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Hopscotch ☘ A Rabbit Shop

[WIP] Grimtotem

Alanna the Pirate Queen

Long-Term Resident

Come come, no do not be alarmed.
We here at Grimtotem are not quite as horrifying as we may seem.
Do not balk at our bones and skulls.
Look past the bloody paws and sharpened teeth.
We all live to serve the EMLIAH, the spirits of change and wrath.

I am just going to work on this straight into BS because my computer is cursed.
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Alanna the Pirate Queen

Long-Term Resident
The world is full of spirits. Grimmthorne’s mother came from a long line of buns who believed in the emliah, an Old Lapine word for spirit. In her stories, the emliah controlled everything from the changes in the seasons to the phases of the moon. In fact, Grim’s first few months of life were filled with beautiful tales of spirits bursting from spring flowers and dancing in the summer sunlight. In his mind and heart, the spirits were the reason everything was the way it was. His active imagination helped him ‘hear’ the emliah on the wind, whispering their thoughts and feelings.

So one summer evening when the air was thick and sticky and the sky was full of angry looking clouds, Grim wondered what the spirits were up to. He slipped out from his family’s burrow and made his way up a nearby hill to try to listen to the wind. He sat for a long while, staring up at the sky as it slowly darkened, the cloying air lulling his young head to sleep. Before he closed his eyes, he muttered out loud, “What are you trying to say?”

The flash of light and echoing boom that jolted him out of his sleep almost stopped his heart. He went tharn, and old lapine term for when an animal freezes in terror, and watched as another flash of light exploded from the sky and hit the ground near his home. Everything was still for a moment and then… there was fire. It all happened so quickly. The dry summer grass was perfect fodder for it and Grim was only able to snap himself out of his frozen state as he realized the fire was coming straight for him. He turned and ran, pleading in his head for the emliah to save him.

As luck would have it, the clouds above contained more than just death. Soon it began to rain, and the raging fire was slowly quelled by the summer downpour. As the next morning dawned, sunny and bright, Grimmthorne slowly made his way back to his family’s burrow… well, what was left of it. It was as he gazed upon their mangled bodies that he decided that not all emliah were good… and they could definitely be angry. Why else would they have destroyed his entire family, but spared him? Perhaps this was his purpose, to be the voice, the bridge, between the spirits and all lapine kind.

He pulled the tattered bodies of his family out of their scorched burrows and lay them in the mud, tilting his head to the sky, "Give me a sign, oh wrathful emliah, that my purpose be pure and true". As luck would have it, a crow flew past not moments later and a single black feather wafted down to land on the grizzly effigy before him.

It was all the sign he needed.
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Alanna the Pirate Queen

Long-Term Resident
Warren History
Grimmthorne left his home burrow and began to travel, spreading tales of his experiences and gathering followers. Some listened to his stories and scoffed, it was preposterous to even contemplate spirits, let alone angry ones. However, others were intrigued, desperate to learn more. Some even chose to follow.

Through his many travels Grimmthorne encountered great shows of the emliah’s strength and their wrath. He developed complex rituals meant to entertain and appease these spirits, for the betterment of all lapine kind. Sometimes even, the spirits demanded ultimate sacrifices... simply ask Grimmthorne’s mate Clove what happened to her eye (though make sure never to do it in his presence lest you wish to lose one as well).

Nevertheless, Grim promises those who would follow him great power and understanding of the world and its restless, ireful guardians, the Emliah.

Once he amassed a strong enough following, Grimmthorne decided it was time to find a place for them to settle down and perfect their practices, while protecting their mortal world from spiritly wrath. He, his mate, and a small group of buns traveled the lands in search of the perfect place to create such a sanctum and eventually made footfall in their current home.

Thus began... Grimtotem, the Warren of Spirits.
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Alanna the Pirate Queen

Long-Term Resident
The warren is nestled into the northwestern edge of the Dales right along the border with Meadowsweet and not far south from Poppy Hills. This strategic location was meant to allow warren members easy access to multiple different kinds of terrain, perfect for gathering a wide variety of spiritly tributes. The rocky hills provide striking stones and small reptiles or unusual insects, while the Dales are full of interesting plants. The relatively undaunting distance from Nymph's pool allows for sacred pilgrimages and ceremonies should they become required.

Rabbits brave enough to explore as far as Tanglewood or Sunset Acres to bring back new or unusual offerings are rare, but extraordinarily well-rewarded by the warren upon their return and lauded as spirit-walkers for their personal sacrifice.

The warren itself is a mix of above-ground grassy enclosures made by bending and digging through the extraordinarily tall grasses of the Dales, and a complex of underground burrows built in a labyrinth style, full of wall markings only true acolytes of the warren could ever hope to navigate. It isn't unusual even for warren members to disappear for a day before reappearing somewhere they had no intention of going.

