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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[ StoneClan Leader's Den ]


Stew Aficionado
So Long And Fare Well
cat Gravelpaw
why are they leaving? He feels the pull back towards the Mountains that his parents left, and wants to journey there now that he's an adult. (earns his warrior name in MountainClan)


Stew Aficionado
[Dusk] Is Seeking An Audience With Sunseer
cat Dusk
reason for joining Dusk wasn't entirely certain what to expect when he followed Skysong into the StoneClan's camp. He couldn't stop looking around; though he kept close to Skysong's side. He wasn't going to get in trouble with her right after she'd brought him here, for wandering off. Besides, from what he understood of Skysong's attitude, she'd see him pausing to look at one of the dens and accuse him of trespassing.

As he was led up into the Clan leader's den, having learned that it was a creature called a Sunseer he was meeting. Or maybe it was a cat named Sunseer? This information had been unclear when he'd received it. Once he entered the den, standing where he was directed to, it became clear that it was a cat he was meeting with - he should've guessed this, really, but his nerves were a jumble ever since he'd first met Skysong.

He had no idea how to start this conversation, really. He waited for a minute, averting his eyes and then finally sitting down.

"Hello." He said at last. "I spoke with your second in command, Skysong and expressed my interest in joining a community. Your Clan may be that place for me, but I'm not certain what would be expected of me should I join. As I explained to Skysong, I may prefer to work out conflicts through talking first, but I am able to fight as needed. I'm an excellent hunter, to be sure and I'm capable and a fast learner. However, if you could grant me the insight in what life in StoneClan is like, Sunseer, I would be grateful to learn more. I would not waste your resources in housing me, only for me to discover midway through that our morals are misaligned." Dusk mewed. "Do you feel this to be a reasonable request?"

After dealing with the second in command and her haughty attitude, Dusk opted to be his most respectful, in the case that Sunseer was exactly like his deputy in thought. @Blinded By Silence


Grizzled Veteran
[Astrid] Is Seeking An Audience With Sunseer
cat Astrid
reason for joining ((This is going off of Belloblossom's post for Snarl))

Astrid had always been a social cat and longed for a community but being born a loner, she had never really had the opportunity. Snarl had changed her life by taking her on as a traveling companion and she-lover. Without a doubt, Astrid would follow Snarl to the end of the land and beyond if need be.

As they approached the clan leader, it was decided Snarl would do the talking this time. Snarl usually did the important talking, Astrid preferred small talk and gossip. Once Snarl was finished introducing them, Astrid couldn't help but add, "I may be the talker of the group but I assure you I can carry my weight and more." She tried to stand proudly but she seemed almost meek in comparison to Snarl by her side.

She waited with Snarl and Thief for the Stoneclan leader's reply.

@Blinded By Silence


Grizzled Veteran
[Yarrow] Is Seeking An Audience With Sunseer
cat Yarrow
reason for joining

Shifting his weight back and fourth on his paws, Yarrow gave a nervous glance back at Snowyowl. It wasn't that he was scared to meet this Sunseer, just that he had never really met a cat that held any sort of power over others. That and the thought of rejection weighed heavily on his heart. After being on his own for so long, Yarrow yearned for a place to belong and after meeting Snowyowl, he felt hopeful about finding such a place. With a deep breath and one last look at the speckled white cat that had saved him, Yarrow approached the StoneClan leader.

"Hello, um, Sunseer.... of StoneClan?" The younger male was unsure how exactly to greet clan leaders but was trying his best. "I have, uh, come to join your clan..?" His declaration sounded more like a question at first. Remembering that clan cats were strong warriors, he corrected himself and held his head high as he restated his desire more firmly. "Yes, I have come to join!"

Looking away from the blind leader, Yarrow pawed at the earth. "I admit, I have trouble when it comes to traveling directions but I'm a great hunter and I can fight! I promise to uphold your values and beliefs if you let me stay." He dipped his head respectfully and waited for Sunseer's response.

@Blinded By Silence