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Realm of the Endless

Year's End || Happy Holidays [Gifts + Meta]

The Narrator

Mule Account
Though a white Christmas may be a long-forgotten dream in the bustling metropolis nestled against the mouth of the Mississippi, it doesn't mean that the holidays are lost upon its residents; festive lights glitter in the cold nights, and warm drink fuels the frosty breaths at the lips of the city's inhabitants. Whatever festival one chooses to celebrate, even the simple joy of getting off work guilt-free for a single day, New Orleans swells with the spirit of the season. As the year dies, the new one looms in wait of its birth, and all hold some spark in their heart - whether fresh and lively or old and scarred, but what that spark calls to...

Well, that is your story to be written, isn't it?

Welcome to our very first winter event, and in addition the beginning of our new Historical Annals. This will be a thread documenting the overall major happenings in the shop, and your actions influence what goes on in the world and how it changes over time. Every entry will be taken into account, forming the feelings of thousands of invisible NPCs lurking in the world. How are Endless adjusting? How is humanity responding to the strange goings-on in their world? As the barrier between hidden and seen grows thinner every day, how are the residents of this world reacting?

We're getting ahead of ourselves, now; the great changes are to come. For now, simply enjoy the end of year, and help us decide how the populace has been adjusting over the five years since the Endless first began spilling themselves into the delightful planet Earth.

Oh - and don't forget the presents! Even if you don't have a touch for history, it wouldn't do not to have some presents for the holidays, would it?

This event ends on January 9th, 2021.

The Narrator

Mule Account

Before we get into the heavy meat, make sure you take a present - and give one to someone else while you're at it, won't you? We have a whole selection of delightful trinkets made up by our lovely @Seimei for your enjoyment, and we think you'll love their theme.

Everyone is entitled to one free trinket, but there's a catch. You have to give a trinket to two other people to claim it. You don't have to do anything special for this - just name two people on this forum that you'd like to receive a treat, and both you and they will get a treat!

But wait - there's more! It wouldn't be the season of giving if you couldn't give more gifts, right? If you're feeling particularly generous, you can give four or more people gifts instead, and in return you'll get a chance at a very special gift at the end of the event. What could it be?

Well, it wouldn't be much of a surprise if we told you that, now would it?

To partake, just copy and paste your choice of form below into the thread. Note that trinkets won't be given out immediately; we'll be forming a list of how many each person receives, then randomizing who gets what and taking special care that you don't get five of the same thing. Sure, they're pretty, but everyone likes variety, right?

Of note: these can be claimed as in-character trinkets! Feel free to have them belong to any of your characters!

[FONT=Auber CF][SIZE=24px][COLOR=rgb(255, 73, 86)]I'm lazy, but happy holidays![/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[B]Giftee[/B]: @(name)
[B]Giftee[/B]: @(name)
[FONT=ChocolateBox][SIZE=24px][COLOR=rgb(85, 209, 121)]I'm full of holiday cheer![/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[B]Giftee[/B]: @(name)
[B]Giftee[/B]: @(name)
[B]Giftee[/B]: @(name)
[B]Giftee[/B]: @(name)
(copy for as many as you'd like to give)

The Narrator

Mule Account
The Year Dies ...

It's been five long years since the wave of Endless arrived on Earth, but many humans are unaware of it still. Under their noses seethes a teeming underbelly of things that should not be, yet they simply go about their lives as though the same routine as always - except those that don't. Some have been exposed to the other side, and yet others have known about magic really and truly for years beyond the breach of reality. Every person is different.

So too can the same be said of the Endless; some born decades or centuries before the breach, some born only days ago - such a wide and varied existence means many viewpoints and ideas mingle and clash at all times of the year, and the end is no different. The planet itself brings more oddities at hand, with those merging into human society being forced to adapt and adjust to the holidays and festivals of the particularly raucous section of the world.

