-Term Resident
Mule Account
Congratulations, belloblossom! The Brown cat is yours!

This cat can be a loner or a kittypet! Keep their naming rules in mind when you name them. They are also related to the other two cats in this game, though in what manner can be discussed with the other winners, Lunar Fea and Umbrefox!

This concludes our dice game! Thank you everyone for playing!​

Cats of the Sun

Long-Term Resident
Mule Account

Attention Everyone - We've got a Few Major Shop Updates!
Please make sure to read over everything carefully! <3

Hello, we have an announcement to make. As you might have seen from our Discord, the shop into hiatus mode. This means:
  • Colorists will stop accepting new projects and will focus on getting owed work finished
  • We will not be opening CC's or running games, including weekly prompts
  • Certs and growths will continue as normal but may be delayed. We will inform you all if something will be off schedule
  • RP is able to continue as normal, but we will not be holding Death Raffles, Hunting Games or Encounters
We are taking this opportunity to catch up on outstanding work in all departments!
  • A new activity reward system
  • A new death and afterlife system
  • A new combat system
  • A fully updated FAQ
  • And much more
If there are any questions feel free to ask them in our Discord but please be patient, kind and respectful. Thank you.

In addition, we are grateful for the time, dedication, and endless hours PeterPan_da144 and Nym have put into the shop as staff members. We are saddened that they are stepping down from their roles, but are wishing them the best on their creative endeavours!

But That's Not ALL!

The Swap Thread is officially closed as of 02/13, as well as our Kofi for CotS. We may choose to reopen it later, but as it stands we are reallocating our efforts into other projects at this time. Regarding tickets some supporters may still have; We will be opening a temporary shop where you can trade them in for tokens and such, so keep an eye out for that! Thank you all for your support, we appreciate it very much!