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Pokémon Expeditions

Wren Taurëore


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Wren Taurëore
Beginner Trainer
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Grizzled Veteran
Age: 28
Home Region: Hoenn (Petalburg City)

“Where people mingle with nature.” The slogan of her hometown always interested her even as a child. Growing up in Petalburg City. Wren is used to being near enough the forest to go and watch Pokemon in nature. She worked at the local pokemart for a job growing up but wanted to go into Pokemon research and eventually Pokemon raising or care. She got her trainer permit at 16 and did do some Pokemon training but she never went for the gym challenges preferring to work with her Pokemon in practical settings such as her tailow being trained to go to the nearby town of Litterroot to deliver messages to her cousins. She has become a researcher who was offered the opportunity to come to the new frontier. The idea of working with Nauwillian. Pokemon to see if there were differences from the normal Pokemon she was familiar with was very appealing. Not only that she heard there would be Pokemon care opening at Doveport. Her Pokemon in Honnen had small jobs that made them important to and so her fellow researchers took charge of her lovely partners since non native Pokemon were banned until licensing and quarantining could be done. And so Wren took off for the new frontier with an excited hopeful outlook.


Grizzled Veteran
Personality Overview: Something of a dork most days she gets hyper focused on things that interest her and gets very excited over them but often gets bored and changes interests after a few days. This is often the only hint to an oncoming bought of depression she continues to try and fight. She becomes attached to those around around and cares for them deeply but is hesitant to reach out to new people.

Five Likes:

  • Books,
  • Pokémon
  • Plants
  • Tea
  • Fuzzy Blankets
Five Dislikes:
  • Spicy foods
  • crowded places
  • being completely alone
  • being yelled at
  • height places
Hobbies: Growing and mixing herbs, doodling(she’s not all that good, but she likes it), sculpting, reading, writing, dying cloth, simple sewing, armature at carpentry work. (the wood working is actually really really bad. Anything she makes will probably fall apart in a week.) Again she looses interest in things fast and often comes back to these things depending on the season
Three Strengths:

  • Interest in learning: she tends to focus on things that interest her making her want to learn how to do them so she is willing to learn to do anything as long as it's interesting. Though she will never become a master at it due to her issues with depression.
  • Focused: While it holds her interest she will hyper-focus on it until she gets to a passable degree of competency with it.
  • Loyalty: she may not have many she is close to but those she feels are her people she will follow until the end of time even if she doesn't like where it's going
Three Weaknesses:
  • Periods of anhedonia: the struggle to remain interested in things is very real. She will often cycle between hobbies and even wanting to contact and speak with others which is why she has so many hobbies because her periods of depressions she fights with by trying to switch her hobbies. she also tries to reach out and stay in contact with friends but if episodes are bad enough she might well just not talk others beyond work for weeks at a time.
  • Fear of heights: This doesn't mean oh three stories up. She gets uncomfortable when someone picks her up and being up a single story and looking out can leave her in a cold sweat. if she is up to high she will have to close her eyes or she will start to panic and possibly freeze up or hyperventilate and faint.
  • Social incompatibility: She is not a social butterfly. She struggles to reach out to new people and get to know them. This also includes being slow to trust which is not great in this new place were you may well have to rely on others to survive.


Grizzled Veteran
You know there are times when things are hard you just have a bad day. Pokemon always seem to know and want to help comfort you. Make sure you take time for your Pokemon no matter how busy your day, because just like you they get stressed and just as they comfort you. You should take time to comfort and care for them. Even if they did get into the cubards and knock over and spill and get into every single spice you have.

Shopping list:
Child safety locks
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Grizzled Veteran
The best exercise for a Pokémon is another Pokémon. The Enrichment center offers a chance for a large number of Pokémon to meet. If you feel your Pokémon needs to have more interaction the community chat is a great place to get ahold of another trainer and set up a play date. Just remember not all Pokémon will be as social or as kind as yours so sometimes fights will happen. trying to socialize a Pokémon with one or two trainers Pokémon before any extended stay in the enrichment center is a good idea as it helps give the Pokémon something familiar to be around while their trainer is out on the island performing research.

Shopping list:
Extra Pokémon snacks. A lot of them.
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Grizzled Veteran
Pokémon get tired quickly especially while young so it's important to take time to let them rest with out interruption. Make sure that the resting area you have set up is appropriate for the Pokémon or they will do some 'remolding' of your home to make a space for themselves and you won't like it.

Shopping List:
New pillow and blanket.
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