The question we want the answer to is how are you adjusting - that is, your character! How does your character react to winter? Do they enjoy it? Loathe it? What do they do for the holidays? Do they partake in Christmas, Hanukah, Kwanzaa, Yule, or something else? Do they simply enjoy the plentiful "holiday festivals" and parties across the city? Do they hold up in their home and wait for it to all go away?

What is your character doing as the year sheds itself to be born anew?

Reactions to this prompt will affect the very first annal entry in the shop, so it's a big honor! In addition, any participating character will earn 5xp for completing the prompt as long as you write at least 300 words, and you can claim any entries here for PT as well. You can write an entry for any and all of your characters if you so desire - you don't have to pick just one.

To participate, use this form and post your response!

[FONT=Coolvetica Rg][SIZE=24px][COLOR=rgb(255, 235, 142)]In this essay, I will...[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[B]Character[/B]: (link to


Long-Term Resident
I'm full of holiday cheer!
Giftee: @Seimei
Giftee: @polliwoggi
Giftee: @ֆɦǟʀӄɮɛʀʀʏ🍕
Giftee: @Nym
Giftee: @SwordOfTheNagas
Giftee: @ChexaRain
Giftee: @Cheyriddle4
: @Tigeria
Giftee: @Revel
Giftee: @Shaddaling
Giftee: @Midnight Holographic
Giftee: @Nashawryn
Giftee: @Mystaira
Giftee: @Zaikt
Giftee: @Yatsuatari
Giftee: @Tea
Giftee: @Moonie
Giftee: @AngelBane
Giftee: @TanuKai
Giftee: @-Ghastly Demise-
Giftee: @sheepcakes
Giftee: @lLuminI
Giftee: @AlicornPlayhouse
Giftee: @Shadrya
Giftee: @Porcelain Pinch
Giftee: @Rano713
Giftee: @Ruler
Giftee: @Jackariah Beckett
Giftee: @ocey
Giftee: @PeterPan_da144
Giftee: @tuls
Giftee: @bitsie spider
Giftee: @One Little Jay
Giftee: @Sesshiyasha
Giftee: @Niyaru

What? I'm not crazy. You're crazy...
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Grizzled Veteran
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I'm full of holiday cheer!
Giftee: @Seimei
Giftee: @polliwoggi
Giftee: @ֆɦǟʀӄɮɛʀʀʏ🍕
Giftee: @Nym
Giftee: @Cheyriddle4
Giftee: @ChexaRain
Giftee: @Tigeria
Giftee: @Revel
Giftee: @Shaddaling
Giftee: @Midnight Holographic
Giftee: @Nashawryn
Giftee: @Mystaira
Giftee: @Zaikt
Giftee: @Yatsuatari
Giftee: @Tea
Giftee: @Moonie
Giftee: @AngelBane
Giftee: @TanuKai
Giftee: @-Ghastly Demise-
Giftee: @sheepcakes
Giftee: @lLuminI
Giftee: @AlicornPlayhouse
Giftee: @Shadrya
Giftee: @Porcelain Pinch
Giftee: @Rano713
Giftee: @Ruler
Giftee: @Jackariah Beckett
Giftee: @ocey
Giftee: @PeterPan_da144
Giftee: @tuls
Giftee: @bitsie spider
Giftee: @One Little Jay
Giftee: @Straye


Grizzled Veteran
I'm full of holiday cheer!
Giftee: @Seimei
Giftee: @polliwoggi
Giftee: @ֆɦǟʀӄɮɛʀʀʏ🍕
Giftee: @Nym
Giftee: @Cheyriddle4
Giftee: @Sesshiyasha
Giftee: @Tigeria
Giftee: @Revel
Giftee: @Shaddaling
Giftee: @Midnight Holographic
Giftee: @Nashawryn
Giftee: @Mystaira
Giftee: @Zaikt
Giftee: @Yatsuatari
Giftee: @Tea
Giftee: @Moonie
Giftee: @AngelBane
Giftee: @TanuKai
Giftee: @-Ghastly Demise-
Giftee: @sheepcakes
Giftee: @lLuminI
Giftee: @AlicornPlayhouse
Giftee: @Shadrya
Giftee: @Porcelain Pinch
Giftee: @Idate
Giftee: @Ruler
Giftee: @Jackariah Beckett
Giftee: @BADNEW
Giftee: @PeterPan_da144
Giftee: @tuls
Giftee: @bitsie spider
Giftee: @One Little Jay
Giftee: @Straye
Giftee: @Luxona


