Youtubers You Want To Share

Bouquet of Diamonds

Grizzled Veteran
I want to plug one of my favorite horror based Youtube let's players, iconoclast187. He's done full walkthroughs of Fatal Frames 1-4 and, while I usually like a lot of my nostalgia trips to be commentary free, his commentary is easily one of my favorites. His only draw back is that he skips through information and you have to pause to read things like files and other things, but he's spoiler free and enjoyable to watch. (Also, he was recommended to me by a dear friend of mine, Drac! ; w; I can't take credit for finding him. This is the first video of his Fatal Frame playthrough btw)

Leona's Workshop works with Resin Figures and has recently had to draw the line between that particular craft and doll customization. I thought she was VERY entertaining and I was amazed by how creative she is!

Bouquet of Diamonds

Grizzled Veteran
(and because I can't enter more than two pieces of media at a time lul, here's another post)

Kelsey Impicciche just finished the 100 Baby Challenge on Buzzfeed Multiplayer's channel, but I want to add her new channel here and the Not So Berry Challenge she's doing now. I love watching Sims Challenges and, honestly, I love Kelsey's energy so much.

And my favorite Youtuber gets the last spot because the others definitely need more attention. 8V BUT YES I LOVE JACK OKAY. He may not know what he's doing at all in this playthrough, but that's okay, he gets me through the scary bity zombie people. (Also pls go watch his other RE playthroughs. I love his playthrough with Leon and Claire and, don't bite me, but I like it more than Mark's. |D)

Bouquet of Diamonds

Grizzled Veteran
Hello yes did I already post here? Yes. Do I have another Youtuber I adore? Also yes.
THIS... Is Imamu. I LOVE Imamu and her Husbentos. The vibe she gives off in her videos is pure and adorable, but also witty and humorous. All of her videos make me hungry and crave sushi, though. ; 3;


🍓 Like, nya, you know?
Staff member

Have I mentioned DancingBacons before? Because I really enjoy food stuffs and those prices and quality make me so jealous sometimes.


Overly Sarcastic Productions is basically my favourite Youtube channel of all time.
They have history videos, media analysis, mythology videos, classic lit summaries, and more!


🍓 Like, nya, you know?
Staff member
Technology Connections is one of my fave YouTube channels. A little humour and a little knowledge passed on.

Here's the latest!