Warren Features
- The Warren Proper
- The Labyrinth
- The Heartden
- The Spirit Grounds
- The Ascension/Ranking Chamber
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Alanna the Pirate Queen

Long-Term Resident
The Upper Ranks

The Voice: This role is reserved for the leader of the clan. While currently Grimmthorne is the conceiver of the warren and the one considered to have the closest connection to the spirits, when his time passes another will take his place. Such a rabbit will usually already be chosen as next in line, having been ordained by a Sign interpreted by the Voice themselves. Should the death of the Voice happen without a chosen Ascended, then the Speaker will gather the Devout and perform an Ascension ritual to determine who the Emliah chose as their next Voice. (1/1)

The Ascended: This role is, for lack of a better words, the general of the warren. They are expected to know of all the Walker's whereabouts and is in constant training with the Voice for their eventual ascension to leadership. A good Voice will always have an appointed Ascended, for the warren caught without one should the Voice die would be in chaos for long enough that the Emliah may not be well-serviced and could rain their wrath down upon the lands. (0/1)

The Speaker: Not below, but alongside the Ascended stands the Speaker. This rabbit is well-versed in communication with the spirits and the rituals and offerings required to appease them. They are the leader of the Devout and know a great deal about various Emliah's preferences. This rabbit should know everything from herbalism to dissection, spell-weaving to dream-walking. If the voice is not available, rabbits can defer to the Speaker for spiritual guidance and stronger blessings. (0/1)

The Stone: This rabbit is the leader of the guardian sub-group. They are appointed by the Voice to organize the Stonehearts and be constantly aware of all comings and goings from their lands. They have the ear of the Voice and the Ascended and have the authority to dole out punishments when absolutely necessary. After all, who knows what evil lurks in the tall grass... (0/1)

The Heart: This is the main storyteller of the warren and the one who is tasked to pass on the history of the warren and the stories of the Emliah. They are generally an older rabbit who has seen and heard much of the spirits and exist solely to make sure that no knowledge is lost through the passing of generations. They keep records painted on the walls of the Heartden, a stone-lined burrow covered in berry-dye doodles meant to capture these stories. (0/1)

The Spirited

Spirit-Walkers: These rabbits have earned the most freedom in the warren. Spirit-Walkers are generally Devout who have proven their worth by completing a pilgrimage and returning with a powerful offering for the Emliah or a new recruit. Rabbits are not generally allowed to stray far from the warren lands, and very young Collectors are required to have the company of a Spirit-Walker should they wish to venture any further than expected. Spirit-Walkers can be expected to go for Walks at the request of the Voice/Ascended/Speaker and should know the more intimate workings of spirit communication. (0/3) <-- this number may increase depending on interest and availability of other roles

The Devout: These rabbits are the general spell-casters and potion-makers of the warren. They have moved up from being Collectors and are taught the ways of communicating with the spirits. They can be entreated for simple herbal remedies and blessings, as well as some Sign interpretation skills. (0/5) <-- this number may increase depending on interest and availability of other roles

Collectors: These rabbits are essentially the bulk of those attempting to gain the power or freedom of the Spirit-Walkers. They are expected to roam the lands around the warren-proper in search of offerings for the spirits, or signs of their pleasure/wrath. Most rabbits in this rank are expected to obey an order or request from any of the ranks listed above. This position is not for the squeamish or the faint of heart, should they also happen to be ambitious. Sometimes the Emliah will request living sacrifices, and it is the highest honor for a Collector to be recognized for bringing a good offering to the Speaker. (0/Unlimited)

The Guardians

The Stonehearts: These rabbits are an elite force tasked by the Voice to patrol the borders of the warrenlands. It is not quite sure whether they are keeping something out... or in. Nevertheless, they are expected to approach all other rabbits with words before brawn. Outsiders are generally accepted into the warrenlands if they can state their purpose and pass a Seeing by one of the Devout or higher, who will entreat the spirits to ascertain if the outsider's intentions are pure. Outsiders who refuse to participate in a Seeing are kindly but forcefully escorted out of the warrenlands. Warren members without authorization to leave the warrenlands are highly scrutinized and will be reported to the Voice. If a trail is found without any notice of leaving at all, the member will be hunted down by a Stonefang (see below). (0/10) <-- this number may increase depending on interest and availability of other roles

The Stonefang: This subgroup is basically a myth. No one really knows if they actually exist because no one has actually tried to defy the Voice yet. Some say they are secretly chosen by the Stone to hunt down deserters. Others say that Outsiders who have seen too much simply disappear... (0/3)