Grizzled Veteran
In this essay, I will...
Character: Kennedy
Entry: Christmas was one of Kennedy favorite times of years. She didn't enjoy the weather, it was cold but the celebrations throw were exciting. She always started the day before at Levee flitting back and forth over the crackling fires, watching the smoke and sparks spiral up and enjoying the warmth and dipping her little hands into pockets and purses. Snacks ended up in her mouth, and small things ended up tucked in her belt, a button, a barrette, an earring.

She nibbled on a candy cane, twisting in lazy spirals at the updrafts of warm air and flew onwards. Cannel street was the next stop, she flit in and out of the hotels, checking out displays of lights and gingerbread and the glass baubles. Once a year she was on the search for the best glass bauble to add to her collection. She ate samples of ginger bread and washed her feet and sticky hands in the fountains.

She dried her hands and feet on the carpet, giving small waves to other Elphyme as they flitted in and out. She stole an unattended cup of spiced cider, drinking it dry before weaving out to the next one. She giggle, trotting along in the wake of human. Endlessly busy, so blind.

She hummed, carefully removing a pair of faux angel wings from a tree and trying them on. She was an angel! And Angel. She giggled, settling up on one of the roofs of Bourbon streets shop and sighed, listening to the noises of performances down below. Some where good... some were clearly just drunken humans singing off key and laughing.

Kennedy picked out her ill gotten gains, slowly examining them in the soft glow of the Christmas
lights. Pretty, pretty.... ooh, what was that.

She made her way down, giggling slightly tipsy and oohhh! It was a peacock ornament. She reached out, little fingers touching it before sliding it down from the branch, pretty pretty. She giggled and slowly made her way back to her nest. It was time to set away her new things and take a nap.\

(WC 349)
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I'm full of holiday cheer!
Giftee: @Straye
Giftee: @Shaddaling
Giftee: @Sesshiyasha
Giftee: @ChexaRain
Giftee: @bitsie spider
Giftee: @polliwoggi
Giftee: @ֆɦǟʀӄɮɛʀʀʏ🍕
Giftee: @Tigeria
Giftee: @Midnight Holographic
Giftee: @SwordOfTheNagas
Giftee: @PeterPan_da144
Giftee: @Seimei
Giftee: @One Little Jay
Giftee: @Niyaru
Giftee: @Nym
Giftee: @Revel
Giftee: @Shadrya
Giftee: @Zaikt
Giftee: @medigel
Giftee: @Luxona
Giftee: @Joshuality
Giftee: @PZMJNP
Giftee: @houllow
Giftee: @KikiLime
Giftee: @RozeyBear
Giftee: @AngelBane
Last edited:


Grizzled Veteran
I'm full of holiday cheer!
Giftee: @Shadrya
Giftee: @Sesshiyasha
Giftee: @Shaddaling
Giftee: @ChexaRain
Giftee: @-Ghastly Demise-
Giftee: @KikiLime
Giftee: @Lessieal
Giftee: @polliwoggi
Giftee: @Nym
Giftee: @bitsie spider
Giftee: @ֆɦǟʀӄɮɛʀʀʏ🍕
Giftee: @One Little Jay
Giftee: @Tigeria
Giftee: @Cheyriddle4
Giftee: @AngelBane
Giftee: @Niyaru
Giftee: @Valdmir Talamore
Giftee: @RozeyBear
Giftee: @Natty-chan
Giftee: @Reoakee
Giftee: @Zakiax
Giftee: @Porcelain Pinch
Giftee: @Moonie
Giftee: @Ruler
Giftee: @PeterPan_da144
Giftee: @Jackariah Beckett
Giftee: @Manderp
Giftee: @sheepcakes
Giftee: @Tea


Grizzled Veteran
In this essay, I will...
Character: Lan
Entry: Lan hummed slightly, finishing sticking down the last bits of tape on the corner of the shiny foil wrapped present. One of the few things he enjoyed about this holiday, though he didn't get the whole Christ things. It was weird. Humans and their religion was... weird. He had boxed it under not too important for my survival /nope.

The presents were color coded, he had Mel's help in ordering wrapping paper this year, getting octopi and abyss kittens for his goth friends, bright shiny foils in gem tones for the more peppy, and some recycled rustic for the more eco warrior. He had presents too for the Elphyme that helped on occasion, in mesh bags and wrapped with a mix of ribbons and strands of beads.

He shrugged into his coat, checked for his phone, and left his temporary holiday quarters for the bus stop and onwards to Mel's place. It was sort of weird meeting up at someone place this season, usually they ended up drunk in a waffle house. Lan stepped off at the stopped and walked the rest of the way, squinting at road signs as he sounded out the letters. Ugh. English sucked.

Lan sauntered to the house, nodding at Nat on the side walk, thank you Nat, it was so much easier then trying to remember how to read block numbers. They didn't make sense. Why weren't they in order? No sense.

The house was warm at least, and smelt of bake goods and food and meat. He hung up his coat, and kicked off his boats. The duffle bag of presents got set on the table, he would sort them later when they were to get passed out. He color coded instead of tagged, it was just easier.

He took a red solo cup of spiced cider and filled a plate, mix of bake goods, ham, and potato's, going more for things that smelled good or were expected. He had been getting eating like a human down to a science. It was sort of nice, easy conversation and chatter, the house wasn't too big but had enough room not to feel entrapping and he knew most of the people here...

Wasn't sure on some of the others but they seem to be Mel's parents and family so ehh. Whatever. Looks like Jett was going to set up some sort of game. He wasn't too sure what it was but someone would explain things. They were good about that.

(WC 415)
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bitsie spider

Grizzled Veteran
I'm full of holiday cheer!
Giftee: @RozeyBear
Giftee: @-Ghastly Demise-
Giftee: @Niyaru
Giftee: @Straye
Giftee: @Shaddaling
Giftee: @Sesshiyasha
Giftee: @ChexaRain
Giftee: @Joshuality
Giftee: @Shadrya
Giftee: @Seimei
Giftee: @KikiLime
Giftee: @Lessieal
Giftee: @One Little Jay
Giftee: @Cheyriddle4
Giftee: @Natty-chan
Giftee: @Revel
Giftee: @Ruler
Giftee: @Valdmir Talamore
Giftee: @Reoakee
Giftee: @belloblossom
Giftee: @BelladonnaS
Giftee: @I--LiveWire--I
Giftee: @PeterPan_da144
Giftee: @medigel
Giftee: @polliwoggi
Giftee: @ֆɦǟʀӄɮɛʀʀʏ🍕


Grizzled Veteran
I'm full of holiday cheer!
Giftee: @Seimei
Giftee: @Hattaki
Giftee: @Nym
Giftee: @bitsie spider
Giftee: @RozeyBear
Giftee: @-Ghastly Demise-
Giftee: @Niyaru
Giftee: @Straye
Giftee: @Shaddaling
Giftee: @Sesshiyasha
Giftee: @ChexaRain
Giftee: @Joshuality
Giftee: @Shadrya
Giftee: @Lessieal
Giftee: @One Little Jay
Giftee: @Cheyriddle4
Giftee: @Natty-chan
Giftee: @Revel
Giftee: @Ruler
Giftee: @Valdmir Talamore
Giftee: @Reoakee
Giftee: @belloblossom
Giftee: @BelladonnaS
Giftee: @I--LiveWire--I
Giftee: @PeterPan_da144
Giftee: @medigel
Giftee: @polliwoggi
Giftee: @ֆɦǟʀӄɮɛʀʀʏ🍕
Giftee: @Tea
Giftee: @Zakiax
Giftee: @Porcelain Pinch
Giftee: @Moolatte
Giftee: @Moonie
Giftee: @PZMJNP
Giftee: @sheepcakes
Giftee: @Tigeria
Giftee: @Jackariah Beckett
Giftee: @houllow