The Creative

The Larks: This subgroup exists under the Heart; rabbits with a knack for storytelling and remembering tales are tapped relatively young and spend their lives training to become the Heart. Should the Heart pass, the Voice will pick their replacements from amongst the Larks. These rabbits are expected to go from Collectors to Spirit-Walkers to Devout and collect stories, spin tales, and even compose songs. (0/Unlimited)

The Burrowers: This group is for rabbits less interested in the lofty goals of spirit-walking, who feel more in touch with the earth. They are well-respected for their ability to create new tunnels to add to the labyrinth-like warren. The are tasked with maintaining the dye-markings on the walls, changing the colors regularly in order to deterred foreign rabbits from ever learning its secrets. Particularly clever and strong Burrowers will be expected to expand and maintain the Heart's Heartden with stones brought from the nearby hills. They report directly to either the Voice, the Ascended, or the Heart, but can be given tasks by the Stone, should defensive burrowing be necessary. (0/Unlimited)

The Makers: Artistry is encouraged in those who have aesthetic ability. Rabbits with talent for dyes or jewelry creation or general beautification are well-liked and given free rein of their days in the warren. They are, however, expected to continuously practice their trade by doing just about anything artistic. Build a spiritly effigy, paint on a rabbit, string some bones together into a crown... the Makers should never be idle, lest they be given other chores to do. (0/Unlimited)

The Future

Denmothers: Not all does can afford to cease their warren duties to care for their kits. A subgroup of does (and the occasionally nurturing buck) exists to care for kits that cannot be cared for by their birth parents. (0/3) <-- this number may increase depending on interest and availability of other roles

The Youth: All kits fall into this category. They can begin to be tapped even at this young of an age, but they will not officially join a rank until they are adult-sized. (0/Unlimited)
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Alanna the Pirate Queen

Long-Term Resident
1. The Voice is the final word on all things. You do not question their judgment.
2. The Emliah are not to be trifled with, called in vain, insulted, or ridiculed.
Such behavior is cause for discipline.
3. All rabbits within the warren have equal opportunity. There is no discrimination based on size, color, or physical disability.
4. Outsiders are NOT permitted into the warren proper without invitation and a properly performed Seeing by a Devout or higher rank.
Outsiders are NOT permitted into the Heartden or Spirit Grounds without express permission from The Voice.
5. Warren members below Spirit-Walker rank may NOT leave the warren-proper without permission from one of the Upper Ranks. Warren members may NOT permanently leave the warren without performing an Oath. Disobeying this decree will result in proportionate punishment.
6. Breeding outside of the warren is permitted solely to strengthen the warren. All kits are expected to be brought into the warren. Rouge mates may go through a Seeing to attempt to join the warren if they so choose; if they refuse they will be permanently xpelled from the warren lands
7. We live to serve and appease the Emliah. All actions must be weighed against the greater good of all Lapine-kind.

Traditions / Beliefs
- Ascention Ritual
- Pilgrimages
- Ranking Rituals
- Seeings/Outsiders/The Honored
- Oaths/Leaving/Ghosts
- Breeding/Relationships​
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Station Visitor
I'm throwing rabbits at you now! xD
I have three in mind who I think would fit in well. They are blank slates for the most part which means I can groom them for their places in the warren.

I think this fellow would work well as a stoneheart.

I think she would work well as spirit-walker or devout

Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if she was a stonefang, if that's not an option...a collector perhaps?

Alanna the Pirate Queen

Long-Term Resident
@HeavenlySnow : I'd be happy to put Wisp in as a Stoneheart!

For Sootsprite to be a Spirit-Walker I'd just need a small prompt reply of what their pilgrimage was and what they brought back for the spirits (I will flesh out the details of the task in Traditions and make a specific Joining form so you have more to work with, just putting it on your radar. Nothing for you to do quite yet).

For Haunted Snow to be a Stonefang, I'll be posting a joining form with a couple of simple questions and kind of a "rule" agreement, basically asking that your bun doesn't let anyone else in the warren know that is their position except The Voice, The Ascended, and The Stone (there will be a warren-meta at some point where the knowledge gets out). To everyone else they would be considered a Stoneheart, but they would be given tasks and missions specific to a Stonefang when the need arises. One of the questions will also be making sure you'd be willing to participate in hunting down other rabbits on rare occasions.


Grizzled Veteran
He's not certed yet but, I think Beguile would be a good fit for this warren! Possibly as a maker?

If dwarfs can join the spoopy time warren, I've also got Roe! Possibly as a devout or spirit walker?


Stew Aficionado
I offer Corpsefly for this Warren

She's pretty much a blank slate, so she can be thrown where every is needed and i'll devlop her from there XD.