Grizzled Veteran
I'm full of holiday cheer!
Giftee: @-Ghastly Demise-
Giftee: @Erina_Nobara
Giftee: @AngelBane
Giftee: @bitsie spider
Giftee: @Jackariah Beckett
Giftee: @KikiLime
Giftee: @lLuminI
Giftee: @medigel
Giftee: @Midnight Holographic
Giftee: @Moonie
Giftee: @MoonRazor
Giftee: @Nashawryn
Giftee: @Nym
Giftee: @Niyaru
Giftee: @One Little Jay
Giftee: @PeterPan_da144
Giftee: @polliwoggi
Giftee: @Porcelain Pinch
Giftee: @Revel
Giftee: @Ruler
Giftee: @Seimei
Giftee: @Sesshiyasha
Giftee: @Shaddaling
Giftee: @Shadrya
Giftee: @sheepcakes
Giftee: @StarshineAngel
Giftee: @Straye
Giftee: @SwordOfTheNagas
Giftee: @Tea
Giftee: @Tigeria
Giftee: @Valdmir Talamore
Giftee: @ֆɦǟʀӄɮɛʀʀʏ🍕
Giftee: @Zaikt


Long-Term Resident
I'm full of holiday cheer!
Giftee: @Straye
Giftee: @Shaddaling
Giftee: @Nashawryn
Giftee: @Seimei
Giftee: @polliwoggi
Giftee: @ֆɦǟʀӄɮɛʀʀʏ🍕
Giftee: @Reoakee
Giftee: @Nym
Giftee: @Zakiax
Giftee: @-Ghastly Demise-
Giftee: @Porcelain Pinch
Giftee: @PeterPan_da144
Giftee: @bitsie spider
Giftee: @AngelBane
Giftee: @Midnight Holographic
Giftee: @lLuminI
Giftee: @Niyaru
Giftee: @KikiLime
Giftee: @Luxona
Giftee: @Revel
Giftee: @One Little Jay
Giftee: @SwordOfTheNagas
Giftee: @Sesshiyasha
Giftee: @Natty-chan
Giftee: @ChexaRain
Giftee: @Tigeria
Giftee: @Mystaira
Giftee: @Yatsuatari
Giftee: @Rano713
Giftee: @ocey
Giftee: @tuls
Giftee: @TanuKai
Giftee: @Tea
Giftee: @Jackariah Beckett


Grizzled Veteran
I'm full of holiday cheer!
Giftee: @Seimei
Giftee: @Hattaki
Giftee: @Nym
Giftee: @bitsie spider
Giftee: @RozeyBear
Giftee: @-Ghastly Demise-
Giftee: @Niyaru
Giftee: @Straye
Giftee: @Shaddaling
Giftee: @Sesshiyasha
Giftee: @ChexaRain
Giftee: @Joshuality
Giftee: @Shadrya
Giftee: @Lessieal
Giftee: @One Little Jay
Giftee: @Cheyriddle4
Giftee: @Natty-chan
Giftee: @Revel
Giftee: @Ruler
Giftee: @Valdmir Talamore
Giftee: @Reoakee
Giftee: @belloblossom
Giftee: @BelladonnaS
Giftee: @I--LiveWire--I
Giftee: @PeterPan_da144
Giftee: @medigel
Giftee: @polliwoggi
Giftee: @ֆɦǟʀӄɮɛʀʀʏ🍕
Giftee: @Tea
Giftee: @Zakiax
Giftee: @Porcelain Pinch
Giftee: @Moolatte
Giftee: @Moonie
Giftee: @PZMJNP
Giftee: @sheepcakes
Giftee: @KikiLime
Giftee: @Jackariah Beckett
Giftee: @houllow